Group by lemma does not display lemma

Hi, I did a search for all verbs in 1 John 2:1-9. Then, I 'option + click & drag' the column for lemma. However, the lemma's did not appear in the group bar. Also, when I try to sort by a column by clicking on that column, it still doesn't apply any changes. i.e. I click on result, or lemma, and it will not sort those by alphabetical order.
(I was going to show you a screenshot, but the "attach media" button here in the composition window doesn't work).
Suggestion: please edit post title to add BUG: prefix.
Morph Search - Option+Click Lemma - Lemma missing from summary result line reported in version Logos 4 Mac 4.0a SR-1 ( still exists in Logos Bible Software 4.2a SR-3 (
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Logos 4 PC does show Lemma in Morph Search Analysis summary lines:
Added to Feature Parity section on Mac and PC User Interface Differences page.
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