Change Bible Version

Chris Gable
Chris Gable Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there a way to change the Bible versions in the mobile



  • Bryan Smith
    Bryan Smith Member, Logos Employee Posts: 442

    It will respect your resource priorities from Logos 4. If you don't have Logos 4, then there is no way to do it on the web. If your preferred Bible is not available online yet, then it will use the highest priority Bible that you have set and is also available online.

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    The Bible search doesn't seem to respect my preferred bibles.  Here is my top bible list:


    Yet when I use the Bible search in online the results come back in this order:


    So if there's a lot of hits, all I see is HCSB, when I should see ESV.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Steve Warner
    Steve Warner Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    It will respect your resource priorities from Logos 4. If you don't have Logos 4, then there is no way to do it on the web. If your preferred Bible is not available online yet, then it will use the highest priority Bible that you have set and is also available online.


    I found the same issue, when trying to search, I am expecting to see my favorite bible (NKJV) at the top, or at least my top Bibles in the order I have them (NKJV, ESV, NASB, NRSV) .  However, the first  Bible it returns is the NLT which is not my favorite nor in my "Top Bibles" at all.

    Thanks for the help!  Though not the I-Pod App...I am thankful for it for use on my Blackberry Tour.  Any way you can get a "thin" app icon out to users like the "YouVersion" app?  I would like to replace that with Logos as my default Bible on my Blackberry!  Blessings...

  • Steve Warner
    Steve Warner Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    After typing and posting that last post, I re-did my favorite bibles and prioritized them in Logos 4, and now my search yields expected results on BB.  Sorry about that!  All seems well...would still like to see at least a desktop icon for the BB.  I know a full blown BB app is not on the business plan at this point...Thanks again for the mobile site!

  • Emery Horvath
    Emery Horvath Member Posts: 58 ✭✭

    The Bible search doesn't seem to respect my preferred bibles.  Here is my top bible list:


    Yet when I use the Bible search in online the results come back in this order:


    So if there's a lot of hits, all I see is HCSB, when I should see ESV.



    Mine was similar - My top Bibles were - ESV, NASB95, KJV, TNIV, NRSV.

    My search came back NLT (not even prioritized on my list), NRSV, KJV, NASB95, ESV  (almost reverse order).

    When I added 3 more prioritized Bibles -- ESV, NASB95, KJV, TNIV, NRSV LEB, NET, NIV ..... I came back with.... KJV, NRSV, NASB95, ESV LEB on a search.

    I really would like to just search my ESV - top prioritized Bible or at least have it as the first search returned.  I wonder if they are working on this?







    The natural plus the supernatural together make an explosive force for God.


  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    I have the same issue on my BB.  My Prioritized Bibles are: ISV, KJV, NASB, NIV, NET.  When I go to a passage on (and I am logged in by the way) it randomly chooses between NKJV or NLT...neither of which are in my prioritized Bible list.

  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭

    I am having this same problem.  I have the ESV at the top of my priority list, but in searches, it comes way down in the list - even after the The Living Bible.  I think what it is doing is using the "Rank" results, rather than priority to determine the order of search results.  At least, the order seems to more closely parallel the rank rather than priority.
