5.2aB3 Mac library issues

Jon Member Posts: 767 ✭✭

Sorry if these have already been reported.

1. Weird results when searching/filtering — if I open library as a new panel and search for NIV I see this: 

NIV2011 whose short title is NIV is ranked 1082 (whatever that means since the numbers aren't contiguous?). Also it looks like its sorted by rank by default (though none of the headings show a sorting caret) but you can see the ranking restarts from 1 near the bottom there.

Now if I click on the Rank heading I see this:

NIV2011 jumps to rank 1, but now it (and all the NIVAC commentaries which are below it) are duplicated in the library results. If I click it a third time the ranks change but are not ordered from high to low, the college press commentaries are duplicated and the actual bibles have disappeared entirely.

2. The default sort order is unclear, and "unsorting" by a column behaves unexpectedly. If I open a new library tab, none of the headers show a sorting caret and it doesn't seem to be sorted by any of the columns. If I then click on one of the headers 3 times (ascending, descending then deselect sorting on this column) it defaults to an inexplicable sort order different from the first one.
