Reading Plan - Ability to Mark As Read

Would like the ability to mark each day as "read" or "done" without having to go into the passages for each day and scroll through them to the "Stop reading" bar. I use the reading plan on my iTouch for my daily reading, but use a physical Bible that I can mark up for the daily reading. Thanks.
Amen, brother!
I love my Logos iPhone App, but I alternate between the bound copy of my Bible and my iPod Touch for reading the Bible (it depends on where I am). When I spend time in the bound copy, I then need to go into my App, and scroll, scroll, scroll to indicate what I've read.
Before those who use the Windows version weigh in, yes, I know you can mark the chapters as read on that version. However, the Mac version is still waiting for the Reading Plan capability. Even so, a check-box to mark the reading plan would be very handy.
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Ditto this request! When I read from my printed Bible and then want to mark chapters as "read", I wait until I can get on my computer... it just takes too much time to do it on the iPhone. It would be great to have the reading from the day listed and just be able to swipe it to mark it as "read".
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Double Ditto on this request. I would love the ability to mark each chapter as read as I am reading DA Caron's "For The Love of God" and I would love to be able to mark each chapter in his book off along with each chapter of the Bible.