Repeatable crash "index out of Range exception" building a PB under beta 13

The attached zip contains documentation of repeatable "index out of Range"-crash including the docx-file.

The offending file is basically an html copy of this website: that I opened in Word 2007. It's a booklist, thus it is not tagged (and needs probably no tagging, at least I didn't link all the books to Logos resources), but contains a number of weblinks. I took some website-specific text at beginning and end away, gave Heading 2 styles (initially one Heading 1 at the top but recalling problems reported here, tried Heading 2 only), saved as *.rtf for sanitizing, saved as *.docx. Word 2007 was closed during PB build.

The error occurs everytime I want to build this. I checked that I can rebuild another PB that worked, so it seems to be the file. I'm running on Win 7 Home, 32 bit and as I said, beta 13.

Have joy in the Lord! Smile


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