Bug: Midi Hymn extremely soft on L4M

I am running Logos for Mac 4.5a (, I noticed all the Midi Hymns in Logos are played too softly. Please note that Logos for Windows on the same version runs perfectly with Windows 7 under Parallels 7 on the same MacBook Pro.
Are there any workaround(s)
PS: I notice Quicktime 7 has the same Midi Volume issue, however, most other 3rd party MIDI players runs OK on OS X Lion.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
Curious about System Preferences for Sound, especially output volume level ?
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Curious about System Preferences for Sound, especially output volume level ?
I set it to 50% volume, the 3 scenarios below runs on my MacBookPro 17"
- When I click "Play" on the "Text to Speech" Preference, Tom speaks normally at say 50%
- I start L4W running Windows 7 under Parallels 7.0, Pick Steve Greens Midi, Amazing Grace, Volume is the same as (1) above
- Now, I start L4M, Pick Steve Greens Midi, Amazing Grace, Volume is audibly 0 in comparison to (1) & (2)
PS: Quicktime has the same issue, my point was most 3rd parties players play correctly ... may be Logos can do something about it.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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LimJK said:
PS: Quicktime has the same issue, my point was most 3rd parties players play correctly ... may be Logos can do something about it.
LimJK, are you saying audio from Quicktime is also inaudible?
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I don't think Quicktime is a culprit…
I performed this test and with my audio levels full, the Logos hymnal plays ok. At half volume (Mac settings), the midi files are almost inaudible.
FWIW - I normally listen to netflix at about 75%.
NOTE: This is for my MacBook Pro
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alabama24 said:
I don't think Quicktime is a culprit…
What version of QuickTime do you have installed? Does it seem to be working properly? On the Windows side we use WMP to drive the audio for the MIDI audio, and it would make sense that we do the same with QuickTime on the Mac. I'm unable to reproduce any volume problems in Steve Green's Hymnal at 50%. I have QuickTime 10.
Perhaps LimJK can provide us with logs? http://www.logos.com/mac/support/bugs
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Tommy Ball said:
What version of QuickTime do you have installed?
Tommy Ball said:Does it seem to be working properly?
At one time, quicktime had settings within system preferences. This was changed at some point. I am running Lion (10.7).
Also, you should note that I am not using the Steve Green resource, although I don't think that matters.
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Hi Tim and alabama,
Thank you guys for the attention :-) after KS4J resurrected my earlier post.
alabama24 said:I don't think Quicktime is a culprit…
Not sure? I found abnormally low MIDI audio volume problem, could be a combination of OS X Lion and Quicktime 7, addons, etc., I should mentioned that QuickTime functions properly playing back all other formats that I used except Midi.
I have
- Quicktime Player 10.1(501.8) I think it is part of OS X Lion,
- Quicktime Player Pro 7.6.6 (1709) - I kept this because I bought a number of addons.
- Flip4Mac and Perian 1.2.3 on my System Preferences Pane.
- Midi plays only with with QuickTime Player Pro 7.6.6 not QuickTime Player 10.1
- Example of 3rd party that plays Midi properly under OS X Lion is Sweet Midi Player OS X 2.5.3
Tommy Ball said:What version of QuickTime do you have installed? Does it seem to be working properly? On the Windows side we use WMP to drive the audio for the MIDI audio, and it would make sense that we do the same with QuickTime on the Mac. I'm unable to reproduce any volume problems in Steve Green's Hymnal at 50%. I have QuickTime 10.
Perhaps LimJK can provide us with logs? http://www.logos.com/mac/support/bugs
I playback Steve Green's Hymnal at 50% using build-in speaker on my MacBookPro 17", so I suggest you might want to remove any external speaker system that amplifies the volume.
I try to give as much information as I can about what is installed that might be relevant for your investigation.
The log is here: 5415.LogosLogs Jui Khiang Lim 20120420-110522.gz
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Some additional information on QuickTime and Midi:
Midi does not play on Quicktime Player 10.1, it plays only on Quicktime Player 7.6.6, I have just tested it on OS X Lion where I have recently installed OSX Lion on a old MacBook White. Quicktime Player 10.1 is there as part of OS X Lion.
I tried playing a Midi file, I got the following message:
After installing Quicktime Player 7 (regular non-Pro version), I have the same problem near no audio at 50% volume. I have Flip4Mac and Perian installed on the System Preferences Pane.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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When I said that I don't think QuickTime was the problem, what I meant to say is that it wasn't a user setting problem. I have no idea if QT could be the issue or not... Just that I checked all the user controllable settings that I am aware of to no avail. [:s]
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By way of contrast on Mac OS X 10.6.8, sound volume is 43 % with QuickTime Player 10.0, QuickTime Player 7.6.6 (inside Utilities folder) and Flip4Mac, hymns in Logos hymnal resources sound fine in Logos 4.5b Beta 7 (enjoyed listening to "Joy to the World").
