BUG: "No resource selected" in Library after expanding and selecting grouped entries
Open Library in Browse mode, Grid view, with Info panel open
Click on a column heading that will group (e.g., Series)
Click a series triangle to expand it
Press Ctrl+A to select all the items in that series
Info panel says "No resource selected" - but there are resources selected.
Found this first in 4.3, but it still happens in 4.3 SR-1.
EDIT: it may be necessary to open the Info panel last.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I leave my info panel open all the time, so when I bring the Library up, it's usually still open from the last time. Ditto with Grid View and Browse Mode. I just figured I'd better be explicit about it in the steps to reproduce the bug.
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Rosie Perera said:
Press Ctrl+A to select all the items in that series
Info panel says "No resource selected" - but there are resources selected.
This should be fixed in 5.2a Beta 4.