BUG: 4.0cB6: Can't turn Display text layers on/off in some resources

I'm not fully sure if this is a bug, or if I am remembering something wrong, or if its just something because the NIV RI is currently indexing for the next 3 hours.
I'm sure I used to be able to turn Lemma etc on/off for my NA27, NZ27 w/GRAM, and UBS4.
(My NA27 w/GRAM has some layers on below, but I can't find / remember where I did that. There is no Display button.)
My Logos4 Volume 2 Manual suggests the DISPLAY button.
Can someone please help, test or point me to the correct clicky thing.
(Or must I wait the 3+ hours???)
The Display button only appears in Bibles with RI, so it won't appear in any of your Greek bibles. The Bibles with RI are KJV, NKJV, NLT, ESV, LEB, NRSV, NASB95, and now NIV.
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BTW, there are two versions of NA27 w/ GRAMCORD: "NA27 w/ GRAMCORD" and "NA27 w/ GRAMCORD, Int." The latter is the interlinear version, the former is not. However, strangely, on my computer, they both open with no interlinear lines showing. And nothing in the Visual Filters menu seems to control this either. And no Display button. You can't remember how you turned your interlinear lines on and can't turn them off, and I can't seem to turn mine on at all. Hmm...
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Rosie Perera said:
You can't remember how you turned your interlinear lines on and can't turn them off, and I can't seem to turn mine on at all. Hmm...
Thanks Rosie - so its not me gone too mad just yet.
Before I got many packages and upgrades, I only had a few items. One was NA27 for my very old Loogs 2 - Level 3 package from around 1996, and I purchased a new NA27 with morph-codes one year ago, so it would read along with the Greek Audio Bible I purchased. The old one would only jump verse-by-verse as it had no morp coding. Just the basic greek text I assume.
I could turn layers on and off, but I dont remember how. Been mostly working with ESV or NASB95 RI instead.
Maybe its got "broke" as a side-effect of the new RIs???
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The Display drop-down is definitely missing from the Greek & Hebrew interlinears!!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
The Display drop-down is definitely missing from the Greek & Hebrew interlinears!!
Thanks Dave.
( I fired up my NA27 w/GRAM in Logos3 and I can turn the layers on/off. )
I guess this is one for Monday then, if its a real bug, for them to add to the list.
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Jim Towler said:
I'm not fully sure if this is a bug, or if I am remembering something wrong, or if its just something because the NIV RI is currently indexing for the next 3 hours.
I'm sure I used to be able to turn Lemma etc on/off for my NA27, NZ27 w/GRAM, and UBS4.
This is definitely a bug; thanks for reporting it. We will fix it in the next beta.
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Bradley Grainger said:
This is definitely a bug; thanks for reporting it. We will fix it in the next beta.
Thanks Logos Team - it appears fixed now in 4.0cB7, and I have my "Display" button back in NA27.
I note that the Release Notes for B7 don't report this fix. http://wiki.logos.com/4.0c_Beta_7
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Jim Towler said:
it appears fixed now in 4.0cB7
WEll, I think its NOT fixed in Beta 7 - which explains why its not in the release notes.
My NA27 now has a Display button, but my BHS w/Morp still does not.
Whatever is making the button show up on some resources, and not others, seems to be a bit random, so I'll relax and let Bradley and team deal to this and see what happens next ...
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Jim Towler said:
My NA27 now has a Display button, but my BHS w/Morp still does not.
Display for Interlinears is fixed. Of my BHS Hebrew titles only 4.0/4.2 had Display and that is OK. BHS Morph never had a Display.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Display for Interlinears is fixed.
Thanks Dave.
Its fixed for my NA27, and thats the one I really wanted back again!!!
I though it used to work for one of my Hebrew ones too, but maybe I just remembered wrong. Beside, I hardly ever use Hebrew - its all Greek to me. (Joke)
[ I was going to use some of the resources I have, to make some Passage Lists or Notes or whatever, for some of the text variants in the NT. Maybe just a book at a time, as I study one. I dont have SEBS and can't afford it for now, so I don't have the NA27 Critical App. other than my dead-tree-version of NA27. The NET Bible Notes have a lot of this kind of thing, so I was going to fish there for a start. I've yet to see if we have the "real" NIV greek in the NIV RI, or if its just an attempt to align NA27 with NIV. ]