I'd be ever so grateful if someone can tell me if I can back up my resources folder on my Android tablet to PC or SD card. If I had to restore this folder for some reason would it negate the necesity of downloading everything again. I thinking of a situation where I might need to install Logos again' say on another device. Many thanks, and good to be a part of the forum!
Yes, I have done so. There is a problem though. Logos does not fully support sd cards period and that issue remains even with lollipop. While I have noticed that someone at one time noted their particular android phone supported the install to command. While some androids offer backup services, ie. google, the problem is ensuring that the restore or copy, so to speak utilized exactly the same directory structure. I know on my new phone HTC 1 it has in the setup menu the option of managing apps and that feature supports moving app to sd card I noticed that my android logos app reinstalled itself back to the internal chip and took space once again. I do not think that android and logos have smoothed things out programming wise to fully support external sd card put into device. While the app seems to work it is strange how space is ultimately used on internal card even though lollipop and the phone or device has that feature. I do know that I have personally used the backup and restore feature with google and with my phone to computer with say the verizon program that basically does the same as google services. I know this is about as clear as mud, but personally, it did work for me as long as it was to internal chip on device and following correct directory structure. I do not personally know of anyone that has completely been successful to run the logos app on android to external sd card and having the library go to sd card too.
Rog {BlueBird}
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For some reason I was unable to edit. In the middle it should read that logos and android *have not* smoothed things out.
Rog {BlueBird}
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Richard P B said:
I'd be ever so grateful if someone can tell me if I can back up my resources folder on my Android tablet to PC or SD card. If I had to restore this folder for some reason would it negate the necesity of downloading everything again. I thinking of a situation where I might need to install Logos again' say on another device. Many thanks, and good to be a part of the forum!
I'm not 100% sure, but I do recall asking this question and getting the answer that it's not possible.
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Thanks Roger. I know running things from theSD card is not an option. But with a new reinstall of Logos I am hoping that by pasting and replacing ALL the files the Logos servers will recognize the licences therefore no need for a redownload of 3gb of resources. I think I'll try it out and see what happens and post result here. Sorry I haven't explained things well!
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Hi Sean. Yes I read your post. I'm not talking about moving the folder. I'm talking about backing up /sdcard/Android/data/com.logos.androidlogos to PC.Then in the event of a reinstall just pasting this backup and overwriting everything in this folder.That way I wouldn't have to download 3gigs of resources over again. Probably not explaining myself too well! Anyways I'll try it and post result here. Thanks.
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Well I tried and it didn't work [:(]
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Have you looked at the instructions here: ?
I know it's not for Android systems, but I'm thinking that the same approach may work.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Part of the app data is still stored on the device memory, and not on the SD card. Thefefore I doubt that it's at all possible to backup the resourses folder, and restore it onto another (or the same) device, and assume all the resources will just show up in the app. You need the Logos app data from the device memory as well.
I suggest to try an app called "Helium Backup". It will backup all app data from SD and from internal memory. I've not tried it on Logos yet, but managed to get my Angry Birds scores restored.
Helium does not require root access, but you will need to connect your device to a computer and enable ADB.
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Unfortunately, it's not going to quite work that way. I've just done some experimenting. You can copy all of the files and their folders onto a computer. However, if you wipe your app and want to reinstall everything, just moving the folders where they were before won't do anything. You have to tell Logos to fetch the resource in order for it to think that it's stored locally. Ironically, once it has downloaded the resource, you can copy in an older version of the resource. (Detailed instructions are elsewhere.) But you have to start by downloading the most recent version of that resource in the first place, which sounds like it would defeat the purpose for which you would back up the files.
The only instance where this might be useful is if you have a device that won't be getting new OS upgrades, and you would want old resources that would work when new ones would not.
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Thanks everyone who responded to my question.0