Logos 4 Mac Alpha 15 Release Notes
Cameron Watters (Faithlife)
Member, Logos Employee Posts: 737
The app should auto update, but you can always download the latest release from: http://www.logos.com/logos4mac
- Updated icon styling
- ToolTips, Context Menu and Dragging for most text links that open a Panel
- Fixed crash/hang with searching in all open resources
- Text auto completion popup added
- Fixed bug which locked users in analysis view. Users can now switch out of it, but it is still not implemented.
- Misc. stability improvements
Bible Word Study
- Septuagint section now works
- Bible verse reference links appear in the concordance view after clicking on a ring graph segement or on the word in the center
- Fixed crash/hang when running a Bible word study on Greek words
- Density graph should no longer show an empty graph
Resource Display
- Fixed scrolling at small font sizes
- Fixed crash with copy and paste with citations
- Known issue: Footnotes pasted into Microsoft word have duplicated footnote characters
Biblical People
- Biblical People feature complete
- Biblical People Guide Section feature complete
- Person Information now formatted in columns
- Known issue: memory growth when using Biblical People
Home Page
- Daily Devotional added to available item
Settings Panel
- ToolTips should now stay on the screen
Favorites Panel
- Context menu now works on Favorites folders
- Folders and favorites can be dragged into panels
- Items in folders should now work when clicked
- KNOWN ISSUE: Favorite items and folders can no longer be dragged into other folders
Bible Explorer
- Added drag/drop support and context menus to PPT and Media
- Fixed drag/drop issues with Commentaries
- KNOWN ISSUE: Commentaries and cross references still do not have context menus
- KNOWN ISSUE: My Content still unimplemented
Guide Template Editor
- Spelunk away!
Cited By
- Now has ranked results and compact/expanded view modes.
- KNOWN ISSUE: Crashes when you close it. Here's a workaround http://community.logos.com/forums/p/13177/102249.aspx#102249
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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