L3 issues with L4

John Thomson
John Thomson Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

There is one feature that I loved, but does not seem to work in L4. That is the "Bible in All Versions" feature. When blogging with a cultist, I found that having a list of 20 Bibles in English is a very powerful tool to dissuade them of their heretical views.

The only way I can do that is to cut and paste the Bible versions individually, after I select the different Bible from the drop down list, and that is tedious. 

Is that feature available on L4?


  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,622 ✭✭✭

    the "Bible in All Versions" featur


    Have you tried the Text Comparison tool?  Will that do what you want?

    You can also create a collection of the Bibles of your choice and use those in PGs and EGs.



    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    There is one feature that I loved, but does not seem to work in L4. That is the "Bible in All Versions" feature. When blogging with a cultist, I found that having a list of 20 Bibles in English is a very powerful tool to dissuade them of their heretical views.

    The only way I can do that is to cut and paste the Bible versions individually, after I select the different Bible from the drop down list, and that is tedious. 

    Is that feature available on L4?

    i had to find what you were doing in Libronix first. Now i see it and yes in Logos4 just use a Passage List file. Below i have an image which shows the Passage in All Versions (on the left, Libronix) and the Passage List (on the right, Logos4)


    If you are not familiar with Passage List, see this wiki page: Passage List

    For which Bibles that you want to use, you can use a Collection or you can type in the Bible's initials followed by a comma. Since the PL tool creates a file, you might have several different PL files. So you could create one and name it Bibles in All Versions to help you remember it. Also you could easily delete previous scripture references and only enter the current one that you want.

    EDIT: it is easy to copy the whole selection into your clipboard, just right click and in the pop-up menu click on Copy.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • John Thomson
    John Thomson Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Pardon my denseness, but what are PGs and ECs?

    is that something that can be done as a "hyper link" or do I have to construct that every time I want a passage in all versions?

    By that I mean do I have to tell the program which Bibles I want, or can I create a list of  all English versions, all Hebrew versions and all Greek versions, etc?

  • Kevin Becker
    Kevin Becker Member Posts: 5,604 ✭✭✭

    Pardon my denseness, but what are PGs and ECs?

    Passage Guides and Exegetical Guides

    is that something that can be done as a "hyper link" or do I have to construct that every time I want a passage in all versions?

    By that I mean do I have to tell the program which Bibles I want, or can I create a list of  all English versions, all Hebrew versions and all Greek versions, etc?

    The Passage List feature can utilize a collection. So you could make a collection of all English Bibles and then just select that to populate the verses across all those Bible.


  • Kevin Becker
    Kevin Becker Member Posts: 5,604 ✭✭✭

    Doc B said:

    You can also create a collection of the Bibles of your choice and use those in PGs and EGs.

    The collections feature in a passage guide will not approximate the compare version feature. Instead it will look for that passage in the footnotes ect. So you could use a collection of English Bible in a passage guide to see where the reference in question is mentioned in the cross references.

  • John Thomson
    John Thomson Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    That is why I got nothing valuable when I defined the English Bible collection, then tried to see John 8:58 in all the English Bibles.

    So essentially, you are telling me to delete Libronix 3c from my CDs and reinstall, but do not upgrade to release g, is that correct?

    That makes me unhappy, and it is a great feature to ADD to the next patch of Logos 4

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,172 ✭✭✭✭

    John ... I still am not sure exactly what the issue is. I use both Libronix3 and Logos4 and do what you do (tho not with cult people!).

    Libronix 'Passage in All Versions' allows you to select a language and for a passage get a whole bunch of Bible versions. This is what you were using correct?

    If so, in Logos4, you have almost the exact same tool but a different name: 'Text Comparison' (top menu 'Tools' > 'Text Comparison' on the right)

    The main additional step in Logos4 is you have to first create a collection of english Bibles from your library.

    Then when you open 'Text Comparison', you just type in the name of the collection (e.g. English Bibles), then the passage and press enter.

    The next time you use it, it will still have your collection name; just type in the passage.

    If I'm mixed up, my apologies!





    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • That is why I got nothing valuable when I defined the English Bible collection, then tried to see John 8:58 in all the English Bibles.

    Curious about English Bible collection ? can use Text comparison with a collection:


    Learned Libronix 3.0g needs to run as administrator to use Passage in All Versions tool:


    Logos 4 Text Comparison has option to display % differences and base text changes (bit more than Libronix 3.0g):


    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    That makes me unhappy, and it is a great feature to ADD to the next patch of Logos 4

    Hi John,

    Guess i didn't explain well above. In Logos4 you can create a specific Passage List which functions almost identical to Passages in All Bibles found in Libronix. Below i walk you through the steps to create the specific Passage List (PL). Following those steps you will see steps to use the PL in the same way you used Passages in All Bibles (see steps A,B,C)


    1. In the menu bar click on Tools and in the drop down menu click on Collections.
        [steps 1 to 3 create a collection which we will name English Bibles]


    2. Click New to create a new collection. Then Name your new collection English Bibles.

    3. In the Rule box type in the following rule: type:bible  AND  lang:english
    [now you have created a new collection for English Bibles from your Logos4 library]



    4. In the menu bar click on File and in the drop down list click on Passage List to create a new Passage List.
       [in steps 4 to 9 we will create a specific Passage List for your needs]



    5. Click in the name area to name your new Passage List (try Passages in All Bibles)

    6. next we need to enter a scripture passage so we can initially setup our list of Bibles. So click in the reference box and type Jn 3:16 and then press Enter or click on the blue arrow to the right of the box.

    7. Now we can select our English Bibles, click on the + (plus symbol).



    8. Now click in the Resource box, Logos4 will show you a drop down menu (this may take a couple of seconds).

    9. In the drop down box locate your collection English Bibles (mine showed in recent since i have used it lately, yours will probably show under Collections)
     [Now you have a specific Passage List which you can use in Logos4 which will act similar to the old Libronix Passages in All Bibles]


    How to use your new PL


    A. Notice that your scripture passage is shown in all your English Bibles. Also notice that they are all selected.

    B. If you Right-click on the selected area a pop-up menu will appear in which you can select Copy which will copy all the Bible versions for your scripture verse. You can paste this into forums when challenging critics (as you mentioned in your first post of this thread).

    C. When you want a new scripture verse, click the Red X to delete the current scripture. Then click in the Reference box and type your new scripture reference. Then wah-la you have your new scripture in all English versions. Just repeat step B to copy & paste it.

    EDIT: to reopen your Passage List at a later time, Just click on Files and locate it on the right side of the drop down list.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    first create a collection of english Bibles from your library.

    The syntax for this is: type:Bible AND subject:English


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  • Paul N
    Paul N Member Posts: 2,087 ✭✭✭

    I hate saying this (but only for lack of my own knowledge at manipulating the wiki) but some of this should be added to the wiki!  (good visuals!)

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    some of this should be added to the wiki!  (good visuals!)

    Done, see the wiki page Using a PL to copy a verse in Multiple Translations

    EDIT: in the Objective section i have added references to how to use the TC tool mentioned above to accomplish the same results.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,622 ✭✭✭


    One suggestion: instead of waiting to delete the scripture the next time you use the PL, delete the scripture before you close it the first time, and it will save 'empty'.

    Here's where I'm talking about-


    Do the circled step (2) initially, when creating the list, before you close it, and it will save without a resident list.


    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Doc B said:

    One suggestion: instead of waiting to delete the scripture the next time you use the PL, delete the scripture before you close it the first time, and it will save 'empty'.

    Thanks Doc, i will take a better look at it tomorrow

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1