Logos Bible Software for Mobile Devices

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,801
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Since the launch of our forums, we have been seeing a lot of discussion about Logos for mobile devices and ebook readers. We think we have a good idea of what you want, but before heading
off in the wrong direction we wanted to get your feedback in this 8-question survey: Logos Bible Software for Mobile Devices.

If you've been wanting Logos on your mobile device, please take a moment to complete the new survey.


  • Steven Yu
    Steven Yu Member Posts: 212 ✭✭

    Logos on mobile device! Can't wait :-)

    "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free", John 8:32.
    "你們必定認識真理,真理必定使你們自由", 約翰福音 8:3.

  • Trev Bell
    Trev Bell Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
  • Dennis Arbogast
    Dennis Arbogast Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Eagerly awaiting!

  • Scott Yip
    Scott Yip Member Posts: 121 ✭✭

    I think we should minimize the amount of loading the mobile software would put on those mobile devices. They are definitely much slower than desktop and laptops. Therefore, what I suggest is a platform which can read most of the resources as a library, but not include those complicated database searching such as greek hebrew morphology/syntax search.

  • Matthew Owen
    Matthew Owen Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    My iPhone needs Logos!

  • Please, I would like to see Logos on Blackberry and other types of phones.

  • Chris Funkhouser
    Chris Funkhouser Member Posts: 55 ✭✭

    I think books we have purchased for Logos should be available to be read on other ebook platforms like the iphone or Kindle. I would take much greater advantage of my library if this were possible. I would be able to take advantage of the almost $2000 I have spent on logos software in the last seven years. Please make our libraries available for our use.

  • Chuck Lindsey
    Chuck Lindsey Member Posts: 74 ✭✭
  • Heath Hamlin
    Heath Hamlin Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I wouls like logos on my Zune please.

  • Scott Criswell
    Scott Criswell Member Posts: 55 ✭✭

    I completely agree with "ChristopherFunkhouser". Although I would love to see the exegetical guide show up I realize that the most important benefit is to be able to search and read from my existing Logos library... I would love to see this on a Kindle or similar eReader. iPhone would be nice but Kindle access would be fantastic!

    Another nice feature would be the ability to sync notes and bookmarks from the mobile device to the desktop client.

    "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

    - Psalm 19:14

  • Robert
    Robert Member Posts: 196 ✭✭

    This has been one of my top 2 most desired features since I started using Libronix 8 years ago. While it would be a nice bonus to have additional features, the features I would most like are:

    1. Quick (nearly instant) Startup - With my current Palm reader when I turn on the Palm the reading program (iSilo for books, Bible+ for Bibles) is ready to go.

    2. Ability to read books - I would use it primarily for simple reading on the go, in bed, etc, not indepth research. If it just has a book reader with bookmark capability I would be very happy. (Even if it only reads books and not Bibles I would be happy since I have a Bible reader, but I figure anything Logos puts out will have Bible capability as well.)

    3. Not device specific - I know this may be impossible and I will understand the decision with whatever is offered, but it would be great if I didn't have to buy a Kindle or other expensive reader just to read Libronix books.

    Anything else is just a bonus as far as I am concerned.

    www.3rdcultureliving.com - Simple Abundant Legacy

  • Adam Bartlett
    Adam Bartlett Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    An acceptable port of Logs to the Newton platform would be awesome...oh, wait.

    iPhone would be really good, too, please.

  • Andre D.
    Andre D. Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I have no desire for any fancy mobile Logos applications. If I want to do serious Bible study I will do it at home with my 22" screen. What I would really like is to be able to read my large library in a Kindle. It makes the library a lot more consumable when I can read it in a beach, park, car, lunch, etc. If I can only read it when I am at home then I will die before I read even 10% of it and I will not have much incentive to grow my library beyond what is feasibly consumable.

    Kindle access should be free. Having to buy a resource for Logos and then again for the Kindle makes no sense. Keep it simple and keep it free.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 879 ✭✭

    I am so psyched about this.  I've been wanting this for years.  I've generated PDF's of passages from books I wanted to read in the past.  Since getting a VGA resolution device, I've used remote desktop to access a computer running Logos at home.  The main number one thing I want is to be able to read resources cover to cover, so it should at least remember where I am in multiple resources.  Being able to highlight or jot a note in the margin is fairly important too.  I don't really care as much about doing fancy searching, sentence diagrams, etc.  Keylinks and the like, while nice, would not be necessary.  For serious research, I'd rather break out the tablet.  I want this for casual reading over lunch and other such breaks.

