Logos 4 Windows on Parallels problem

I just bought a new computer and am experiencing very bad screen corruption issues with Logos 4 under Windows 7/ Parallels 5. I wonder if anyone here has experienced the same issues?
Logos loads and starts normally, but soon as I hover my mouse over various parts of the application the screen gets corrupted. They range from black rectangles to pixel corruption, sometimes recovering momentarily as some panels get redrawn. When it was really bad it became something like:
For those of you who have success running Logos 4 under Win 7/ Parallels, is there any settings that need to be changed either under the Parallels or Windows 7 to get the application working properly? I'm wondering whether Parallels, Windows 7, or the fact that it is a Chinese version of Windows 7, that is causing the problem.
Here's my configuration:
iMac 2.8G Intel i7/ 8GB/ OSX 10.6.2; Parallels Desktop 5 (build 5.0.9220); Windows 7 (Win Home Prem 7 32-bit Chin Trad Hong Kong OEM)
Would be most grateful for any help/ advices!
Not sure about Parallels, but I get some rendering issues when I have 3d turned on in Fusion. Do you have 3d disabled on Parallels? Might give that a try and see if it helps.
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I turned off 3D in the Virtual Machine graphics card setting. I also turned off aero in Win 7 itself. That seems to help performance and some minor display issues I was having. Make sure you are giving it enough memory and CPU too. I have an 8 core and give Windows 4 and 1.5 Gigs of memory. That seems to be the happy medium on my machine.
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how do you turn off aero?
15" rMBP 2.6 GHz i7 | 16 GB RAM | 1.0 TB Flash Drive | OS X 10.12.3 | Logos 7.0 (
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Robert Mullen said:
I have an 8 core and give Windows 4 and 1.5 Gigs of memory
I read in a post earlier that Paralells' staff says you shouldn't give any more than two cores to their VM--the machine runs slower on more than two cores and more than 2 GB of RAM
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Wow, thanks for all your responses. Now I'll have to wait till I get off work to try your suggestions when I go back home.
Actually I'm also wondering if I should setup Windows 7 to run with bootcamp. Has anyone been using Bootcamp with Windows 7, and are there any issues with Logos 4? Or should I wait for the Bootcamp update with official Win 7 support (they said before the end of this year but hey, isn't it already the end of the year today... [;)])?
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Amy Leung said:
Wow, thanks for all your responses. Now I'll have to wait till I get off work to try your suggestions when I go back home.
Actually I'm also wondering if I should setup Windows 7 to run with bootcamp. Has anyone been using Bootcamp with Windows 7, and are there any issues with Logos 4? Or should I wait for the Bootcamp update with official Win 7 support (they said before the end of this year but hey, isn't it already the end of the year today...
Amy, I am running Windows 7 (64 bit) Bootcamp in 10.6.2. and while I am running Fusion, I did try it out with Parallels as well. Works like a champ, no problems at all.
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Felipe Chamy said:
How do you turn off aero in windows 7?
Right Click your desktop and choose "personalize desktop"
That will open a window giving you different background themes. At the top, you will Aero themes, toward the bottom you will see Classic and High contrast themes. Choose the windows 7 basic or XP classic. Turning off 3D in the VM Settings has been helpful for some people as well.
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Here is a step by step. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-aero-on-windows-vista/
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In Parallels 4 that was true but in 5 my understanding is that you can use as many as you want. That said it crashes a Vista VM at work if I use more than 1 (on a 4 core) but with Windows 7 4 cores seemed to be the snappiest. I have played with so many setting I may go back and try again. Turning of 3D and Aero is by far the biggest improvement though.
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MichaelKares said:
read in a post earlier that Paralells' staff says you shouldn't give any more than two cores to their VM--the machine runs slower on more than two cores and more than 2 GB of RAM
I have tried two Parallels 5 and XP configurations—2Gb and 4GB RAM. There is hardly any measurable difference in L4 searches. Most of the time it favors the 4GB configuration, but not by much. The overall speed of the application does not seem to be much different. I guess I would say, it does not matter very much.
