George McCready Price - Q.E.D.

Ken McGuire
Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

A bit ago, I was asked about Young Earth Creationism, and, to be honest, I have not really dealt with any real attempts to defend this point of view.  And so I went to wikipedia to find out a bit more.  In the process, I found out about George McCready Price as an early proponent of this, and looked for a work by him which would serve as a brief overview.

His background was in Geology, and later he would produce a magnum opus which gave his interpretation of geology.  But this work serves as a brief overview.  It is of course, dated.  My science background is Chemistry (not much of an issue) and Physics, and I can see the Physics info given in the first section to be understandable, but this is before the discovery of the Neutron, and the understanding of how stars shine, etc. which was fine in 1917 when this book was published, but now is an issue...

Anyway, I offer it to the community... My source was


Ken McGuire

The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

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