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    I am so psyched about this.  I've been wanting this for years.  I've generated PDF's of passages from books I wanted to read in the past.  Since getting a VGA resolution device, I've used remote desktop to access a computer running Logos at home.  The main number one thing I want is to be able to read resources cover to cover, so it should at least remember where I am in multiple resources.  Being able to highlight or jot a note in the margin is fairly important too.  I don't really care as much about doing fancy searching, sentence diagrams, etc.  Keylinks and the like, while nice, would not be necessary.  For serious research, I'd rather break out the tablet.  I want this for casual reading over lunch and other such breaks.

    Yes, I agree with all you said. For serious study we have notebooks, netbooks etc. We need something just to read, make notes, highlights and device remembering the page I am on. May be some statistics, what we have read already and so on. Very important thing would be that Bible references would pop up the given scripture. All other fancy stuff I have in my full-blood Logos on the notebook.

    One more thing: What you think about the newly prepared platform by Apple, the Tablet? It should be 10 inches screen device, similar to the iPod Touch. Should be out in a few months. It looks ideal for reading the Logos books. We will see however. It might run with the full version of Mac Logos. That would make me to be PC/MAC hybrid... [:)] I already use iPhone and am really thrilled to see the plans about putting Logos on that device. Keep on Logos. Good job [Y]

    P.S. You can read some info about the Apple Tablet here.


  • Bryan O Clements
    Bryan O Clements Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    I would love to be able to access all of my books on my Kindle.  I have learned that I can copy and paste pieces into a document and then load that document to my Kindle.  Not ideal and a hassle for books that I already own.

  • Peter Junor
    Peter Junor Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    Peter Junor

    Yay - Go for it!  Windows mobile platform too please!  I agree with the comment regarding not needing all of Logos on my pda - my pda I mostly use 'on the fly', not as my centre for research!

    "Kindle" style  products are not available in Australia - please don't limit this initiative to such devices!  Oz needs the Word!!

  • Jordan Michael Roe
    Jordan Michael Roe Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    I think this would be fantastic! I would recommend a basic platform that allows searching of your libronix library with search tools for multiple bibles. I would use this mostly for reading & quick look up. I would not need the robust features the desktop logos offers.
  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Peter Junor

    Yay - Go for it!  Windows mobile platform too please!  I agree with the comment regarding not needing all of Logos on my pda - my pda I mostly use 'on the fly', not as my centre for research!

    "Kindle" style  products are not available in Australia - please don't limit this initiative to such devices!  Oz needs the Word!!

    Yes please, Logos, remember Kindle is only for the USA, not for the rest of the World. We need something more universal. iPhone or PDA are more universal and I hope also the new Apple Tablet (we do not know much about so far...)


  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭
    Logos on the iPhone, definitely. I'd even like to see more "features" make it INTO the iPhone app (searching, reports, etc.), even if that means storing my books on the cloud somewhere. Since I'm always connected to the network, streaming my books even over EDGE wouldn't be too bad, allowing powerful searching while not having to load 2,000 books from my internal memory.

    Simply put. The power of Libonix. The Simplicity of iPhone.

    That actually sounds a little good for the Mac as well...

    The power of Libronix. The simplicity of Macintosh.

    Maybe it's time to release "Series X" on the Mac as "Series X (10)". :-)

    OK, now I'm letting my marketing mind wander...

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at http://focusingonthemarkministries.com

  • Joe K
    Joe K Member Posts: 48 ✭✭


    I use to be one that really wanted Logos on my PDA.  Years ago, i suggested an addon within Logos to transfer titles from Logos Resources to the PDA.  Even do a one-time charge per resource.  Not many would like that. :-)  But, that is how much i wanted my Logos resources with me on the go.  At one time, i would have purchased any mobile device if it supported Logos.

    However, i have adapted, first to a Tablet-PC and now to using the mini netbooks.  I have 160GB of space for all my resources.  Plus, it is basically powerful enough to do my studies while traveling. 

