Logos 4 Mac 4.0a (GM - SR-5) Release Notes

Tom Philpot (Faithlife)
Tom Philpot (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,913
edited November 20 in English Forum

Logos 4 Mac 4.0a Release Notes

SR-5 Fixes

  • App should no longer misbehave when rendering Bible references. In SR-4, there were a number of issues rendering Bible references that caused crashes or hangs or other improper behavior, which should now be fixed.

SR-4 Fixes

  • Improved support for Logos 4.1 resources, including SBL Greek New Testament, Lexham English Bible, and RVR 95. (Note: An updated version of the SBL Greek NT is scheduled to ship later in the week which should fix the navigation and Copy Bible Verses bugs with SBLGNT.)
  • Fixed a crash when displaying Ps 148:5 in BHS/WIVU with SBL Hebrew font
  • The installer should no longer attempt to start Logos Bible Software 4
    on Windows for users who are running Parallels as well as Logos 4 Mac.

SR-3 Fixes

  • Undiscoverable resources should no longer be re-downloaded on every launch.
  • Authenticated HTTP and HTTPS proxies are now supported. Previous releases failed to retrieve the username and password from the default Mac keychain.
  • Closing the application with a window size which is close to the full size of the monitor will no longer cause the main window to open in a small window when relaunching the application.
  • The application should not crash if a Visual Filter document is open and pending changes to the document are downloaded from the sync server.

SR-2 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused specific resources to be re-downloaded every time for certain users.

SR-1 Fixes

  • Fixed a crash in Bible Word Study ring graphs when mousing over tool tips repeatedly.
  • Fixed a bug where the home page would not display initially.
  • Fixed a display issue with the context menu when a scroll bar showed up on the left side of the menu
  • Fixed a display issue with the Layouts menu where selected items were not highlighted.

Bible Word Study

  • Fixed a rare crash.
  • Fixed a clipped preposition in the Preposition Use section.

Definition Guide Section

  • Definition section now allows Hover and Context Menu.


  • The bookmark pane’s open/closed state is now persisted.

File Menu

  • Items can now be dragged onto a window to open them at a specific position.


  • Fixed a hang that occurred on some systems when switching between
    complex layouts before allowing all panels in the current layout to
    finish loading.
  • Fixed an issue where main window could open to a very small size.

Guide Template Editor

  • Resource selection added for Collections and Grammars sections.
  • Sections can be reordered.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if updates to a Guide Template were synchronized while the Guide Template editor was open.


  • Videos link now links to the Mac help videos.

Home Page

  • Infographics now display on the Home Page


  • Resource updates will now correctly re-download after being canceled.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred on some users’ machines which caused Timeline resources to not appear in Library.
  • Fixed crash in indexer that occurred when cover images could not be retrieved for a resource when building Library catalog.


  • Book titles can now be clicked to open resources in Library.
  • Added “Go” button to Tile Mode for single click selection and opening of resources.
  • Book image made clickable in List Mode.

Media Resource Display

  • Fixed problem with context menu for images.


  • Notes and Clippings should now respect Notes default font and default font size.

Parallel Resources

  • Fixed a crash when displaying the set of parallel resources.

Passage Analysis

  • Word by Word Direction and Word Order popup pickers now show current selection.

Reading Lists

  • Reading Lists Panel displays a message that Reading Lists is unavailable if the user is working offline.

Reading Plan

  • Fixed a crash when marking items read from the calendar view.

Resource Display

  • URL links in resources now open default browser.
  • Bold Greek fonts display properly (HDNT/BDAG).
  • Context menu now allows sending selected data to any open Clippings or Notes document.
  • Resource tool tip popups now always display with a white background color, regardless of the resource background color.
  • Fixed display issues with the First Hebrew Primer and BHQ Apparatus.
  • Added a message describing how to exit reading view.
  • Fixed a minor display issue with context menu.
  • Up/down arrow keys and enter keys can be used to select resources
    in resource selector or passages in passage list selector or
    morphologies in the morphology selector.
  • Resource and Passage selectors now have titles on the separators in their menus.
  • Fixed a crash when generating the Topics results section in Basic
    Search (occurred when searching for a Bible reference, e.g. <Jn 1:1>)
  • Fixed a display bug where long titles were clipped in the By Book view of Basic Search
  • By Book view in basic search now shows the number of results next
    to each book if the search resulted in more than one hit in the book.
  • Syntax Search results should now display in all cases.
  • Improved visual styles in Syntax Search Documents.

Mobile Development Team Lead

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