Bug in Note Files hierarchy.

Nielsen Tomazini
Nielsen Tomazini Member Posts: 247 ✭✭

Hello Everyone,

I am running 4.0d Beta 3, and as I was working with Notes I see a problem with the Notes hierarchy.

I understand the when I don't have any Note File opened on my workspace and I want to create a note by right clicking on a passage or text, the last Note File that I used should appear in the right-click menu. I have done it a couple of times without a problem. Today I see that it is not working this way anymore. I cannot ensure that it was after the last Beta release because it is being a while since I don't take notes.

Anyway, the behavior that I have now is: When I don't have any Note File opened on my workspace and right click on a passage to create a note it is the last Note File in the User's Documents list (Files) that shows up on my right click menu. When we open a Note File and close it, it turns to be the first in the list of Notes. It is happening fine for me, but it is the last in the list that get available in the right click menu.

So, can anyone tell me if the same behavior occurs with you? Is this an already known issue?

I thank in advance for any reply.


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