Minor buglet: 5.0b Beta 3: Logos is not as smart as RefTagger in parting Scripture references
RefTagger can parse Scripture references when the space is missing between the book name and the chapter, for example, notice how you can hover over the first of these three references and the right text comes up:
Micah6:8 John 3:16 Revelation 3:20
But Logos can't do it. Copy and paste that into a Note, or go to a Passage List and do Add passages from clipboard, and it can't figure out that the first one is supposed to be a Scripture reference.
Rosie Perera said:
Copy and paste that into a Note, or go to a Passage List and do Add passages from clipboard, and it can't figure out that the first one is supposed to be a Scripture reference.
I am able to reproduce this behavior for both Notes and Passage Lists.
In Passage Lists, adding from the reference "Micah6:8" works correctly, but adding from the clipboard does not. I have reported this bug to Development.
I will pass the suggestion for Notes to have better parsing on to Development.
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Going to a Passage List and adding passages from clipboard will recognize references without a space (such as Micah6:8) in 5.1 Beta 3 and in 4.6c Beta 3.
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This may be tangential to your "buglet", but I thought I would help clarify a bit...
It should be understandable that the notes editor isn't able to make the same assumptions that are made by a Bible Reference box.
The classic example is "Am I", which may be considered "Amos 1" in a bible reference box but not in a notes editor. Similarly, "Micah6:8" may be discernible as a bible reference from a human perspective or an aggressive reference detector, but the logic we use to detect said references in notes is a bit more conservative with its results. The balance we strike in the editor is to detect what seems straightforward and allow the user to add or remove references as they see fit (albeit with a tad bit more manual work).
For this reason you might be able to type "gen1.1" into the hyperlink box and get the proper link added but the same text may not be "auto detected" when typing text into the editor.
All that said, if there is a regression in the new editor, we want to hear about it.