Offline Interlinear?

I have been a long time user and fan of Logos, and when it comes to the PC version, I have loved every version I have used since version 2.0. Recently I upgraded to version 4 which I really love and then last week I acquired an iTouch 8GB 3rd generation (current) model and downloaded the Logos bible app to it. While it seems to work well enough when connected to wireless at home, at church where I really intend to use this, I am finding that the offline mode of the app is very lacking. The whole reason I downloaded that Logos iTouch app was to be able to use it at church to check the underlying Greek and Hebrew of the texts in church as the pastor cited them, just to make sure I was doing 2 Timothy 2:15 and understanding his points correctly, and that they were on target. Sadly, in offline mode it seems that all I can do is just read the bible, but I have my carry bible with me, so I don't need the iTouch for that, so am I missing something? Also, if there is an interlinear version, can it also link into my offline dictionaries? If not, then I really am not going to be able to use this app for what I need and will need to look elsewhere for that functionality.
For what it is worth though, when online it seems to be a great app, just that I am normally never online when I am not able to access my full version of Logos for depth research.
Thanks in advance for any and all insight and help you all can provide!
You've got the jist of it. Right now offline mode is just about only for reading. If you really need to look at the Greek & Hebrew at this point, you'll have to just open the BHS or GNT and read them directly...or you could just trust your translation.
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Thanks Mike! Well, for now I will just wait to see what improvements Logos makes and hope they address more of the issues related to offline access, which is the only time I would ever use this app personally.
Since I don't generally like to lean too much on English translations when the understanding matters, that is what I was hoping to have the app do for quick on the fly original languages research at church, but I'm sure in time this will improve, so will just wait to see what happens for now.
Thanks again for your response! God bless!