iOS Reader Suite 4.6.3 Release Notes

Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The 4.6.3 version of the Faithlife Reader apps are now available in the Apple Store - Bible!, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso, Verbum, Biblia and Noet.


- Resource-specific Document option when creating new highlights or notes. (Tools > Settings > Document for Highlights)
- Autocorrect is now turned off for text fields


- Minor localization updates
- Updated Verbum Twitter handle


- Resources with user-entry fields should now work properly
- Share, Favorite and View Settings buttons should now work when invoked from a narrow panel
- Fixed blank Faithlife Today images




  • Eric Fox
    Eric Fox Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Where would I look for documentation on how the new Preferred Highlight Document feature works? I can choose between Palette-specific Note Document (default), or Resource-specific Note Document, or Most Recent Note Document. On my iPad Mini, I tried experimenting switching back and forth between the first two, so to see what changed. But unfortunately now the app crashes a couple seconds after each time I start the app. Don't try to diagnose it here, I've already contacted your bug support with the .zip log file set. Just really want to know how to use the new feature once the bug gets fixed. Thanks. Eric Fox

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Eric Fox said:

    Just really want to know how to use the new feature

    It sounds like you aren't familiar with how Logos stores highlight notes. A brief review:

    • The "old" system's (for more than 2 years) default behavior was that all highlight notes went into a folder named after the highlighter pallet. So ALL highlights used by one of the "natural highlighters" would go into a folder called "natural highlights." This system lead to LARGE and unorganized note documents.
    • Shortly after the "old" system was implemented, Logos added "most recent note document" as a secondary "sticky" behavior. If you started reading "book 1," you could create a note document called "book 1" (or anything else you wanted to call it) and have the notes go into that folder. When you wanted to send notes to a different folder, you simply opened (or created) a different note document. You could have chosen note documents based on any sort of criteria you chose (i.e. "thematic" or "resource specific")
    • The new behavior (which is an option, and isnt on by default), is to have highlight notes go into "resource specific" note documents (i.e. a note document named for the book). 

    Eric Fox said:

    I tried experimenting switching back and forth between the first two, so to see what changed.

    There isn't anything to "learn" about it than that to use the feature. NOTE: all of your current notes will still be in the note documents they were before. This only changes new highlight notes going forward. 

    Eric Fox said:

    Don't try to diagnose it here, I've already contacted your bug support with the .zip log file set.

    You aren't likely to get support that way. If you are having an issue, your best bet is to create a new thread and explain the issue clearly. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Eric Fox said:

    But unfortunately now the app crashes a couple seconds after each time I start the app. Don't try to diagnose it here, I've already contacted your bug support with the .zip log file set. Just really want to know how to use the new feature once the bug gets fixed. Thanks. Eric Fox


    We've received over ten logs so far, you don't need to send any more.  We'll take a look at the issue tomorrow - sorry about the issues.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Eric Fox said:

    But unfortunately now the app crashes a couple seconds after each time I start the app.


    Would you be willing to try the iOS 4.6.4 Beta app?  We've added additional logging that might help us track down your issue.  Please email me at kevin (dot) byford (at) faithlife (dot) com and I'll walk you through it.

  • Eric Fox
    Eric Fox Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Eric Fox said:

    Thanks everyone for the comments.


    You have been added to the TestFlight beta, I sent you instructions on how to get the apps installed.  Please install 4.6.4 at your earliest convenience and open Solid Colors to crash the app, then use the "Start at Homepage" setting to restart the app and go to the Help menu and use "Report a Problem".  Note that every time you open "Solid Colors" the app will crash, so avoid doing this after sending the crash report.

    Also, it would be helpful to know exactly what changes you made on Logos Desktop concerning moving them to being Document Specific highlights.  I believe this is key to determining why the app is crashing for you.

    I should also mention that all Logos mobile developers are on vacation from today until Monday, and thus we probably won't be able to start looking at this issue until then.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Eric, please install the latest 4.6.4 beta 2 and let us know if the crash issue is resolved.

