Highlights in Verbum 6 not appearing in iOS Verbum App

Greetings. I am finding that highlights I make on my laptop in Verbum 6 while reading a resource do not appear on my iPad in the iOS Verbum app. Nor do the highlights I make in a resource in the iOS Verbum app appear on the desktop Verbum software when I open the same resource after closing it on the iPad.
I'm doing red underline highlighting (Tools: Emphasis Markup: Red Underline).
How can I resolve this? Is there some 'sync' command that will force transfer those highlights? Any advice is appreciated! Thank you!
Mac OS 10.4, Verbum 6.4 SR-3; Verbum App, iPad iOS 8.4
Hi Timothy, they should sync automatically.
Are you using the same username / password combination on both your Mac and iPad?
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I am in a hurry, but a couple of links for you to look over:
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
If none of this helps, please let us know.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks, Graham. I checked and both my laptop Verbum 6 and iOS Verbum have the same email address. I'm not sure how to check the username, but I assume it is the email address.
I appreciate the helpful hint, if you come across any other possibilities please let me know!
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Hi Timothy
Yes, email address and username are the same thing.
Let's work through what is happening in the iPad app
You control where they end up in the Tools -> Settings menu -> Preferred Highlight Document
and, for any highlight is being used by "long-pressing" the highlight, choosing "Edit Notes" and scrolling down to the bottom of the popup
Please do do that to identify which Notes Document is being used and let us know
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Thanks for trying to help me out with this problem. I followed your instructions and the screenshots below are what I came up with. I long pressed/touched a recent highlight in a resource on the iPad and then "Edit Note" and "Emphasis Markup" is checked. The second screenshot shows the highlight in the resource on the iPad (which did not carry over to the desktop).
I did a similar thing in Verbum on the desktop: highlighted my most recent highlight in a different resource that I made yesterday which did not carry over to the iPad, right clicked, chose "Open Annotation" and the "Emphasis Markup" window opened showing the saved note (see third screenshot).
Scrolling through that open "Emphasis Markup" window on the desktop I located the same resource (Acts commentary) that I had open on my iPad, and it only shows the markups for highlights that I made on my desktop, none from the iPad.
Where do we go from here? Any help is appreciated!
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Did you read through the two threads I linked to above?Timothy Drawbaugh said:Where do we go from here? Any help is appreciated!
How is that document sorted?Timothy Drawbaugh said:Scrolling through that open "Emphasis Markup" window on the desktop I located the same resource (Acts commentary) that I had open on my iPad, and it only shows the markups for highlights that I made on my desktop, none from the iPad.
Can you verify that you have the said note document turned on in the resource? Also, you didn't show the highlighted section on desktop from the iPad.macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks for the follow-up. Yes, I did check the links to the previous discussion. I couldn't quite follow the steps, and I couldn't find how to bring up the Palette-specific Note File" on the desktop which is checked on my iPad.
As to how the document was sorted on the desktop, that is a good question. I'm not sure how it is automatically sorted. It doesn't appear to be either by date (most recent) or resource name (A-Z alphabetically). On the iPad, if I open Emphasis Markup document I can select Sort and sort by Date Added (Newst First), (Oldest First), Title, and Note Color. I don't see any way of sorting them on the desktop.
I'm at a loss at the moment.
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Try this on your iPad:
1) Open the resource where you expect to see highlights
2) Tap once on the screen to invoke the reader control icons (at the top)
3) Tap on the "Aa" icon
4) Tap on "Notes" to view a list of the note documents available for the resource.
Are all of the Note documents toggled to "on" in the list of Note documents?0 -
The Notes item won't appear if the resource doesn't have any Notes... is the resource shown in your screenshot the same one that you mentioned before?
Also, notice that the circular network activity indicator (just to the right of the "iPad" and the network strength icon) is spinning, which indicates the app isn't done syncing. Your Emphasis Markup note document has over 12,000 items in it so it might take a while to sync. Have you checked the presence of your notes/highlights at http://documents.logos.com ?
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Isn't the "Emphasis Markup" considered a note?
As for the circular network activity indicator, it is now not spinning and no Red Underline has appeared on the iPad where it is marked on the desktop.
The resource open in the iPad screenshot is the same resource that is shown open in the desktop screenshot (third screenshot in my 5:03PM post).
I have tried quitting both Verbum programs, relaunching them, and no change. I've even tried shutting down and restarting both my MacBook and iPad, then launching the programs, but no change. Thinking to try syncing my iPad via USB to iTunes and see if that works.
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Have you checked the presence of your notes/highlights at http://documents.logos.com ?