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Thanks for all your replies! I tried your suggestions but very unfortunately they didn't work on my computer. The Win 7 that was installed in the computer (by the store guy) was a version that didn't have Aero so I guess there's no need to disable it (the option is also absent), and on the Parallels side, the option to enable/disable 3D was somehow dimmed. [:'(]
I'll try get two copies of Windows (Win XP/ Win 7) first thing tomorrow and try to install them with Bootcamp. Hopefully I'll be able to get something which works that way.
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Amy Leung said:
Thanks for all your replies! I tried your suggestions but very unfortunately they didn't work on my computer. The Win 7 that was installed in the computer (by the store guy) was a version that didn't have Aero so I guess there's no need to disable it (the option is also absent), and on the Parallels side, the option to enable/disable 3D was somehow dimmed.
I'll try get two copies of Windows (Win XP/ Win 7) first thing tomorrow and try to install them with Bootcamp. Hopefully I'll be able to get something which works that way.
You have to stop the virtual machine to change the settings. If you don't they are greyed out (unavailble.) Save all your work in Windows before you do it as it is the equivalent of a Windows reboot.
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Thanks Robert and everyone else!!! I stopped the VM and was able to disable the 3D. Now L4 is working like a charm. I think we have a very nice and helpful community here. [;)]
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Amy Leung said:
I think we have a very nice and helpful community here.
we do, I´ve enjoyed it very much!
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I have a new computer on the way. I was using Parallels on my old Mac Book and was having difficulties with response time, etc. I have heard that if I install Windows on Boot Camp instead of using Parallels the responsiveness of Logos 4 will be greatly improved. I was also using Windows XP on the old Mac and am considering switching to Windows 7. Is this a problem? Should I load Parallels using Boot Camp or just use Boot Camp on its own. Previously I had Parallels loaded without going through the Boot Camp assistant.
The new Mac Book Pro will have 3.02 GHZ processing, 8 MB ram, with the latest video card and plenty of HD storage. Please give me any advice you have for making this machine run Logos 4 most effectively.
Brian Williams
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Terry Poperszky said:
Right Click your desktop and choose "personalize desktop"Felipe Chamy said:How do you turn off aero in windows 7?
That will open a window giving you different background themes. At the top, you will Aero themes, toward the bottom you will see Classic and High contrast themes. Choose the windows 7 basic or XP classic. Turning off 3D in the VM Settings has been helpful for some people as well.
Thanks Terry and Felipe!
Yes...I'm running Windows 7. I already had the VM's 3D turned off when I upgrade to 7 from XP, so I never saw Aero run on my computer - in fact, I didn't know what it was until yesterday when I turned the 3D ON in my VM settings. Cool looking UI yet it significantly slows L4 down on my system...so I returned 3D to OFF. When I get back home, I will see if there's any additional L4 performance increase by selecting the Win-7 basic or XP classic background themes.
15" rMBP 2.6 GHz i7 | 16 GB RAM | 1.0 TB Flash Drive | OS X 10.12.3 | Logos 7.0 (
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BrianWilliams said:
Should I load Parallels using Boot Camp or just use Boot Camp on its own. Previously I had Parallels loaded without going through the Boot Camp assistant.
That depends upon whether or not you want the convenience of having both systems available at the same time. I have Logos on a Parallels 5 VM, but I do my note-taking on a Mac Word Processor. I do not desire to use any more Windows applications than I absolutely have to. [8-|] Another things to consider, when using a Parallels 5 VM, you can set all internet operations except L4 to operate through Mac applications thereby reducing your exposure to viruses. Of course, you can (and should) use anti-virus software on Windows, but these also slow L4 down.
All-in-all, I believe that operating L4 in Boot Camp has more disadvantages than advantages. Besides, Boot Camp wasn't all that much fun when the US Navy sent me to Summer Camp [8-|]
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Amy Leung said:
Thanks Robert and everyone else!!! I stopped the VM and was able to disable the 3D. Now L4 is working like a charm. I think we have a very nice and helpful community here.
