Logos is crashing when I type the Bible passage. It was working fine before today's update.
We're investigating this problem.
0 -
Yes, I got the same problem after the update also.
if it helps, I am on Mac OSX version 10.9.4
0 -
We've published some updated resources that we believe will fix this issue.
Please open Logos to a blank layout (hold down Ctrl on Windows or Cmd on Mac at startup, then check "Use blank layout" before clicking "Sign in"). Then enter "update resources" into the command box at the top of the program and let it check for updates.
When the updated resources finish downloading, restart Logos.
0 -
Mine seems to be working now...Thanks!
0 -
Justin Dauck said:
It downloaded some sort of update earlier today.
That's probably the update that caused the problem. We published a new update at approximately 10pm PST (five minutes ago); you will need to download this to fix the crash.
0 -
I can't open Logos to a blank layout - the control key makes no difference. As soon as I open the program, it crashes.
0 -
Abel C. Pol said:
I can't open Logos to a blank layout - the control key makes no difference. As soon as I open the program, it crashes.
Make sure you hold Control down as you launch Logos 5 from the Start Menu, and keep holding it down until you see the Sign In dialog.
0 -
I have followed the instructions on holding down the ctrl key and placing a check in "Use blank layout." The Sign on screen comes up and then the programs crashes. Any other suggestions?
0 -
Claybon Collins Jr said:
I have followed the instructions on holding down the ctrl key and placing a check in "Use blank layout." The Sign on screen comes up and then the programs crashes. Any other suggestions?
Posting diagnistic logs would help - e.g. the logos.log file and the logos and indexer error logs.
Have joy in the Lord!
0 -
Prayerful I'm doing this right"
Program Version: 5.3 Beta 1 (
Windows Version: 6.3.9600.0
Time: 2014-09-04 09:55:17 -04:00 (2014-09-04T13:55:17Z)
Installed memory: 24,525 MB
Install path: C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\System\Logos.exe
Free install space: 539,931 MB
Data path: C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3
Free disk space: 539,931 MB
Temp path: C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Temp\
Free temp space: 539,931 MB
Error ID: 7166
Error detail: XmlException: The 'Device' start tag on line 1 position 61 does not match the end tag of 'Paragraph'. Line 1, position 453.
System.Xml.XmlException: The 'Device' start tag on line 1 position 61 does not match the end tag of 'Paragraph'. Line 1, position 453.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlSubtreeReader.Read()
at Libronix.Utility.XmlUtility.ReadInnerText(XmlReader reader)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.DeviceRegistrationLocalPreferences.OnLoad(XmlReader reader)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.PreferencesBase.Load(Guid revision, XmlReader reader)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.PreferencesManager.UpdatePreferences(PreferencesBase preferences)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.PreferencesManager.OpenPreferences[T](String strName)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.DeviceResourceManager..ctor(String documentsLocation, PreferencesManager localUserPreferences)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateDeviceResourceManager()
at Libronix.Utility.LazyObject`1.get_Value()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateLibraryCatalog()
at Libronix.Utility.LazyObject`1.get_Value()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateResourceLists()
at Libronix.Utility.LazyObject`1.get_Value()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateDocumentManager(VisualMarkupManager markupManager)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateDocumentAndMarkupManagers()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.get_VisualMarkupManager()
at LDLS4.AppModel.AppStartupCallback.StartServices(Action onFirstSyncFinished)
at LDLS4.AppStartupModel.DoUserValidated()
at LDLS4.AppStartupModel.UserValidated()
at LDLS4.WebServiceClient.<GetLicensesWork>d__b.MoveNext()
at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNext()2014-09-04 09:55:09.2307 1 Info OurApp Starting application (5.3 Beta 1, version x64 on Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0) at 0.517 seconds.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.2317 1 Info LogosApplication Checking application compatibility mode for 'Logos.exe'.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.2317 1 Error LogosApplication Application compatibility mode for 'C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Logos.exe' is set to '~ WIN7RTM'.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.2327 1 Info OurApp Reading previous log took 8ms.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.3158 1 Info OurApp WPF rendering tier 2; targeting 20 FPS.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.3288 1 Info OurApp Auto-detected UI language: en-US
2014-09-04 09:55:09.3298 1 Info OurApp Culture.Current.LanguageName: en-US
2014-09-04 09:55:09.3298 1 Info OurApp Loading application XAML.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.7941 1 Info OurApp Running application.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.8581 1 Info OurApp Creating AppModel.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.8611 5 Info OurApp Loading DataTypeManager in the background.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.8762 5 Info DataTypeManager (Timed) Initializing data type manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.8902 6 Info ScriptEnginePoolFactory (Timed) Initializing new citation engine.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9402 6 Info ScriptEnginePoolFactory (50ms) Initializing new citation engine.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9472 1 Info UserManager Opening UserManager in C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Users.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9492 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Users\UserManager.db
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9542 6 Info ScriptEnginePoolFactory (Timed) Initializing new citation engine.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9552 1 Info LDLS4.AppModel Running AppModel.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9642 5 Info DataTypeManager (88ms) Initializing data type manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9842 6 Info ScriptEnginePoolFactory (30ms) Initializing new citation engine.
