BUG: Newly applied highlighting STILL takes up to 10-15 seconds to appear, 100% CPU

This issue has been around for 3+ months now (see http://community.logos.com/forums/p/27200/238679.aspx#238679). I understand Logos has its own, internal, prioritization and scheduling and I'm not looking to "jump the queue", so to speak. But I am (now) becoming bothered by the lack of acknowledgment that Logos seems to give to this (and other issues) in addition to the (daily) irritation that this bug causes. When asked about the status of this bug, Logos' reply is "we'll check and get back to you" but no-one ever gets back (hence my decision to start a new post).
May I humbly, once again, ask that Logos will consider fixing bugs that render certain parts of the application's functionality useless before adding new features. Is it not plain sense to first get existing functionality working properly before piling on lots of additional features whose bugs simply get added to the case tracker...? I think of the manifold focus and keyboard handling issues that I and others have pointed out, as well as issues with morph searching, etc as examples. New features continue to be added (and bring with them their own set of bugs) while basic things like keyboard handling, focus, etc remain buggy and unfixed. Why is this?
There is code currently under review that addresses this issue. It may make it into the next beta.
David Mitchell
Development Lead
Faithlife0 -
David Mitchell said:
It may make it into the next beta.
May it be so, indeed... I'll be most grateful for this fix whenever it makes it's debut. Thank you for your effort with this, David.