Version 1.8.0

Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Mitchell Member Posts: 156 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I was quite excited to find an update for Logos today, hoping to see notes and highlighting, but not so. Oh well, just have to wait bit longer :)




  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I wonder if this version is needed to be compatible with 4.5 beta...

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Actually, one new feature is a "follow along" with Proclaim presentations. The app asks if it is ok to use location services. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Pastor Mick
    Pastor Mick Member Posts: 68 ✭✭

    I work in a IT department and no doubt Logos has a Project Manager. It would be nice to see a list of projected dates when features they are working on may be released. Not that we would hold them to it in a literal sense but at least those of us that are dedicated users would have an idea of what they were working on and when we might expect its release. I am fully aware of delays and proper testing, documentation that takes time and money to complete. We have been hoping for the notes and highlighting in iPad app for sometime now. If I knew it was projected to be released next year I would stop holding my breath or being disappointed every time my iPad showed a program update and Logos not being on the list or after installing Logos update not seeing the notes and highlighting. Kind of like not of like not having a clock in a doctors waiting room so no one will complain on how long they have been waiting. [:D] Keep plugging Logos we all love ya.

  • Dr. Ivan Ramirez
    Dr. Ivan Ramirez Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    this "new feature" is more like 1.7.2. (improvements taken into consideration). It not a feature that has universal application for all iOS users. Maybe if it let you work with proclaim natively on iOS I would be more exciting, but this doesn't seem to be case. 

    It has been frustrating waiting for some kind of substantial update that would make the user experience fluid and enjoyable to only be disappointed time and time again.  I don't know what the iOS team at Logos has cooking or what their limitations are but can honestly say that I haven't really been excite about the app in a long time. I upgraded to Logos 4 mainly because of its compatibility with iOS. Logos in your pocket was new, fresh, and innovative; something no one else had done. Alas, little has been done to stir up those emotions. I will continue to use the app but only because I have invested so much time and money on the software over the years and not because its such a great user experience (though I wish it were the later).

    Android has been great for iOS users because it has pushed innovation. Maybe Logos needs an Android.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    It has been frustrating waiting for some kind of substantial update that would make the user experience fluid and enjoyable to only be disappointed time and time again.  I don't know what the iOS team at Logos has cooking or what their limitations are

    I assume that a large part of the delay is waiting for sync 2.0 to be rolled out in 4.5. Beta should begin within a couple of weeks.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Paul N
    Paul N Member Posts: 2,087 ✭✭✭

    Mick said:

    It would be nice to see a list of projected dates when features they are working on may be released. Not that we would hold them to it in a literal sense but at least those of us that are dedicated users would have an idea of what they were working on and when we might expect its release.

    oooooh yeah and they can implement the LCF "Logos Confidence Factor" (Fake *NOT REAL* User Prototype in action displayed here)


    Mick said:

     Big Smile Keep plugging Logos we all love ya.


  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

    oooooh yeah and they can implement the LCF "Logos Confidence Factor" (Fake *NOT REAL* User Prototype in action displayed here)


    However a repair to the 'upward swipe' would be even more confidence building.  :-)

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    Mick said:

    If I knew it was projected to be released next year I would stop holding my breath or being disappointed every time my iPad showed a program update and Logos not being on the list or after installing Logos update not seeing the notes and highlighting.

    It's just too difficult to predict dates, and things are always changing.

    Things we can tell you: 

    - Proclaim is going into public beta October 11th, so we're shipping things that support that. (This mobile app update has support to follow Proclaim presentations.)

    - The next priority is "sync v2" which enables smarter, faster, more robust annotation and highlighting, and treats highlights as notes without note text. We have to ship this on the desktop in order to deliver it to mobile, but we're working on it in parallel with Proclaim and it's not far off. We know that mobile notes and highlighting are high on everyone's list. It's taken a while, but I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.


  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    waiting for some kind of substantial update that would make the user experience fluid and enjoyable

    What would you like to see changed in the UI?

  • Pastor Mick
    Pastor Mick Member Posts: 68 ✭✭

    Mick said:

    If I knew it was projected to be released next year I would stop holding my breath or being disappointed every time my iPad showed a program update and Logos not being on the list or after installing Logos update not seeing the notes and highlighting.

    It's just too difficult to predict dates, and things are always changing.

    Things we can tell you: 

    - Proclaim is going into public beta October 11th, so we're shipping things that support that. (This mobile app update has support to follow Proclaim presentations.)

    - The next priority is "sync v2" which enables smarter, faster, more robust annotation and highlighting, and treats highlights as notes without note text. We have to ship this on the desktop in order to deliver it to mobile, but we're working on it in parallel with Proclaim and it's not far off. We know that mobile notes and highlighting are high on everyone's list. It's taken a while, but I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.


    Thanks for your response Bob. I deal with project management issues in our IT department all the time. I am well aware of the issues surrounding timelines and projected dates. I am not looking so much for projected dates as a list of features in a priority list and maybe a projected quarter that you might be aiming at. I have seen numerous posts on the forum concerning some frustration over the mobile notes and highlighting. That frustration some be lessened somewhat if there was a place to go and see more information.

    I am a loyal Logos user and look forward to all future updates.

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    "sync v2" which enables smarter, faster, more robust annotation and highlighting, and treats highlights as notes without note text. We have to ship this on the desktop in order to deliver it to mobile, but we're working on it in parallel with Proclaim and it's not far off. We know that mobile notes and highlighting are high on everyone's list. It's taken a while, but I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.

    Thanks, Bob. Please keep coming back to the forums every once in a while to give us helps keep us from slipping into despair and also helps me not buy books on Kindle.

