Training to Reign with God, The Christian Journey to live Supernaturally
Are you tired of being a Sunday-only-Christian believing everyday-Christians must be perfect? Dr. Marcia Vogl addresses maturity in your Christian faith that enables you to reign over your life every day. You will learn through basic principles that: • You have The Gift of Salvation or Soteriology. • You can navigate…
Should Christians Tithe?: Excelling in the Grace of Giving by Iain Duguid
The scene is a familiar one in many churches around the country. At a particular point in the worship service, the pastor announces “We will now receive our tithes and offerings for the Lord’s work”, and a collection is then taken up. Is that an accurate and Biblical description of what just happened? Likewise, popular…
Westcott gospel of John Greek text
The 19th century saw some commentaries on the Greek New Testament that are still valuable today. Lightfoot, Ellicott, Westcott, and Hort, to name a few. Westcott did two commentaries on the Gospel of John. One was for the Speaker's Commentary, which is the one Logos has. Almost 30 years later, he put a 2 vol set on the…
Overcoming Life's Sorrows by Reed Lessing
Jeremiah can help you see how to overcome your setbacks, difficulties, and road bumps in life. No matter where you find your disasters or difficulties in life, Jeremiah's example shows how God still offers joy amidst it all.
Updated Brenton English Septuagint
Description by the author Robert Adam Boyd: "The Revised English Septuagint captures the beauty of Brenton's classic translation in a way that is more accessible to today's reader. Updates include the spelling of words and names, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, archaic forms, and other minor changes to improve…
The Doctrine of the Covenant and Testament of God by Johannes Cocceius
Johannes Cocceius (1603-1669) was prominent Bible scholar who taught at the universities of Bremen, Franeker, and Leiden. As a gifted linguist, he produced a Hebrew lexicon, commentary related to every book of the Bible, and several theological treatises. Cocceius's contributions to covenant theology simultaneously sparked…
The Confession of Faith: A Critical Text and Introduction (Principal Documents of the Westminster As
The Confession of Faith stands as one of the three major doctrinal standards produced by the Westminster Assembly. It has become one of the most recognizable and influential confessions of the Reformed tradition. In his historical introduction, John Bower provides an extensive survey of the Confession's creation, a…
Gospel Revelation: Finding Worth in Knowing Christ by Jeremiah Burroughs
In this book Jeremiah Burroughs gives us God's revelation regarding Himself and regarding His Son, Jesus Christ. Then he gives precious insights into the worth of the human soul, created by God to joyously serve and glorify Him. Link:…
The Good Confession: An Exploration of the Christian Faith by Daniel R. Hyde
Today, too many Christians are followers of novelty, religious fads, and strange new doctrines unheard of in the history of the church. On the contrary, to be a Christian is to join the great "cloud of witnesses" (Heb 12:1) through the ages, confessing with the Body of Christ the "faith that was once for all delivered to…
The Worship of God: Reformed Concepts of Biblical Worship by Various
"There can be no more important issue than that of worship. There can be no more important question than that of how God is to be worshipped." In the 21st century, as has been the case throughout history, different interpretations of worship continue to divide churches and denominations. Worship expresses our theology and…
The Law Is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant by Bryan D. Estelle, J. V.
Is the Mosaic covenant a 'republication' of the the key Reformation doctrine of the covenant of works? Inability to obey the law has implications for the doctrines of grace and justification. Here contributors ably refute attacks on the Reformed view of grace and justification, skillfully pointing us to Christ and his…
Getting the Garden Right: Adam’s Work and God’s Rest in Light of Christ by Richard Barcellos
“Nothing shapes how we interpret and apply the Bible as much as our understanding of covenant. Richard Barcellos offers us a helpful blend of biblical exegesis and theological reflection on the implications of covenant theology for God’s relationship with Adam and for the Lord’s Day. Though this book’s discussion is framed…
Faith Working through Love: The Theology of William Perkins by Joel R. Beeke, Mathew N. Payne, et al
William Perkins (1558-1602) was a master preacher and teacher of Reformed, experiential theology. He left an indelible mark upon the English Puritan movement and his writings were translated into Dutch, German, French, Hungarian, and other European languages. In Faith Working Through Love, a group of twelve scholars mine…
The Infallible Word: A Symposium by the Members of the Faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary b
A symposium by the members of the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary―Murray, Young, Stonehouse, Skilton, Woolley, Kuiper, and Van Til―on Scripture’s attestation, authority, transmission, and relevancy; scriptural preaching; and Scripture and nature. Link:…
The Institutes of Christian Religion by John Calvin, Tony Lane, et al.
