Bug: ESV Study Bible indexing problem

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,202 ✭✭✭✭✭

Open ESV and ESV Study Bible, side by side, both on Link Set A.

In ESV Study Bible window, go to Gen 1. ESV scrolls to Gen 1, too. (Good.)

In ESV window, go to 2 Sam 1. ESV Study Bible scrolls to 2 Sam 1, too. (Good.)

In ESV window, go to 2 Sam 12:1. ESV Study Bible window scrolls to......oops!  2 Sam 12:13 back in the Articles and Resources section at the end of the book, in the "History of Salvation" article (p. 2642)?!

Clicking on the up arrow at the top of the scroll bar, scroll up a couple of lines in the ESV Study Bible window, until you're in chapter 11 of the notes (still in the way back of the book).

Now scroll down a line in the ESV window by clicking on the down arrow of its scroll bar.

Wham! The ESV Study Bible jumps back to the Bible portion.

This disconnect seems like something's broken in the indexing, but I don't know what. Clearly you'd want to be able to scroll around in the History of Salvation article, which is organized by biblical book, and have the ESV text scroll along accordingly. So this latter part of the ESV Study Notes does need to be indexed by Scripture reference. But it appears to collide with the indexing in the main portion of the study notes.

Another problem...I don't know if this is due to the same thing or is a separate bug:

If you open the TOC panel and scroll it such that you're looking at a different part of the book in the TOC panel than you're viewing in the resource panel, then click the breadcrumb at the top of the resource panel to go up a level or more in the hierarchy of how the book is organized, it should scroll the TOC back to show that section (as it does in other books), but it doesn't in this one. Here's an example: Get to the 2 Sam 12:13 reference in the back of the ESV study notes (as mentioned above), open the TOC pane, then scroll in the TOC pane back up to the top of the Bible. Click to open The Old Testament section in the TOC (if it isn't open already). Now click on the first or second segment of the breadcrumb ("Articles and Resources" or "History of Salvation"). The book scrolls to that place, but the TOC doesn't. I've verified in other books (e.g., N.T. Wright's The New Testament and the People of God) that the TOC does normally scroll to be in sync with the book.


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