WARNING: Potential Data Loss in Beta 2

As our Australian users well know, there is a bug in Beta 1 that prevents syncing if your timezone is ahead of GMT. To fix this in Beta 2, we had to update the format of some of our internal sync databases; as a result of this, locally-stored data will be temporarily lost until it can be re-downloaded from the server.
Unfortunately, if you have never been able to sync, this data will be lost permanently. Thus, if you haven't been able to sync yet (i.e., your sync icon in the upper-right always says "Items are waiting to be synchronized"), we recommend trying to force it at least once with the following procedure.
- Shut down all other applications on your system, especially those that use the current time.
- Shut down Logos 4.
- In Windows, change your time zone. (In Vista, right-click the system clock and choose Adjust Date/Time; on XP, I think you just double-click the system clock to change it.)
- Set your timezone to something behind GMT. (For maximum compatibility, choose "Pacific Time"...
- Restart Logos 4
- In the command bar, enter "set sync to on"
- Watch the items start syncing (we hope...)
Once this procedure has completed, you can reverse it: shut down Logos 4 and set your timezone back to normal. When Beta 2 is released, the timezone bug will be fixed, and sync should work on all computers worldwide.
Please let us know if this does or doesn't work for you.
It works! [:D]
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Thank you Bradley for the warning. It works. You made me 8 hours younger for a while. Good job... [:)]
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Bradley Grainger said:
As our Australian users well know, there is a bug in Beta 1 that prevents syncing if your timezone is ahead of GMT. To fix this in Beta 2, we had to update the format of some of our internal sync databases; as a result of this, locally-stored data will be temporarily lost until it can be re-downloaded from the server.
. . . .
Please let us know if this does or doesn't work for you.
So that's how I regain the last 18 hours
.... reports that sync is enabled and all items are up to date....
on second thoughts I really don't want to re-live the last eighteen hours so I will moving back to my local time now that's done.
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Worked fine in Victoria!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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thanks for the info re the data loss. I haven't changed enough stuff to warrant fiddling with the system clock, so I'll just wait for Beta 2.
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I have followed all the steps and have entered "set sync to on" in the command line and I don't see anything happening. How do I know if items are syncing?
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Hi Bradley,
I followed your instructions, yes, It works for me in Singapore. Thanks.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Bradley Grainger said:
Please let us know if this does or doesn't work for you.
Hmm that would be why it was constantly attempting to sync in New Zealand as well!
Anyways the data I lost was no biggy as I was saving only for testing. Tells me it is now all synced and the annoying little arrows have stopped turning around!
How to ask for help for Logos issues.
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GaryPajkos said:
I have followed all the steps and have entered "set sync to on" in the command line and I don't see anything happening. How do I know if items are syncing?
Hi can you confirm this, go to Tools->Program Settings, that the 'Use Internet' setting is On? If that is the case then you should definitely see (light-grey) circle arrows next to the layouts button, see attached image, and yes we are aware it is very hard to see, but it should darken whenever it is ready to sync or is in the process of sync'ing, which you will see them rotate..