This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and inexpensive sampler of Calvin's greatest work. Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin's teachings on all his major themes. Link:…
Analysis Of Herman Witsius's The Economy of The Covenants by Ramsey D. Patrick and Joel R. Beeke
'The Economy of the Covenants is Witsius's magnum opus. He wrote it to promote peace amongst theologians who were divided on covenant theology. Witsius sought to be a theologian of synthesis who strove to lessen tensions between Christians. Covenants between God and man are essentially one-sided in that they are initiated…
Where Wisdom is Found: Christ in Ecclesiastes by John V. Fesko
The wisdom literature of the Bible is beautiful and inspiring, yet at times it can be confusing and hard to understand. In Where Wisdom Is Found, J. V. Fesko helps us think through the book of Ecclesiastes and demonstrates how it finds its fulfillment in the crucified and resurrected Messiah. Ecclesiastes addresses many of…
Meeting Jesus at the Feast: Israel's Festivals and the Gospel by John R. Sittema
The Bible tells the unique story of the history of God's redemption, focusing on the central character-Jesus. It was difficult for the ancient people of Israel to put their faith and hope in a Messiah who would not make his appearance for more than a thousand years, so God gave them a series of feasts that provided a hint…
The Heidelberg Catechism: A Study Guide by G. I. Williamson
The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the finest creeds of the reformation period. A faithful teacher of millions, it has stood the test of time and is still, today, one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. This study guide to the Catechism includes 129 questions and answers, along with…
The Case for Traditional Protestantism by Terry L Johnson
This is a timely piece of writing that argues passionately and persuasively for a serious reconsideration of the great scriptural principles that undergirded the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. Far from being outdated and irrelevant to the church today, Terry Johnson shows that these very principles are…
Understanding the Faith by Stephen E. Smallman
Understanding the Faith aids those who desire to profess their faith publicly and become communicant members of a church. This workbook walks students through the essentials of the Christian faith. Link:…
Grace and Freedom: William Perkins and the Early Modern Reformed Understanding of Free Choice and Di
Grace and Freedom addresses the issue of divine grace in relation to the freedom of the will in Reformed or "Calvinist" theology in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. It focuses on the work of the English Reformed theologian William Perkins, especially his role as an apologist of the Church of England,…
How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments by Edmund P. Clowney and Rebecca Jones
For many Christians, conditioned to emphasize our freedom from the law, Jesus’ words seem strange, even incompatible, with the gospel of grace. If Jesus did not abolish the law, then how should we look at the Ten Commandments today? Clowney explains how Jesus actually intensifies the law and expands its scope to every…
The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions by Terry L. Johnson
Do you struggle to provide enjoyable, meaningful and spiritual times of family devotions? Do you avoid the whole subject but have the nagging thought that you should be doing something? Let Terry & Family Worship equip you for leading your family in worship with the help of some key questions: What is family worship? What…
Federalism and the Westminster Tradition by Mark W Karlberg
More than any other theological tradition, Reformed federalism has recognized the importance of the biblical teaching on the covenants in its system of doctrine. This tradition came to mature confessional status in the writing of the Westminster Confession of Faith (and Catechisms). The place of the Westminster tradition…
Appointed to Preach: Assessing a Call to Ministry by David W. Hegg
Why does Ordination matter? If you have a call to ministry how do you know - and if so, how are you assessed? In an age that fears to contradict personal feelings and emotive persuasion here is a resource that clarifies the matter. Link:…
Helpful Truth in Past Places: The Puritan Practice of Biblical Counseling by Mark A. Deckard
Puritan writers-theologians were masters at understanding the nature of human beings and applying Scripture in practical ways to help people. Looking to Scripture as the final authority, the Puritans grounded their own counselling practices in a proper view of the sovereignty of God and the underlying heart issues of…
Selected Shorter Writings: J. Gresham Machen by J. Gresham Machen and D. G. Hart
Forty-six of Machen's shorter writings are organized into ten categories. Selections made by Machen's biographer, who contributes an introduction, a bibliography and "For Further Reading." Link:…
Evangelism: Doing Justice and Preaching Grace by Harvie M. Conn
Evangelism involves the ministry of listening and serving, as well as speaking. That combination communicates God's message of life in Christ in a way that meets people where they are. Harvie M. Conn alerts us to barriers that hinder such communicationbarriers that can be overcome in a Spirit-enlightened ministry of love…
Mediko: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Raphael Thomas, by Jim Ruff
Dr. Thomas was a medical missionary in the Philippines from 1904. He was a graduate of Harvard, Harvard Medical School, and Newton Seminary.