Good to hear, I think the 3D in Parallels still fails back to software rendering which is terribly resource intensive. I know I can run full aero in boot camp on an iMac with no problems so it is not the hardware itself.
Agree on the community too. I have gotten lots of help with my specific issues. This is a great resource that will hopefully continue to grow.
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BrianWilliams said:
I have a new computer on the way. I was using Parallels on my old Mac Book and was having difficulties with response time, etc. I have heard that if I install Windows on Boot Camp instead of using Parallels the responsiveness of Logos 4 will be greatly improved. I was also using Windows XP on the old Mac and am considering switching to Windows 7. Is this a problem? Should I load Parallels using Boot Camp or just use Boot Camp on its own. Previously I had Parallels loaded without going through the Boot Camp assistant.
The new Mac Book Pro will have 3.02 GHZ processing, 8 MB ram, with the latest video card and plenty of HD storage. Please give me any advice you have for making this machine run Logos 4 most effectively.
Brian Williams
That should be plenty to run a virtual machine if you optimize it correctly. I don't use boot camp unless I am spending the majority of my time in Windows. I don't do it at all at home and only use it for one machine at work. The benefits to using a VM far outweigh the penalties IMO but optimization is crucial. As far as the boot camp issues go I think most people recommend a non-boot camp image for your virtual machine. I believe this area has been improved but I have still heard a lot of complaints about using the boot camp VM combo. Which windows version is pretty subjective. I have been slow to take the Vista plunge after struggling mightily with a Vista development machine at work. I virtualized it which was better but not by much. Windows 7 is really just Vista r2 but so far my experience with it in a VM has been a lot better. It still has the annoying security prompt quirks and some other real head scratching UI "features" but it works pretty good. XP is looking so dated now and Windows 7 is more aesthetically pleasing. It still isn't OS X but it is trying (to be.)
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Bryan, I'm running L4 under Parallels 5/ Windows 7 in the same partition; it's a Mac 2.8G Intel i7/ 8GB/ OSX 10.6.2. The response time is actually quite awesome, and as a result I haven't bothered to install another windows via Bootcamp yet. [:)] I'm now enjoying the best of both worlds, and it's actually really snappy and feels like having two computers in front of me. I suspect you'll experience the same, that the performance of Parallels in your new computer by far outshines dedicated Bootcamp windows in your old Macbook.
Also I would go for Windows 7, so far I found the backwards compatibility of Windows 7 to be great (you can tell it to emulate which versions of Windows with each app!) and all your legacy hardware/ software will to be supported nicely.
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I can't even get paralells to connect now. Strange needing an internet connection just to run windows 7 now. In hindsight, I don't get the whole 'mac' phenom anyway. So far the biggest waste of time and money ever. Better the devil you know(microsoft), though I'd rather not know any. I thought PC's were a pain. Least they work. Lotta money for a program I can't even use except as a really expensive reader (mac) I've gone all through these posts, at least the people seem cool.
Maybe God wants me to stick to paper. Not much progress there though. <><
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wow, troubles with the Microsoft and Apple platforms. That is frustrating. Your posts remind me of my Mother In Law. Boy, if there is problem to find, she finds it. I am always dong tech support for her Windows, Office Software, AOL, her Palm, and her boradband service. Somehow she brings out the worst in technology, but she has me to help :-)
I have a suggestion for you. Do you live near an Apple Store? It sounds like you could benefit greatfly by setting up an appointment for some hands on support and training. You can do this very easily on-line at apple.com. Pick a day, time and location and then show up. It is very easy the times I have used it :-) The Apple Techs are most helpful and can get your Parallels working for you and also provide some valuable instructions.0 -
Thanks to all for the suggestions. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply...I have been away from the computer for a week. I will let you know how the suggestions work. I am in the process of downloading resources and indexing on the new computer. Hope it goes well.