2014-09-04 09:55:09.9932 1 Info AppStartupModel (Timed) Checking 'Use Internet' setting.
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0283 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices Initializing DigitalLibraryServices. (Shared Folder= C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Shared, Data Folder = C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3, Documents Folder = C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3)
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0303 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating local user preferences.
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0363 1 Info PreferencesManager Opening PreferencesManager in C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\LocalUserPreferences.
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0383 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\LocalUserPreferences\PreferencesManager.db
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0483 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (18ms) Creating local user preferences.
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0783 1 Info AppStartupModel (84ms) Checking 'Use Internet' setting.
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0933 1 Info OurApp Status changed: LoggingIn
2014-09-04 09:55:10.0963 1 Info OurApp Status changed: LogInPrompt
2014-09-04 09:55:11.0410 1 Info OurApp Showing startup window LDLS4.Startup.StartupWindow at 2.328 seconds.
2014-09-04 09:55:11.0500 1 Info LDLS4.AppModel App is now idle.
2014-09-04 09:55:15.2772 1 Info AppStartupModel System web proxy: None
2014-09-04 09:55:15.2772 1 Info AppStartupModel Logos 4 web proxy: None
2014-09-04 09:55:15.2792 1 Info OurApp Status changed: LoggingIn
2014-09-04 09:55:15.3142 7 Info WebServiceClient (Timed) Signing in
2014-09-04 09:55:15.3242 1 Warn ElementUtility Unable to set focus to default focus: PasswordBox (UserPasswordBox) <- SpacedStackPanel <- Grid <- ContentPresenter <- Border <- LogInPromptView <- Grid <- Border <- DropShadow <- ContentPresenter <- AdornerDecorator <- Border <- StartupWindow
2014-09-04 09:55:15.3262 1 Info ElementUtility Couldn't find default focus; focus set to first focusable item.
2014-09-04 09:55:15.3272 1 Warn ElementUtility Unable to set focus to default focus: PasswordBox (UserPasswordBox) <- SpacedStackPanel <- Grid <- ContentPresenter <- Border <- LogInPromptView <- Grid <- Border <- DropShadow <- ContentPresenter <- AdornerDecorator <- Border <- StartupWindow
2014-09-04 09:55:15.3282 1 Info ElementUtility Couldn't find default focus; focus set to first focusable item.
2014-09-04 09:55:15.9807 7 Info WebServiceClient (666ms) Signing in
2014-09-04 09:55:16.2559 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices Initializing DigitalLibraryServices. (Shared Folder= C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Shared, Data Folder = C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3, Documents Folder = C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3)
2014-09-04 09:55:16.2559 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating license manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:16.2609 1 Info LicenseManager Opening LicenseManager in C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3\LicenseManager; products folder is C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Shared\Products
2014-09-04 09:55:16.2669 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3\LicenseManager\Products.db
2014-09-04 09:55:16.3970 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (140ms) Creating license manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:16.4370 5 Info WebServiceClient (Timed) Calling GetLicensesData.