Celebrating the Sabbath: Finding Rest in a Restless World by Bruce A. Ray
This positive look at the Sabbath explains how to delight in that day as the opportunity reserved by God for his people to be refreshed in fellowship with him. Link:…
Paradigms in Polity: Classic Readings in Reformed and Presbyterian Church Government by David W. Hal
This unique book provides a comprehensive, chronological anthology of the most essential documents on Presbyterian and Reformed church government, including many out-of-print selections and several new English translations. Beginning with the earliest testimonies to God's plan for church order and proceeding through the…
Reformer of Basel: The Life, Thought, and Influence of Johannes Oecolampadius by Diane Poythress
'It is indeed a joy to be able to read about the life and times of Basel's great Reformer, Johannes Oecolampadius, from Dr. Diane Poythress's pen. She writes in a very engaging style that helps to make the long-ago events of the sixteenth century come alive. Her presentation is scholarly, engaging with all the sources in a…
Sin, Impurity, Sacrifice, Atonement: The Priestly Conceptions by Jay Sklar
The goal of this closely reasoned study is to explain why, in Priestly texts of the Hebrew Bible, the verb _kipper_, traditionally translated 'atone', means the way of dealing both with sin and with impurity-which might seem very different things. Sklar's first key conclusion is that when the context is sin, certain sins…
The Reformed Imperative: What the Church Has to Say That No One Else Can Say by John H. Leith
In the face of dramatic membership decline, John Leith calls on the church to say what no one else can say. Leith writes that too often sermons are moral exhortations which can be delivered more effectively at Rotary or Kiwanis clubs; or political and economic judgements on society presented with greater wisdom and passion…
Christ Humbled yet Exalted by John Flavel
John Flavel shows Christ as our fountain of true joy: secured for his people by his humiliation and his exaltation. By humiliation, Flavel means the incarnation - Christ’s birth, ministry, and death - by exaltation he means the four stages of resurrection, ascension, intercession, and His return in judgment. Flavel shows…
If God Already Knows Why Pray? by Douglas F. Kelly
Knowing who God is – his character, his plans and why he wants us to pray – are essentials in building our understanding of prayer. Douglas Kelly is a distinguished theologian – he is well qualified to guide us both as a teacher and a fellow traveller, sharing his own setbacks and blessings. One of the biggest questions…
Adopted by God: From Wayward Sinners to Cherished Children by Robert A Peterson
In an age of family breakdown, loneliness, and insecurity, we need more than ever to grasp the meaning of being sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. Surprisingly, theologians have devoted little attention to the biblical teaching on adoption. This book views the many facets of God's saving grace through the lens of…
What we believe: An exposition of the Apostles' Creed by Cornelis P Venema
There have been and always will be fresh resources to explain the Apostles' Creed. What distinguishes Dr. Venema's volume is a timeless and less sectarian approach. This birds' eye view of the faith presents the reader with a brief panorama of our beliefs and how they have been presented, preserved and promoted through…
Christ and the Future by Cornelius Venema
This book is an abridgement of Dr Venema's highly acclaimed, major study, The Promise of the Future. Prepared especially with the non-specialist reader in mind, Christ and the Future expertly summarizes the Bible's teaching about the last things. The Christ-centred nature of the biblical teaching on the future is the main…
The Practice of Confessional Subscription by David Hall
This collection brings together some of the finest minds on a crucial subject: how to embrace a Confession. These essays will not answer every question about the practice of confessional subscription, and it is admittedly limited in its primary focus to the domain of Continental and American Presbyterianism. It is only a…
Fruitful and Faithful: Essays for Elders and Deacons by William Boekestein Steven Swets and Michael
Healthy churches have healthy elders and deacons. When a local congregation is blessed with faithful officers the results are bountiful (Acts 6:7). Faithful and Fruitful: Essays for Elders and Deacons provides current and future church leaders with an exciting opportunity of personal development. Like its companion (Called…
The Pastor’s Public Ministry: Leading in Worship, Praise, Prayer and Preaching by Terry L. Johnson
Seasoned pastor, Terry L. Johnson, shares practical wisdom for pastors to help them prioritise their public ministry. Includes foreword by Ligon Duncan. Ministers, in our age, are expected to be jacks-of-all-trades. However important administration, committee work, counselling, and relationship building may be, the…
The Beauty and Glory of Christ's Bride by Joel R. Beeke
This collection of a dozen addresses given on the church as Christ’s bride at the 2014 annual conference of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary unpacks three overarching themes: looking at the loveliness of Christ’s bride, walking in the path with Christ’s bride, and sharing in the sorrow and hope of Christ’s bride.…
Paul's Two-Age Construction and Apologetics by William D. Dennison
"A revised version of Dennison's TM. M. thesis in Apologetics directed by Harvie Conn and presented to the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (1985). The volume, which is dedicated to Cornelius Van Til, argues that Paul (incorporating the Vos-Ridderbos-Gaffin model of interpreting the Apostle) used…
Living By the Book Workbook
By Howard Hendricks. This is the workbook companion to book Logos already carries
Self-Confrontation Manual
Would you please add this to the resources available for purchase? I have the paperback but it would be so much better in my library considering how much Scripture is referenced throughout the book.
Update Code of Canon Law
The version of the Code of Canon Law is over 20 years out-of-date. Can it be updated to the current, 4th edition?
Grit to Stay Grace to Go: Staying Well in Cross-Cultural Ministry
Don't Leave Too Soon, Don't Stay Too Long Staying isn't always good and leaving isn't always bad. Both require grit and grace. Cross-cultural ministry presents us with many difficulties like transitions, loneliness, messy relationships, and the desire to escape. The lies we believe tempt us to leave our work too soon. But…
M. P. Weitzman: The Syriac Version of the Old Testament (University of Cambridge Oriental Publicatio
https://www.amazon.com/Testament-University-Cambridge-Oriental-Publications/dp/0521017467/ref=pd_ybh_a_d_sccl_2/130-9362370-3536838? Amazon blurb: While the Syriac version of the Old Testament, known as the Peshitta, was translated from a Hebrew text, it was, surprisingly, preserved by the eastern churches alone. In his…