For grins, downloaded a midi file, double clicking mid file opened QuickTime Player 7.6.6 that sounded fine with my sound at 43 % volume. While song was playing, reduced sound volume to 25 %, which was still audible. Quit QuickTime Player 7, returned to Logos 4.5b Beta 7 to play another hymn ("Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"), which sounded fine.
From a troubleshooting point of view, personally not able to assist since unable to replicate issue, hence my apologies.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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alabama24 said:
When I said that I don't think QuickTime was the problem, what I meant to say is that it wasn't a user setting problem. I have no idea if QT could be the issue or not... Just that I checked all the user controllable settings that I am aware of to no avail.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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By way of contrast on Mac OS X 10.6.8, sound volume is 43 % with QuickTime Player 10.0, QuickTime Player 7.6.6 (inside Utilities folder) and Flip4Mac, hymns in Logos hymnal resources sound fine in Logos 4.5b Beta 7 (enjoyed listening to "Joy to the World").
From a troubleshooting point of view, personally not able to assist since unable to replicate issue, hence my apologies.
It sounds more like a OS X Lion problem ... specifically, I mean the volume of Midi should be about the same when playing mp3 or mp4 files with the same volume setting. Thanks for resurrecting this post [:)] I like to here "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" too.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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From a troubleshooting point of view, personally not able to assist since unable to replicate issue, hence my apologies.
Just to check - Do I understand correctly that you don't have Lion installed?
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OR: Plug your Mac into your 350 watt home stereo system
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David Ames said:
OR: Plug your Mac into your 350 watt home stereo system
Get behind me, Satan! [:P]
(The problem isn't with the speakers, which can play louder than I like to hear.)
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Since I'm unable to reproduce the issue, the sound problem will probably have to be dealt with over the phone. Can either alabama24, or LimJK give us a call at 800-875-6467? I'm pretty sure if we get it resolved for one of you we can post the solution here for the other. You can ask for me if you like. I'll be here until 3:30 PDT.
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I will let LimJK call you if possible. It isn't an issue I care about. If I my assistance is needed, I could call in, but it would probably have to be another day. [:)]
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alabama24 said:
Correct, currently using Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard). For my usage, upgrading to Lion has not been compelling.
Personally pondering OS X upgrade along with repartitioning Mac hard drive since OS X Lion installation will wipe out my current partitioning (so Lion can add a hidden recovery partition).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Personally pondering OS X upgrade
Are you just going to wait for Mountain Lion this summer?
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alabama24 said:
Depends on how God answers prayers (hoping for an answer that would provide a reason to upgrade soon that includes multi-boot configuration and virtual machines).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Tommy Ball said:
Since I'm unable to reproduce the issue, the sound problem will probably have to be dealt with over the phone. Can either alabama24, or LimJK give us a call at 800-875-6467? I'm pretty sure if we get it resolved for one of you we can post the solution here for the other. You can ask for me if you like. I'll be here until 3:30 PDT.
Tommy, just saw your post, I can call you (I am in GMT+8 Time Zone) ... maybe we should schedule a call offline (I suppose you can pick up my email ID from the Logos system).
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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This seems to be an issue with Lion. There is a discussion of this on the apple support site listing midi volume issues with several programs (Garage Band apparently plays midi files OK and at least one third party music program has recently found a work around).
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Mike - If you have a link to the Apple discussion, could you post a link here?
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alabama24 said:
Mike - If you have a link to the Apple discussion, could you post a link here?
These are twi discussions but I got a few more hits on this issue on Google. This isn't a feature I use and full volume is loud enough on my macbook pro (I usually use headphones and 60% volume is comfortable)
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Thanks Mike! [:)]
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Mike W said:
This seems to be an issue with Lion. There is a discussion of this on the apple support site listing midi volume issues with several programs (Garage Band apparently plays midi files OK and at least one third party music program has recently found a work around).
Hi Mike,
Like you I google about Midi issue on OS X Lion I found a number of threads. The reason I start this post was because I found some 3rd parties Midi players working properly, such as
- Sweet Midi Player OS X 2.5.3 and more if you google
- Midi on Logos plays well plays well on Windows 7 under Parallels 7.0 on OS X Lion on the same MacBookPro (so not a hardware problem)
Therefore, I wanted to be sure that is not some other sound related stuffs that I have installed in my system, such as Flip4Mac, Perian 1.2.3 on my System Preferences Pane and other Quicktime Pro 7.6.6 addon (eg. MPEG-2 Playback) that is causing the problem.
