Android Suite 4.6.1 Stable Release

A crash was found in build 435 so we uploaded a fix in build 436:
- Crash when attempting to set the preferred Bible to free resources
The Android team is pleased to announce the 4.6.1 stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.
The apps should be available soon in the Google Play and Amazon Stores.
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
- Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred.
- App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
- Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire (1st gen))
- Android Version – (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.1)
Versions in this release:
Biblia 4.6.1 (Build 436)
Bible 4.6.1 (Build 436)
Faithlife Study Bible 4.6.1 (Build 436)
Noet 4.6.1 (Build 436)
Verbum 4.6.1 (Build 436)
Vyrso 4.6.1 (Build 436)
Google Play direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Vyrso -
Verbum -
Noet -
Amazon Store direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Verbum -
Noet -
- Chinese localization (Traditional and Simplified)
- Resource Specific Note Document setting
- Crash when attempting to set the preferred Bible to free resources
- Video-only and Audio-only resources can be played again
- Individual media files can be downloaded
- Some localization corrections
- Faithlife Today videos appear again (Bible! and FSB)
- Group Invites section has been added to Verbum
- Large Custom Highlight sync crash
- Various crashes
- Description – Where is the new feature for Chinese localization in the app?
- App Info – Using Faithlife Study Bible 4.6.1
- Device Info – Samsung Note 3 Neo
- Android Version – 4.4.2
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KK said:
- Description – Where is the new feature for Chinese localization in the app?
- App Info – Using Faithlife Study Bible 4.6.1
- Device Info – Samsung Note 3 Neo
- Android Version – 4.4.2
KK, welcome to the forums.
I think the localization works by simply using the device language (unless I missed a new setting, which may be very possible). If I'm right, you need to change the language of your phone to Chinese and the app will start in this UI.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Mick, my device language was already set to Chinese. BTW, I tried to change the language to English and then switch back to Chinese, but the App still show up in English.
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Sorry, then we'll need to wait for someone deeper into the Android apps or Kevin himself to troubleshoot this.
Have joy in the Lord!
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KK said:
Mick, my device language was already set to Chinese. BTW, I tried to change the language to English and then switch back to Chinese, but the App still show up in English.
Some Android devices do not include Traditional Chinese (China) but only have Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong). I expect that is the case with your Samsung Note - we've seen the same issue with the Samsung Tab. There is already a case to add Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong). Sorry for the troubles.
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Noted with thanks