  • Eric Fox
    Eric Fox Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    Thanks for the new test version. I could now open solid colors and emphasis markup without it crashing. In fact I opened every one of my highlighter documents, and each opened without crashing.

    There were two other areas where Logos app had issues.

    1. Here is the text of a report I sent previously, and Tommy Ball got back to me today saying to uninstall then reinstall the app.

    I used the history feature to get to my current day for devotional October 15 in For the Love of God vol Two. I finished reading, was at October 16. I press the top left button to return to history. It shows two entries, both October 15. This is the same as when I entered the resource. I would have expected to see that it showed October 16 too. Then I left swipe the bottom entry October 15, and press the delete button. It crashed when I pressed delete."

    I repeated the test with today's beta (July 9th), I used the history feature to enter the For the Love of God vol Two. The history had three entries for Oct 17. I scrolled down to Oct 18, the pressed the top left screen button bringing me back to the history page. There were still the same three Oct 17 entries. It should have shown one entry for Oct 18. I then left swiped the last entry and pressed Delete, at which it crashed like in the previous version of Logos beta.

    2. When I tried to send the crash report from the item above, it gave me a quick popup message "No mail accounts" (something to that effect) and crashed.

    3. I closed logos, and test flight, then restarted test flight then logos via its open button and repeated the test above. This time the history page had Oct 18Oct 17 and Oct 17 entries. I pressed Oct 18, went into the For the Love of God vol Two resource, navigated down to Oct 19, pressed the top left button to go back to the history page. It still had the same three entries. I left swiped the bottom one, pressed delete, and it crashed. The in did the start at homepage, reentered logos, Help | Report a Problem and the reporter feature worked.

    4. I repeated #3 above this time with Oct 19, 18 and 17 showing in history, opened Oct 19, browsed to Oct 20, back to history, left switpe bottom entry Oct 17, Crashed, then followed the same sequence to Report a Problem. But this time I tried to edit the From portion of report a problem since I have 2 email addresses on my iPad, and my default one is not my logos ID email. So I press my email address next to the word "From:". I get a big popup with two highlightable entries. My default email address is checked. I press my other email address, it becomes checked. Only issue at this point is there is no button to press to close that window. I'm stuck there and have to kill the logos app to get out.
  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Eric Fox said:

    Thanks for the new test version. I could now open solid colors and emphasis markup without it crashing. In fact I opened every one of my highlighter documents, and each opened without crashing.

    Okay, good to hear.

    Eric Fox said:

    There were two other areas where Logos app had issues.

    Please create a new thread for each issue you run into; it helps us to keep things organized should we need to refer to it later.  This is a release announcement thread and is not intended for bug posts.  Also, you should not post your email address in these forums so I've deleted it.

    I'll take a look at the History delete crashes tomorrow.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Eric Fox said:

    Thanks for the new test version. I could now open solid colors and emphasis markup without it crashing. In fact I opened every one of my highlighter documents, and each opened without crashing.

    Okay, good to hear.

    Eric Fox said:

    There were two other areas where Logos app had issues.

    Please create a new thread for each issue you run into; it helps us to keep things organized should we need to refer to it later.  This is a release announcement thread and is not intended for bug posts.  Also, you should not post your email address in these forums so I've deleted it.

    I'll take a look at the History delete crashes tomorrow.

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for reporting your History item delete crash - please open TestFlight and install the latest beta version (4.6.46101) and let us know if the issue has been resolved.

    Just to let you know, at times I can come across a bit gruff on the forums but it is not intended.  My above post reads pretty negative.  I'm sorry.  

    The reason I deleted your email from the forums was for a reason - one should never post their actual email address on a public forum because bots can pick them up and the potential spam results can be quite disturbing.  It's better to use something like "firstname dot lastname at company name dot domain".  

    Also, I already have access to everything you've emailed to our Customer Service department, so you don't need to repost it here on the forums (but you didn't know that).

    That said, I value your extremely detailed bug reporting.  I've sent an invite for you to join the Faithlife Mobile Apps Beta group... hope to see you there.