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Andrew Mitchell
    Andrew Mitchell Member Posts: 156 ✭✭

    Thanks for your post Bob.

    I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.

    I have no doubt this will be the case, which is why I am really looking forward to it.

    Once we have notes though, I am sure we will all be eager for the next development :)

  • Icarus38376
    Icarus38376 Member Posts: 337 ✭✭

    What would you like to see changed in the UI?


    1. Those cool animated page turns like iBook

    2. More precise chapter and book scrolling from within a book

    3. Resizing text with a "pinch"

    4. Real Bookmarks (not favorites)

    5. Auto Download for resources you have opened (as an option)

    6. Bookshelf View like iBooks


  • Randy Lane
    Randy Lane Member Posts: 490 ✭✭

    Thanks Bob.

    I understand the dilemmas facing Logos with so many platforms and interoperability to support and develop for, especailly when the mobile device market is included in the mix.

    I too would like to see many things improved with the iOS application, with highlighting and note-taking at the top of the list. But only if those features are integrated with the desktop and across devices. A complicated and daunting task I know, me being a database software developer myself.

    I decided a few months ago to take my requests to the Lord in prayer rather than complaining and advocating excessively on the forum. And I encourage others to do the same. Social networking, of which these forums are a form of, easily divert our attention from the source we are more fully networked with.

    I don't say stop letting your requests be known to Logos through the forums. But once said, we should be better about letting our requests be known to God, and you know the rest of the verse.

  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭

    What would you like to see changed in the UI?

    Seeing as you asked:

    (at least) 3 panels like Laridian PocketBible.


    Customisable split panes (portrait like currently) or side-by-side (like Laridian's offering) - for me it's so much easier using their software for multiple resources e.g. Bible and Commentary side-by-side with note panel along the bottom etc.


    Thanks for asking,






  • Robert Mullen
    Robert Mullen Member Posts: 301 ✭✭

    I would like a return of the book history ribbon bar from several versions back. This tool made it super easy for me to switch between my most actively used resources and stay linked to my current passage of interest when applicable. The history replacement while nice for it's own richness does not offer the same functionality. Recent Books in the Library doesn't seem to keep an accurate list and requires multiple steps.


  • Randy Lane
    Randy Lane Member Posts: 490 ✭✭

    I also miss the ribbon, but I find the current history tool more functioinal, especially the hierarchical tree that allows you to reutrn not just to a previously used resource, but to the very page/verse/etc in that resource. Maybe bring the ribbon back as an option, but please let those of us that like it keep the current history tool.

  • Dr. Ivan Ramirez
    Dr. Ivan Ramirez Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    waiting for some kind of substantial update that would make the user experience fluid and enjoyable

    What would you like to see changed in the UI?

    I do appreciate your time and openness to dialog with us about these things. I love Logos and everything that I say is rooted in my desire to see Logos be, not just the best Christan resource, but be the best. I have been a user of your software since series X back in the early 2000's. I was a student at Calvary Bible College when a friend turned me on to Logos and I have been hooked ever since.

    Mobile computing is going to continue to grow. More and more people are choosing the easy and simplicity of mobile devices in conjunction with or in place of their desktops. Even MS sees the writing on the wall and has designed their new OS to fit these trends. Logos has been ahead of the game for years and will continue to be on top in as fare as it can adapt these changes, as you have done in the past and continue to do now. My desire is to help in whatever little way I can with a few ideas that I feel can make things better. I don't want Logos to be like other products out in the market, rather I desire to see other products be like Logos. That said, here are a few ideas that I thing can help...

    the home screen could use a revision. It doesn't have to have the bookshelf look of other e-readers but it could use more pop. Something like the desktop homepage. I find the pic of a book with the lines of black and white text a little boring and not very useful.

    Reading. I think it would be awesome if there could be an option to scroll up/down or left/right. Sometimes having to switch screens for the next page disrupts the flow (though its not a big deal). Maybe the search option can be Integrated into the resources as well as (maybe in place of) the button on the bottom.  Also, a drop down menu allowing you to do a search within a particular book or article with an option for similar resources could help cut down time. Its a passage guide for more than passages.

    Integrate a store in the app (this one's for android users since Apple now charges for this). I never understood why e-readers made you leave the app to make a purchase. I've always thought that companies would sell more books if they made it super easy to find.

    A recommendation list based on frequently used resources with social networking integration would be awesome in the home screen. This way we can see whats new and what peoples reviews.

    Proclaim integration not just viewing. Proclaim looks great and I love that I can share what I do with my whole team. Yet, its seems a little counter intuitive to not make it work on mobile devices since it is centered around the idea of instant sharing and imitate access. Some times I get ideas on the fly and I don't want to have to go back to my notebook or desktop when my iPad is closer and more connected. Maybe this is an idea for a separate app but it would be great to do my studies, sermon prep, and the worship service all in one place.

    Exegetical guide (not UI related but...). I love the passage guide would love to see an exegetical guide. The word study option is fine but its no exegetical guide.

    Thank you for your service, love for our Savior, and patience with me. I look forward to all the great things that will come out of you guys.


  • Peter Madden
    Peter Madden Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    - Choice of fonts (not just size)

    - Choice of background color

    May seem like minor stuff but makes a large impact to long-duration reading comfort.  Also gets away from the current one-style-fits-all scenario.



  • nicky crane
    nicky crane Member Posts: 1,374 ✭✭✭

    I'd very much like to see an alternative, longer history option, as in Vyrso, which is much easier to read (for my aged eyes) than the ribbon was.  As yoiu've done it in Vyrso, I imagine it shouldn't be that difficult in the iPad Logos app.