syntax searches

has anyone been able to effectively use the syntax searching in Logos4mac?
Yes & No: updated Feature Parity to add some syntax search limitations for Mac.
For Example 2 [Subject & Finite Verb in NT using OpenText], was able to create Syntax Search diagram on Mac, but could not choose Clause Level (check Primary only to watch checkmark appear then disappear); likewise could not choose Clause Category (click, checkmark appeared, then disappeared). Closed Syntax Search on Mac, Sync, switch to PC, Sync, open Syntax Search, check items to match Example 2, then ran on PC, found many results. On PC, closed Syntax Search, Sync, switch to Mac, open Syntax Search, click Search (noticeably longer time to run):
Clicking Syntax Search Clause level causes "| INFO | 1 | PanelViewModel | Got panel settings for Preferences: " to be written to Logos4.log file (attached along with process sample while beach ball spinning after verses displayed in search results):
Also noted 1.10 GB used by Logos Bible Software 4.
Keep Smiling [:)]