Parallel Resource

Danny Parker
Danny Parker Member Posts: 437 ✭✭

Previous problem of going to the title page  when selecting resources from parallel collections  appears to be fixed.

Really like the ability to select and scroll through different collections of parallel resources.

This parallel capability is tranforming the way I set up my layouts. I now only keep one of each type of resources open, using the parallel capabilty to easily switch resources.  Much more efficient and useful.

Speaking of transformations let me comment about L4 development in general.

I really like this type of "quick cycling" through development to find what works and what users want. Having been a systems' guy in my past life, I understand how difficult it is to get real customer requirements (we really don't know what we want - but can tell you when we see it). Almost invariably, after a long development cycle of determining and producing what customers "want" the customer doesn't like what they ask for.

This new paradym of develop I believe is a superior approach (especially in the long run), While perhaps a bit chaotic, this quick cylce to show potential capability and either discard it or continue to improve on it, makes great sense. A totally different type of paradym for development, but in this age of rapid change it seems superior to me. L4 will ultimately be a radically superior solution (already is) through this new approach to development. While it seems many will are quick to throw stones, all will benefit in the ends. Great job.





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