TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 4

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,476
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This post deals with datatype and section searches that Logos classifies under Factbook. There are no new formats in this post although there are several new datatypes. These datatypes generally don't have documented values except in the Factbook and the Biblical Event Navigator. One finds the precise values to enter either from the suggestions in the drop down menu or from the values offered from the Context Menu or lists in various Logos tools. or Witthoff, David, ed. The Lexham Cultural Ontology Glossary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014.

From Logos 6 Help:

[quote] Factbook References

Several data types associated with Factbook pages can be searched for in resources and in Community Tags.

These can be searched for directly:

•    Event <Event The Israelites cross the Red Sea> — finds items/text tagged with the specified event

•    Person <Person Jesus> — finds mentions of biblical persons

•    Place <Place Jerusalem> — finds mentions of biblical places

•    Thing <Thing dog> — finds mentions of biblical things

•    Topic <Topic Law> — finds mentions of topics

•    Biography <Biography Martin Luther> — finds mentions of non-biblical notable persons

Note that the string specifier for all of these data types must exactly match the primary label of the person/place/etc that you want to search for, and that they are case-sensitive. That is only <Person Simon (Cyrene)> will match Simon of Cyrene. <Person Simon of Cyrene> and <Person simon cyrene> will not work. Again, it’s best to use the term picker in the Search panel or right-click to build these terms.

These Factbook-related data types require {Section ...} extension terms:

•    Sermon Theme {Section <PreachingTheme Wealth>} — finds text tagged with the specified theme.

•    Cultural Concept {Section <Culture Assassination>} — finds text tagged with the specified cultural concept. Complete ontology can be found in the Lexham Cultural Ontology Glossary.

Note that cultural concepts are hierarchical in the same way as Bible Senses, that is, the = and  data type reference matching operators can be used to specify either this and only this heading (=) or this heading and all narrower/child headings ().[1]


[1] Logos 6 Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015).

1. The Basic Search cookbook has a Factbook section showing many of the formats.

2. I am continuing with the same example verse John 20:18.

3. The first case is an example of the Biblical Person entry.

4. This is the resulting search:

5. Note that <Person Mary (Magdalene)> only finds entries tagged as such. Compare to the results of the simple string "Mary Magdalene". If, however, you chose to use Community Tags to convert some of the text matches to tagged data it will be picked up in the Factbook search (and in the Factbook itself).

6. The second example is a Biblical event.

7. A Biblical event requires the Section format for the search argument as it describes a block of text rather than a noun / proper noun.

8. Here is the same Biblical Event as seen in the Biblical Event Navigator.

9. The last example is the first of the long string of Preaching Themes.

10. The Preaching Theme also requires the Section format.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."