    So, I am not as excited as i would have been years ago about the prospect of Logos now being on non-windows devices.  I am glad though, for those who do want this ability.

    God bless!



  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭


    I use to be one that really wanted Logos on my PDA.  Years ago, i suggested an addon within Logos to transfer titles from Logos Resources to the PDA.  Even do a one-time charge per resource.  Not many would like that. :-)  But, that is how much i wanted my Logos resources with me on the go.  At one time, i would have purchased any mobile device if it supported Logos.

    However, i have adapted, first to a Tablet-PC and now to using the mini netbooks.  I have 160GB of space for all my resources.  Plus, it is basically powerful enough to do my studies while traveling. 

    So, I am not as excited as i would have been years ago about the prospect of Logos now being on non-windows devices.  I am glad though, for those who do want this ability.

    God bless!



    I can understand you very well. If new Apple 10 inch Tablet will run on a regular OS, than I will not need any iPhone/PDA Logos. I will just use Windows version in my notebook and MAC version in the little Tablet. If however it comes with the iPhone type of the OS, than we need Logos to be on that platform badly. I think other companies are just waiting and prepared to come with their own similar thing. It will be a Kindle alternative for us, plus more universal tool for some other things, not only reading and listening. We will see. The bottom line is, we need some way to read Logos books on other (smaller) than classical notebook devices. Will pocket 10 inch hand-held device support regular Windows/MAC OS in the future? Would be nice.


  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭

    Survey filled out! 

    I really don't care what platform you develop for as long as it's Blackberry.  [:P]

    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Craig Haworth
    Craig Haworth Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Accessing some of my purchased bibles (NASB, Tanakh, Interlinears, etc) on a mobile device would be nice when needing to do a quick search.  I use both an iPod touch and a Blackberry. It would be great to have a mobile app for both.

    Additionally, I would consider buying a Kindle or Sony reader if I could access my libronics library  on it.  I would love to just sit and read some of the titles in my library but it's hard to get comfortable with a laptop.  Personally, gaining access to my entire library on one of these electronic reader devices would be even more valuable than a small mobile device like an iPhone, touch, or Blackberry. I believe my principle use of a mobile device would to do quick searches or perusals of small passages; the screen on mobile devices is not conducive to lengthy reading in my opinion.


  • Paul Graham
    Paul Graham Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I would just echo the sentiments that the library is the key thing. Most people doing serious research or sermon prep on the move do it on a laptop. The exegetical database and word study engines would be a lot of work and horsepower for limited payback.

    But there is a real win-win for logos to make the library accessible on iphone, windows mobile, android, etc.  The key features being the ability for the program to remember where you are in each book. perhaps multiple bookmarks per book, and some sort of note/commenting system (even a yellow highlighter would be nice).

    I concur with a previous poster that extending the "consumability" of the library should almost certainly result in significantly increased book/commentary sales for logos.  I currently don't buy books for logos exactly because I don't read on my desktop, or my laptop.. but I do read *a lot* on my iphone... I don't know why its different, but it is.


  • Herman Ross
    Herman Ross Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Completely agree.  As other commenters noted, I don't need to do serious research, I wouild simply like to use my library on the go (train and airplane).

  • David Doyle
    David Doyle Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    I think more than anything I want to be able to read the books in my Logos library on my handheld - I use both a Blackberry Tour and an iPod Touch.  If the notes and current position could be synced like the Kindle I'd be ecstatic. 

    There are so many books in the Logos list that I'd get if I could read when I was not at my computer.


    Thanks for thinking of making Logos mobile

  • Matthew Owen
    Matthew Owen Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I'm sure you've already looked at existing iPhone Bible readers but if I may, I'd like to put a plug in for an interface similar to that of Olive Tree. A Logos application that would mimic the functionality of Olive Tree would be absolutely perfect. The only difference would be that one's account would be more dynamically linked to their library rather than having the library stored on the device. I'd definitely be willing to fork over more money to have a seamless mobile version of Logos!

  • Tony Ramsek
    Tony Ramsek Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Hello everyone! I've been a faithful Logos user since the early days and would love to see Logos on Windows Mobile. I thought I'd chime in here because in contrast to the many fine folks who stated they would like to simply read Logos books and not do serious study on their mobile devices, I would most definitely enjoy using the Passage Guide, the Exegetical Guide and the Word Study guide on my smartphone (currently a Samsung Omnia).

