Copy Bible Verses

Dan Cleghorn
Dan Cleghorn Member Posts: 260 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When using Copy Bible Verses, is there a way to copy multiple Bible verses as in L3? For example, you could type in and then paste a string of verses in L3, like "Jn 3:16, 24; Acts 16:31; Acts 4:10; 1 Jn 1:9" all at one time and have all of them pasted into Word at the same time. Very handy. In L4, I had to type Jn. 3:16, paste it,  and then Jn 3:24, paste it, just to get the two verses into Word. Very slow going for a long string.

Also, in L3 the CBV "verse box" stay highlighted after the first time of using it. In L4, you have to click in the "box" each time. Just one more step.
