Hidden image when getting info!

I don't have the title you are displaying, so I can't tell if it happens on mine. I tried the info button with with other resources and didn't see an image. Maybe you've found the secret passage back to Narnia!
Elder/Pastor, Hope Now Bible Church, Fresno CA
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For me it happens on multiple titles but not every time and not every time in the same title. Weird, huh?
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Michael Paul said:
Has anyone else noticed a (sort of) hidden background image behind the pane as it does the animated flip when pressing the info button? It looks like it is trees covered in snow.
Do you use your computer in the wardrobe very often?
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike, you are spot on! FYI It's Lantern Waste from C.S. Lewis' The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Of course, the Narnia Chronicles of which this was the first written are very much Christian parables/allegories. The old London gas lamp-post got into the wood when Narnia was founded in The Magician's Nephew.
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
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Michael Paul said:
For me it happens on multiple titles but not every time and not every time in the same title. Weird, huh?
It happens for me like it does for you – intermittently. But it's too fast to see detail. How did you get that screen shot?
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
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Alan Macgregor said:Michael Paul said:
For me it happens on multiple titles but not every time and not every time in the same title. Weird, huh?
...How did you get that screen shot?
I think he was able to print screen while the resource was flipping back or to the info via the "i" button in the top right corner.
Does anyone know if this picture has special meaning to one of the developers or owners at LOGOS?
I assumed in a time of slower processors it was much more visible (ie the dealing of cards in Spider Solitaire for Windows would get faster as computers became faster)
Glad that some "light" could be shed on this!
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Add me to the Narnia club. I saw it for the first time today. Aren't Easter Eggs fun!
“... every day in which I do not
penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
firm ground of the Word of God.”0 -
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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Cameron Watters said:
FWIW, this feature doesn't exist in the Windows version.
One more reason to switch to Mac! [Y]
“... every day in which I do not
penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
firm ground of the Word of God.”0 -
Cameron Watters said:
FWIW, this feature doesn't exist in the Windows version.
That makes perfect sense, because only folks in the magical world of Apple can glimpse the magical world of Narnia. [H]
This ability exists because in the Magician's Nephew an apple planted by Digory Kirke protected Narnia for a long time from the Witch Queen Jadis of Charn (who eventually returned as the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). And the wardrobe in LWW was made from an apple tree in our world which was grown from an apple brought back from that special Narnian apple tree. [8-|]
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
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Rumor has it that she's Steve Ballmer's grandmother, too.Alan Macgregor said:Witch Queen Jadis of Charn (who eventually returned as the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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Alan Macgregor said:Cameron Watters said:
FWIW, this feature doesn't exist in the Windows version.
That makes perfect sense, because only folks in the magical world of Apple can glimpse the magical world of Narnia.
Excuse me, but Lewis has been quoted saying, "We are not content to be Leibnitzian monads. We demand Windows. Literature as Logos is a series of Windows".
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Todd Phillips said:
Excuse me, but Lewis has been quoted saying, "We are not content to be Leibnitzian monads. We demand Windows. Literature as Logos is a series of Windows".
You have just demonstrated what I have often said to my flock:
A text out of context is a pretext … for anything you want.
Every blessing
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
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Alan Macgregor said:Todd Phillips said:
Excuse me, but Lewis has been quoted saying, "We are not content to be Leibnitzian monads. We demand Windows. Literature as Logos is a series of Windows".
You have just demonstrated what I have often said to my flock:
A text out of context is a pretext … for anything you want.
Hey, I did link to the context, didn't I? [:D]
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Todd Phillips said:
Hey, I did link to the context, didn't I?
Sure you did. [;)]
… but you didn't quote the whole sentence,
… and there were a couple of "scribal emendations" with lowercase w's being capitalised.
But at least you provided a link to the source, so I suppose that's something. [:^)]
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
0 -
Todd Phillips said:
Excuse me, but Lewis has been quoted saying, "We are not content to be Leibnitzian monads. We demand Windows. Literature as Logos is a series of Windows".
[Y] Very funny.This made me laugh, thanks Todd for sharing.
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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[:D] [Y] [Y] [Y] [:D]
Have joy in the Lord!
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Is there a reason this pops up? I was wondering about it myself. It would be great to have the writings of Lewis, and not just a drawing based on one of his books... [;)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Justin Mayo said:
Is there a reason this pops up?
Programming "Easter Eggs" predates Apple (note: /usr/share/calender in Mac OS X 10.6.7 has many files, including calendar.christian and calendar.judaic). System 7.1 includes Original Mac about finder with scrolling line of credits. Mac OS X has many hidden surprises. Microsoft heritage includes hidden Easter Eggs.
For Logos 4, wiki page Mac and PC User Interface Differences => Easter Egg section links to larger screen shot.
Justin Mayo said:It would be great to have the writings of Lewis, and not just a drawing based on one of his books...
Keep Smiling [:)]