    I do not think it would overpower today's mobile CPUs because one of the 10 mobile Bible apps I use is BibleLink (see www.Biblelink.us) and it has split second search capability to search dozens of books and Bibles for a search term. I think they used some amazing word based compression techniques to achieve this.

    If Logos could have this engine, it would be very fast to search through even large libraries. In fact the search will return its results in an 'almost' Passage
    Guide manner. First it lists the verse in every version, then the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, then the commentaries on that verse. I highly recommend someone from Logos download this and see what it can

    May the Lord bless you all!


  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    Question number 3 on the survey is a bit difficult to understand...do you mean how much would we pay as a one time fee?  How much would we be willing to pay per month?

    Important on a mobile device is to be able to read the library of books we own and perhaps be able to search for information quickly.




  • Esther Jones
    Esther Jones Member Posts: 134 ✭✭

    On the survey I said I'd like to have the passage guide and exegetical guide, but wanted to make the point that I would be very happy with a reader...even one book at a time.  I have a ton of books I want to read, but don't want to or can't sit at the computer for those hours.  Having a book on my Blackberry to read while waiting for students or for a Dr.'s appointment would be wonderful!

    Thanks for hearing us!


  • Scott K
    Scott K Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    Having recently taken ownership of a Kindle ebook reader, I now see that I may actually sit down and read a number of my "Logos books" (more popular or devotional in nature, not reference works), books I'd never sit down to read on my laptop's screen.  Allowing for a relatively easy and approved means of converting/exporting the books we already have liscensed to be read on other devices would be wonderful.   Living overseas, reading these books (and not having to carry them with us in their paper form) was part of the purpose of purchasing Logos books anyway.  Looking forward to seeing what develops.

  • James Garriss
    James Garriss Member Posts: 157 ✭✭

    Totally agree with Scott K.  I study on my iMac, where I have plenty of space to read and think and write.  Having my Libronix library on my iPod Touch (or perhaps on the new iTablet, whatever it is) would be a great way to read books in my Libronix library that I would not otherwise read.  I just don't read books at the computer; books are meant to be portable.

  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    Perhaps it is possible to create an application that would allow the user to convert a title in his/her library to a portable format that can be read on an e reader or other device.  if this were possible, it would of course have to include whatever security needed to make sure the converted file was not available to anyone except those who own the actual title.  This option could be made available in future versions of Libronix but would only be feasable if the conversion had the security measures needed to protect copyright infringements.  Some titles in Libronix are in the public domain.  These files could be readily available in a pdf form as they are already in the public domain and probably can be found somewhere.  PBB books should certainly be allowed to be converted to a portable format.  Just some brainstorming ideas...

    Finally if you tie down a portable format to one particular device (such as Kindle), it may not be very wise.  I read an article today that suggested that Kindle's popularity may be short lived as other devices such as blackberry etc begin to compete...

  • Lionel B Dyck
    Lionel B Dyck Member Posts: 117 ✭✭

    I've been very happy with the Laridian PocketBible and am anxiously (but patiently) awaiting their iPhone release now that my Windows Mobile device is history and I have an iPhone.

    Perhaps Logos could partner with Laridian on the mobile platform. Craig has done outstanding work supporting Palm OS, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and other mobile devices and has what looks to be an excellent beta for the iPhone. Such a partnership would benefit both companies (imho) and glorify our Lord by providing a world-class tool that works across Mac, Windows and many mobile devices.

  • Steven Yu
    Steven Yu Member Posts: 212 ✭✭

    For those who are interested, Ligonier have just published their ESV Reformation Study Bible on the iPhone interface


    "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free", John 8:32.
    "你們必定認識真理,真理必定使你們自由", 約翰福音 8:3.

  • Lionel B Dyck
    Lionel B Dyck Member Posts: 117 ✭✭

    Laridian is releasing an iPhone version soon - it will be free and allow you access to every book that you've purchased for any other mobile platform which you can then download for local viewing.



