Bug: G/K numbers can be interpreted as Strong's numbers
Abbreviations for data types is very convenient for data entry to searches or resources.
1. Strong's data types can be recognised from an entry like <G234> or <H145>. An abbreviation for G/K numbers in resources is Greek GK #221 but <Greek GK #221> is interpreted as Strong's <G221> when used in a search.
<GreekGK 221> is interpreted as intended so variations should be allowed.
(The formal syntax is <GreekGK ~ Greek GK #221>).
2. When used in DBL Greek resource GreekGK 221 has menu items for Greek GK #221 and Strong's Greek #221.
This ambiguity needs to be resolved.
Windows 11 & Android 13
I've submitted your report, thanks.
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It would be good to have this resolved in 4.1
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
An abbreviation for G/K numbers in resources is Greek GK #221 but <Greek GK #221> is interpreted as Strong's <G221> when used in a search.
As I understand it, there are only a few select data types that the search panel will try to parse your input to when you don't specify the data type by using a supported alias. Strong's numbers are one of the special data types, while G/K numbers are not. So your input "<Greek GK #221>" has no way to parse to G/K numbers, because "Greek" is not a supported alias for the data type (for English, "GreekGK" is the only supported alias). However, the parsing for Greek Strong's numbers was so loose it was willing to accept the input because it started with "G"—we have restricted the parsing in the next Logos 4 beta to prevent this unintended behavior.
Dave Hooton said:When used in DBL Greek resource GreekGK 221 has menu items for Greek GK #221 and Strong's Greek #221.
This ambiguity needs to be resolved.
In my version of the resource (2009-10-27T01:13:33Z) I see options for "DBL Greek 221", "Greek GK #221", and "Strong’s Greek #217". Could you clarify what is ambiguous?
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Lawrence Rafferty said:
However, the parsing for Greek Strong's numbers was so loose it was willing to accept the input because it started with "G"—we have restricted the parsing in the next Logos 4 beta to prevent this unintended behavior.
Hopefully <G221> is still allowed as it used quite extensively. I'm content to use the alias GreekGK/HebrewGK for GK numbers.
Lawrence Rafferty said:In my version of the resource (2009-10-27T01:13:33Z) I see options for "DBL Greek 221", "Greek GK #221", and "Strong’s Greek #217". Could you clarify what is ambiguous?
The "ambiguity" with Strong's Greek #221 would seem no longer to exist(?), but I tended to confuse the data types and click on the wrong one. It's not an issue now, but I note the the inconsistency of not using # with DBL numbers ie. DBL Greek 221 vs. Greek GK #221 vs Strong’s Greek #217.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Hopefully <G221> is still allowed as it used quite extensively.
Yes, <G221> will work, but <Gobbledygook221> will not [:)]