BUG? Reading Plan - no "Mark Read" banner

I've been going through the DIY Bible Study on my iPad. I created a reading plan as was suggested in the introduction. The issue is that the banner that should tell you when you have completed the day's reading doesn't show up as they do on my other reading plans. This is my only reading plan that isn't based on a Bible resource, so I don't know if the problem is with the DIY Bible Study Resource, or just reading plans for non-Bible resources in general.
I've come across this thread that deals with the desktop app (I dont' know if it's related):
I reported this on the desktop over 5 months ago. I seem to remember it did not work right on my iPad too. Not sure why it has not been addressed as FL put some energy into advertising this series and reading plan. I gave up on it, it was a mess as you can see from my videos.