Info button is not clickable under the scroll bar

When viewing the library, the info button on the right of the books are not clickable, every time I tried to click on it the scroll bar is activated... In order to press the "i" button, I have to search so the result list have less results so there's no scroll bar so the button can be pressed.
What device are you using?
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I'm using Moto G
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Dragging your finger up/down in the Library list will invoke a scroll bar but even when it is visible you should still be able to touch on the "i" icon. Please see here:
Is the scroll bar always present even if you aren't scrolling the library?
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The scroll bar isn't visible unless scrolling, but when I press the i button, it will scroll to that position... So if the book is near the top of the window it will scroll to the top of the list, near the bottom of the window it will scroll to the end of the list. So even though the scroll bar is not visible, it will still get activated just by pressing the I button...
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Does the same thing happen when you use a stylus?
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Not sure, I don't have a stylus.
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Using a stylus would rule out the possibility that you are using too much finger surface when attempting to tap the "i" icon. We've never heard of this problem before, did it just start happening?
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Sorry this is for the pop up library when reading...
I just discovered that the Library from the menu which brings up the full-screen list of books doesn't have this issue. I guess I will Just use that instead. thanks for your help.
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Moses Cheryl Truong said:
Sorry this is for the pop up library when reading...
Ah, okay. Now I can reproduce it, the target is a bit off in that view. I'll write up a case for the dev team.