Print / export problem with tables

Wyn Laidig
Wyn Laidig Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

I was trying to export Table E1.1 "Major Abbreviations for the BHS and BHQ." from Wegner "A student's guide to textual criticism of the Bible".  I have two problems:

1. The page breaks sometimes cut off part of the first line on a page, making it unreadable.   See first line that is cut off in screen shot below:


2. Exporting to Word or RTF does not keep the two column format.  Even though went send directly to printer, it prints correctly with two columns, when exported to a document, it goes as a single column with goofed up column spacing.

Suggestion: It would be very nice if we could move / drag page breaks. Sometimes the default breaks are at poorly chosen positions.


  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    1. The page breaks sometimes cut off part of the first line on a page, making it unreadable.   See first line that is cut off in screen shot below:

    I haven't been able to reproduce this--what do you have selected on the left side of Print/Export? 

    2. Exporting to Word or RTF does not keep the two column format.  Even though went send directly to printer, it prints correctly with two columns, when exported to a document, it goes as a single column with goofed up column spacing.

    RTF does support columns; however, it doesn't enforce a specific page size, so we can't guarantee what the column widths would be when the RTF file is opened. Creating the columns in Word after exporting the table would give better results.  

  • Wyn Laidig
    Wyn Laidig Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

    Melissa -

    I selected the table and then checked the box to print the selection:




  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    I selected the table and then checked the box to print the selection

    Thanks. I've reported the problem.

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