2014-09-04 09:55:16.9917 7 Info WebServiceClient (555ms) Calling GetLicensesData.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1248 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating visual markup manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1328 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\VisualMarkup\visualmarkup.db
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1768 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (52ms) Creating visual markup manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1778 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating document manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1778 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating resource manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1778 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating data type options.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1788 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (0ms) Creating data type options.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1848 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3\WebCache\CacheData.db
2014-09-04 09:55:17.1908 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3\ResourceManager\ResourceManager.db
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2068 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\ResourceManager\ResourceSyncManager.db
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2078 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (30ms) Creating resource manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2078 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating resource lists.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2088 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating library catalog.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2088 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating device resource manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2088 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (Timed) Creating local user preferences.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2098 1 Info PreferencesManager Opening PreferencesManager in C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\LocalUserPreferences.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2108 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\LocalUserPreferences\PreferencesManager.db
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2118 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (3ms) Creating local user preferences.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2218 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Documents\1qzsul5i.jh3\DeviceResourceManager\MobileResourcesSyncManager.db
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2379 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (29ms) Creating device resource manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2379 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (29ms) Creating library catalog.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2389 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (30ms) Creating resource lists.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2389 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices (61ms) Creating document manager.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2459 1 Error ApplicationUtility Unhandled exception in async work System.Xml.XmlException: The 'Device' start tag on line 1 position 61 does not match the end tag of 'Paragraph'. Line 1, position 453.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlSubtreeReader.Read()
at Libronix.Utility.XmlUtility.ReadInnerText(XmlReader reader)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.DeviceRegistrationLocalPreferences.OnLoad(XmlReader reader)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.PreferencesBase.Load(Guid revision, XmlReader reader)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.PreferencesManager.UpdatePreferences(PreferencesBase preferences)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.PreferencesManager.OpenPreferences[T](String strName)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.DeviceResourceManager..ctor(String documentsLocation, PreferencesManager localUserPreferences)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateDeviceResourceManager()
at Libronix.Utility.LazyObject`1.get_Value()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateLibraryCatalog()
at Libronix.Utility.LazyObject`1.get_Value()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateResourceLists()
at Libronix.Utility.LazyObject`1.get_Value()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateDocumentManager(VisualMarkupManager markupManager)
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.CreateDocumentAndMarkupManagers()
at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Utility.DigitalLibraryServices.get_VisualMarkupManager()
at LDLS4.AppModel.AppStartupCallback.StartServices(Action onFirstSyncFinished)
at LDLS4.AppStartupModel.DoUserValidated()
at LDLS4.AppStartupModel.UserValidated()
at LDLS4.WebServiceClient.<GetLicensesWork>d__b.MoveNext()
at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNext()
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2609 1 Info LogosApplication DoRegisterShutdown(True) for App.
2014-09-04 09:55:17.2929 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Claybon\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\1qzsul5i.jh3\Errors\Application\ErrorReportManager.db0 -
That worked! I'm back in business. Thanks for providing a fix so quickly. Now I can get back to work.
0 -
Ok, if worse comes to worse, and this doesn't work, will uninstall/reinstall work? I am assuming that the updates are included in the download?
0 -
Hi Barry
Barry Hofstetter said:Ok, if worse comes to worse, and this doesn't work, will uninstall/reinstall work? I am assuming that the updates are included in the download?
Sorry but what problem are you experiencing? As far as I can see this is your first post in this thread and its important to understand the symptoms of your particular issue
0 -
Hi Graham,
Can you take a look at the logs I posted earlier? Logos crashes when I try to open it. I have used the ctrl and blank layout suggestion with no success.
0 -
one thing which I noticed is Logos is set to run in compatibility mode.
Can you uncheck this from within properties and see if that helps?
If not, please upload the complete logs using the paperclip icon as opposed to pasting them into a reply
0 -
Claybon Collins Jr said:
Logos crashes when I try to open it.
You have a corrupt local database; please delete this file and restart Logos:
0 -
I unchecked the compatibility mode but no change. Is the information below what I am supposed to send? A bit confused on how this is done. Thanks for your help!![*-)]
0 -
Thanks Bradley,
Am searching for it now!!
0 -
It opened to a blank layout and now is downloading 250 mb.
As I was typing this message, it crashed again.0 -
I started the program again, it downloaded the update and has restarted and now is preparing my library.
Thanks to everyone who assisted me with this.
0 -
Along with some Database updates, there were some other resources (about 28). Bradley told me I had a corrupt database file, which I deleted and restarted Logos. It crashed the first time but using the ctrl and blank layout suggestion, it started and indexed and is working fine. I hope this helps.
0 -
Martin Grainger Dean said:
May I ask what files have been updated? I'm not on my PC right now. These will be also needed in 5.3 beta 1? Martin.
If you are on 5.3 beta then any updates you receive could be common to 5.2b i.e. 5.3 won't stop you receiving resource updates, and you may get some updates specific to 5.3!
===Windows 11 & Android 13