Interpretation Commentaries

Paul Knopf
Paul Knopf Member Posts: 56 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

With the inclusion of NICOT/NICNT and Zondervan titles that almost any commentary out there is available through Logos.  Seemingly the only exception is Westminster/John Knox titles.  I know Logos had previously published Westminster/John Knox titles like the Daily Study Bible and Interpretation Commentaries and I am hoping that these titles may be offered again by Logos.  I am lucky to have the DSB as a part of another collection, but missed out on purchasing the Interpretation Commentaries.

Does anyone else desire the Interpretation Commentaries like I do?  Does anyone have an old copy of the Interpretation Commentaries that they would be willing to sell?  I will be able to rid my shelves of commentaries if I could only get the Interpretation Set.