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Timothy Drawbaugh said:
Isn't the "Emphasis Markup" considered a note?
It's a Note Document, not a note. It's also a "Style" as shown on Desktop.
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Yes, I have the "Your Documents" page open at the moment. It contains an "Emphasis Markup" document dated "Today". I clicked and opened that document, it has 606 pages (12117 notes total). I'm assuming that the notes are listed with the most recent at the end (p. 606) but I don't see the resource I am using on my iPad.
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Timothy Drawbaugh said:
Yes, I have the "Your Documents" page open at the moment. It contains an "Emphasis Markup" document dated "Today". I clicked and opened that document, it has 606 pages (12117 notes total). I'm assuming that the notes are listed with the most recent at the end (p. 606) but I don't see the resource I am using on my iPad.
Let's forget about the iPad for a moment... If you've created notes/highlights on your laptop but they don't appear at documents.logos.com, that means your laptop isn't syncing them to our servers. Only when they get to our servers can they sync back to the iPad.
So this sounds like a Desktop and/or networking issue. Are you using a firewall?
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I have Intego Virus and Net Barrier software installed and active. But it allows connections, and after launching Intego, it shows Verbum with both incoming and outgoing data signals active.
In the Mac OS X Yosemite Settings:Security & Privacy:Firewall is "ON".
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What happens if you turn off Intego and Net Barrier and then sync Verbum Desktop? If your highlights appear on documents.logos.com then we've isolated the cause... if that doesn't work we can try one more thing.
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I turned off Net Barrier, quit and relaunched Verbum, then went to documents.logos, went to the very last page of Emphasis Markup and no luck. How are the items listed? I am assuming the most recent is listed last, at least it so appears.
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Okay, please turn them all off - Intego, Net Barrier and the Mac firewall and try again. Please use the sync button in Verbum Desktop and wait a few minutes, then check documents.logos.com again.
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Turned all off: Mac OS Firewall, Intego Net Barrier. Pressed the sync on Verbum homepage and waited. Checked documents.logos, no change. Quit Verbum, relaunched. Checked documents.logos once again, still no change. I don't think it's a firewall or anti-malware issue. I have been using both for years, they have never interfered with Logos/Verbum. One thought, I recently switched from Logos 6 to Verbum 6. Could something be messed up in the switch? Everything seems to have transferred smoothly, except for the highlighting/markups.
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Clarification. All my previous highlighting/notes/markups seem to have been preserved and carried over to Verbum from Logos. Newly added ones don't transfer between laptop and mobile Verbum.
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Timothy Drawbaugh said:
Clarification. All my previous highlighting/notes/markups seem to have been preserved and carried over to Verbum from Logos. Newly added ones don't transfer between laptop and mobile Verbum.
If the highlighting/notes/markups don't sync to the Faithlife servers (which documents.logos.com reference), it is not possible to view them on the mobile apps. So to clarify further, your newly added highlighting/notes/markups don't appear to be transferring between your laptop and Faithlife servers.
The Faithlife servers behind the scenes at documents.logos.com are where all sync-related items are stored. The Desktop app syncs with our servers and the mobile app syncs with our servers. The Desktop and mobile apps do not talk directly to each other, except through those servers.
If one of the links is broken (in your case, syncing between Desktop and documents.logos.com) that issue needs to be fixed before any remaining mobile sync issues can be known or discovered.
Desktop <----> Faithlife Servers <----> Mobile
Please report this issue to the Logos 6 forum at https://community.logos.com/forums/124.aspx and reference this thread ( https://community.logos.com/forums/t/113869.aspx ). The Desktop team probably knows a bit more than I do about the ramifications of changing from Logos to Verbum on the Desktop.
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Problem resolved after iOS Verbum App reinstall.
I deleted the Verbum App from the iPad, then deleted the Verbum App from iTunes moving all files to the Trash. Next, I downloaded the Verbum App anew from the App Store and installed it on the iPad. After iPad installation, I signed into my account and waited until the Network Activity daisy wheel stopped spinning. Then I opened one of the resources that I had highlighted on my desktop Verbum 6, and the markup/highlight was also reflected on the iPad resource.
Unfortunately, it appears that the highlights I had made on the iPad Verbum App prior to deletion are gone. They were not syncing prior to the App's deletion, and since I moved all files to the trash in iTunes when I deleted the App, I assume if they were saved there, they are now irrecoverable.
Which brings me to a new question: Is there a better way to manage markups/highlights other than having them all stored in the Emphasis Markup Document? Any tutorials on this or advice?
Thanks to all who replied on this issue over the past two days!