PB Tag Generator

Tim Hensler
Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,535 ✭✭✭

They say, "Necessity is the mother of invention."  I have found it necessary to build a tool that creates tags and hyperlinks for my Personal Books with minimal keyboard entry on my part. 

Attached is a MS Excel spreadsheet that creates a Bible tag and hyperlinks to several Logos tools and commentaries when you enter nothing more than a book, chapter and verse.  You can also add the name of your note file and it will make a link for that too.  Just fill in the yellow boxes and the spreadsheet does the rest.  Copy the cells that have the links you want in your PB and paste them into the DOCX file.  They become active links in your PB.  A sample DOCX file is also attached.

I hope this is helpful to you – it is to me.  There are lots of possibilities.  Play with it share your modification ideas on this post to help others. See http://wiki.logos.com/Personal_Books for the wiki notes on Personal Books.

6175.PB Tag Generator.xls



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