Update won't run on my iphone 4

Hello! My Logos App just recently updated but my iphone cannot run the updated app. Is there a way to return to the previous version so I can still run the Logos App? If not, I will have to delete the app since it will not run and that will be disappointing.
Many thanks,
Hi Scot,
What error message are you seeing, and what version of iOS are you running?
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Hi Kevin,
The Logos App simply does not open. It shows the introductory screen and then immediately returns to the desktop. I'm running iOS 7.12
The guy at the Apple store told me I didn't have the processing power to run the app. As I mentioned, I'm using an iphone 4 which I have had for a number of years and it still works great except for the fact it seems it cannot run these new upgraded apps. If I could revert to the last version of the Logos app which my iphone 4 did just fine with, I would be happy. [:D]
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In this case I believe the Apple Guru you spoke with is incorrect; it sounds more like a potential problem with the app not correctly supporting 32-bit devices (which it should) but that's just a guess. As far as I understand our apps should work on iPhone 4 devices.
I'll write a case for the dev team, I apologize for the troubles.
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One of our staff installed the FSB app on his iPhone 4 running iOS 7.1.2 and it worked fine...
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Scot Wright said:
The Logos App simply does not open.
Have you tried deleting it and reinstalling? How much free space is on your device?
Nuclear option: At various times when beta testing, I ended up needing to perform a complete wipe of my iPhone (or iPad) to make the app work. These were abnormal conditions which I would not expect most users to encounter, but if you are desperate it might be worth looking into. Make sure you have a good backup if you choose to try this...
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Thanks to all for your helpful replies. I'll try some of those suggestions although I don't think I want to go nuke! [:S]