  • Joshua Portwood
    Joshua Portwood Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    To whom it may concern:

      I have enjoyed using Logos for 95% of my research needs while studying towards a Master of Divinity.  Because of the difficulty of reading on the screen, I have to print everything that I want to read.  While this is functional, albeit not ideal, for research, it is entirely impractical in regards to popular literature.  Unfortunately this rules out the wonderful offer of the Nelson Unlock Bundle.  

      A very good solution to this is to create a plugin that would export an entire text (or a selection thereof) to a single, paired digital reader.  This plugin would export to Sony's Digital Readers (PRS 505, 705, etc), Amazon's Kindles, iPhone, etc.  If necessary, Logos could charge for the plugin, or charge a slightly higher price for the resource to enable the ability to export it into a digital reader, depending on licensing agreements between Logos and the individual publishers.  If the latter is the means through which this is made possible, please allow those who have purchased resources to be considered for a small, one-time fee to "convert" their resources into the version allowing export.  

      I have to agree with Andre DeMoraes who said, "If I can only read it when I am at home then I will die before I read even 10% of it and I will not have much incentive to grow my library beyond what is feasibly consumable." (Please see http://community.logos.com/forums/p/548/5117.aspx#5117 for quotation).  I recently purchased a Sony PRS 505, and it is very comfortable and natural to read, even in daylight.   If I were able to search my library of resources through Logos then export the selection and/or the entire book into my PRS 505, then I would purchase the Nelson Unlock Bundle and many other bundles immediately. 

    Thank you,

    ~Joshua M. Portwood

    Master of Divinity Student, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

    SGT, USA

  • Ken Shawver
    Ken Shawver Member Posts: 519 ✭✭

    The more I think about it I agree With Andre, Joshua, and others that being able t export the books to a eReader like a Kindle or Sony type device will definitely provide an enhancement and encouragement to increase our libraries.

    In Christ,


    In Christ,


    Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11


  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874
    I am really looking forward to the day when I don't have to hassle with cut and paste and all kinds of things like that to get some of my text from Logos into my mobile device

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Henry Sautter
    Henry Sautter Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I like the Olive Tree interface also.

    The "strange" Logos scroll left and right is not that natural for me.  Most computer interfaces scroll up and down.  But with Logos up and down gets the menus.

    I suppose that this is meant to be more like a book...  however it is not a book and different visual clues cause the computer habits to be invoked.  scroll forward and back is up and down.   I would at least like to see a preference setting that changes this behavior.

    another advantage is that you can scroll part way down the page to see the verses you are interested in instead of a fixed page at a time.  Check out Olive Tree  it is a very efficient interface for bible reading. (at least I like it) 

  • Nicolas Bossu
    Nicolas Bossu Member Posts: 2 ✭✭


    I've just installed Logos (com.logos.androidlogos_v0.9.3.apk) on my Sony (Prs T1) uprooted.

    The application works, but when I want to open one of the Bibles (in
    Greek or Hebrew) there's a message "an unexpected error occured".

    It's strange since I can open, for example, the "Dictionary of Biblical...Hebrew (Swanson)", but not the Lexham Hebrew Bible.

    Could you help me?


  • I've just installed Logos (com.logos.androidlogos_v0.9.3.apk) on my Sony (Prs T1) uprooted.

    Welcome [:D]

    Android forum => http://community.logos.com/forums/96.aspx focuses on Logos Android mobile application.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Kaj
    Kaj Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I am considering to buy a Sony E-reader. I am looking at Sony PRS-T1 as well as PRS-T2. I would like to root the reader in order to be able to run the Logos app. But I'm in doubt whether to go for PRS-T1 (which is still for sale, although not for long anymore) or for the PRS-T2.

    I would expect Logos app to run on the PRS-T2 as well, but I read on the internet that the rooted PRS-T2 is still unstable (http://liliputing.com/2012/10/you-can-root-the-sony-prs-t2-ereader-install-android-apps.html). 

    What do you think? Buy a PRS-T2 or PRS-T1 for this purpose (besides reading other books on the reader of course). Think the Logos app will run stable as it does on the PRS-T1?


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    Hi Kaj - and welcome to the forums

    Kaj said:

    What do you think? Buy a PRS-T2 or PRS-T1 for this purpose (besides reading other books on the reader of course). Think the Logos app will run stable as it does on the PRS-T1?

    I suggest you ask this question in the Android forum at http://community.logos.com/forums/96.aspx
