Glitch - Logos Desktop (pc) 5.2a Beta 2 (

abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

So I have one and possibly a second issue that I've just discovered. I've recently been tagging my library and have made significant progress... about a thousand titles left to tag. Any way, early on I made the mistake of separating tags with commas instead of semi colons. Then the tag system changed at some point relatively recently, and in my regular use of Logos today is the first time I have come across one of these miss-tagged resources. In an effort to work around the issue, I re-tagged the resource with the same tags seperated by semi-colons. Now what I am seeing is a discrepancy between the my tags pane on the library view, and the listed tags in the right hand column.

In the screen shot below you will see that for the exegetical summary of Joel, in library view, I have the tags "Commentary, Exegetical, Technical, Translation,Unread, Exegetical, Technical, Translation, Unread". Yet in the pane to the right, I have the tags: "Commentary;Exegetical;Technical;Translation;Unread;Old Testament". The tag "Old Testament" does not show in the center pane.

Update: While I was typing this out, I realized I can just delete the duplicate tags. But that doesn't change the fact that one set of tags shows in one place, and a different set shows in a second.
Screenshot below:

L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