Now we know Logos uses WMP as in Windows (make sense) ... so the problem is related. However Tommy seems to have no problem with Midi sound, so I am curious and interested.
Tommy Ball said:
On the Windows side we use WMP to drive the audio for the MIDI audio, and it would make sense that we do the same with QuickTime on the Mac. I'm unable to reproduce any volume problems in Steve Green's Hymnal at 50%. I have QuickTime 10.
From what I have experimental so far, QuickTime 10 on my Lion, does not play Midi (see above post) it is QuickTime 7.6.6 that plays Midi. So I am interested to compare what Tommy has installed on his system that plays Midi properly. I hope Tommy has tested it on a normal (non-developers) OS X Lion setup.Yes, if you use earphone / headphone / external sound system the issue may not appear to be that bad; however, running on the build in Speaker of my MacBookPro(s) and MacBook at home the problem is obvious and not usable :-(Hoping to see some solution or work around :-)JK
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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LimJK said:
However Tommy seems to have no problem with Midi sound, so I am curious and interested.
For me Volume is low on a macbook with Flip4mac and silverllght installed and is also low on a macbook with no additional plugins (except Flash) so I don't think it is related to these plugins. Although this is not really a big issue for me I would like to know what the solution is if you can get this worked out with Logos.
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Hi all,
I have just installed Logos Bible Software 4.5b (, the same issue exists
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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LimJK said:
I have just installed Logos Bible Software 4.5b (, the same issue exists
I'm having the same issues and would love to use the midi hymnal for worship/devotions. Has anyone heard of any resolution?
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John Fugh, Jr. said:
Has anyone heard of any resolution?
Sorry, no. One question though… are you also on Lion?
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Just note that the same issue exists with 4.5b (
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Have you tried playing this with headphones, or only using your built-in speakers?
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Ann Boyles said:
Have you tried playing this with headphones, or only using your built-in speakers?
Speakers only.
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Could you perhaps try testing this with headphones as well? It could help us narrow down the source of the issue. Based on the previous posts, it sounds like it might be an issue with the internal speakers / how those work with Lion. Thanks!
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Just like to note that the same issue exist in Logos Bible Software 4.5c (
I use only Build-in speakers; Headphone sort of masks the bug ... looks like it is an issue with Quicktime on Lion. As mentioned in my much earlier posts other Midi Player works fine.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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I would appreciate if someone who is running OS X Mountain Lion could help test if the OS X Lion extremely soft midi issue is resolved? (when using the internal build in speaker; ie not using headphone or amplifier system)
I missed my Steve Green Midi Hymnal working properly since OS X Lion was introduced :-(
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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LimJK said:
Just like to note that the same issue exist in Logos Bible Software 4.5c (
I use only Build-in speakers; Headphone sort of masks the bug ... looks like it is an issue with Quicktime on Lion. As mentioned in my much earlier posts other Midi Player works fine.
Thanks LimJK. As you say, this appears to be an issue with QuickTime on Lion. However, I have created a case for it.
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Ann Boyles said:
Thanks LimJK. As you say, this appears to be an issue with QuickTime on Lion. However, I have created a case for it.
Thanks Ann.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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LimJK said:Ann Boyles said:
Thanks LimJK. As you say, this appears to be an issue with QuickTime on Lion. However, I have created a case for it.
Thanks Ann.
I have heard back and, as this is an issue with QuickTime on Lion, we will not be addressing it. Thank you.
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Ann Boyles said:
I have heard back and, as this is an issue with QuickTime on Lion, we will not be addressing it. Thank you.
Thanks. If that is the official position Logos is taking (which is not necessarily unreasonable), I thought it is nice to remove "Apple" logo from your website for this product and add a caveat so that no one is misled that it works for the current release of OS X Lion. As I noted in the original post few months ago, that most other vendors that uses midi as part of their product has already implemented work around.
:-) my work around is to run Logos4 for Windows with Windows 7 under Parallels 7.0 on OS X Lion :-)
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Ann Boyles said:
Thanks LimJK. As you say, this appears to be an issue with QuickTime on Lion. However, I have created a case for it.
I have heard back and, as this is an issue with QuickTime on Lion, we will not be addressing it. Thank you.
Upgrading to "Mountain Lion" couldn't be easier -- assuming you have the kind of internet connection that can reasonably handle a 4.34GB download
BUT Does it fix the sound problem?
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David Ames said:
BUT Does it fix the sound problem
It seems that this is still an issue with Mountain Lion. At full volume it is loud enough to hear in a reasonably quiet room but no where near as loud as other programs. Also, it doesn't seem to work with airplay streaming built into mountain lion (Which would allow one to wirelessly send it to a regular amplifier). It's ok for hearing what a hymn sounds like but you wouldn't want to use it in a group situation.