Bug?: Problem with Notifications

Some time last week, that little bell icon at the top of the Faithlife page (to the left of my avatar) stopped working the way it has previously. In the past, any time someone would post or reply to a post in a group I belonged to, a number in a little red circle would appear by the bell. I would click on the bell and be taken to a page where I could see notifications for all the newest posts (and even the older ones already marked as read).
However, the bell hasn't shown any new posts in 5 days or so. And when I click on it, nothing happens because there is no red circle indicating any new notifications. But I know people are posting because I am receiving the emails. I would like to be able to see the new posts clumped together from within Faithlife.
I double and triple checked my notification settings. They are all as they have always been. No box got unchecked or anything. And it doesn't appear to be unique to one computer as it behaves the same way on my work and home computers.
I feel like maybe I'm missing something obvious. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hmm...when you click the notification bell, the notifications should appear in a small popup. What browser are you using?
Can you view this page? https://faithlife.com/notifications
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maybe a popup blocker / anti-adware extension or so blocking the popup?
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hmm...when you click the notification bell, the notifications should appear in a small popup. What browser are you using?
Can you view this page? https://faithlife.com/notifications
Thanks! Yes, I can view that page. And I tried it on Chrome and all of the sudden the little red circle was back! I had been using Internet Explorer. That must have been my first mistake. [:$]
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Ah - we do support Internet Explorer, and I have found the bug you ran into! We'll get a fix shipped shortly.
Good to know I wasn't going crazy! Thanks!
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It appears to be functioning as it should in Internet Explorer now. Thanks!
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It is working on Internet Explorer, but the little red circle is only a quarter of a circle. when there are new posts (so the number of new posts within the circle is not legible). Not a big deal, but I thought I'd point it out in case it's not just me.
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Ah - we do support Internet Explorer, and I have found the bug you ran into! We'll get a fix shipped shortly.
Dustin, is it by chance possible you fixed the $§*! Internet Exlorer by breaking Chrome?
I see this all the time
and some News items that I know come up as notifications, such as posts by Faithlife Today, but clicking the icon does not do anything.
Have joy in the Lord!
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No it doesn't. The bell shape gets blue on mouse-over but no reaction on click. Btw the same goes for the Messages icon, whereas "my" icon opens my profile when I click it.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hmm, that is odd...A couple things to try:
- Does it work in Internet Explorer for you?
- Does it work in an Incognito Window in Chrome?
no to both (IE 10, seing the quarter-circle for the number)
Have joy in the Lord!
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Yes, for some time now. Sorry for not posting back earlier and thanks a lot for fixing it!
Have joy in the Lord!
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We shipped a fix for this issue. Is the notifications button working properly for you now?
Yes, thanks! All is well now. [:)]
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I'm having this issue now on Safari 9.0 on OS X El Capitan 10.11. Do you see this in Safari? I also changed my client in the developer menu to Chrome, and I'm still having the same issue. The notifications do not go away.
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Whatever you guys did, it's working now. Thanks!
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We shipped a fix for this issue. Is the notifications button working properly for you now?
Do we see a regression here? Notifications is not working for me since at least yesterday, not on Chrome nor on IE: the bell becomes blue, but doesn't react on click.
Have joy in the Lord!
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There haven't been any updates shipped to notifications recently. I'll take a look.
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Have joy in the Lord!
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It seems that notifications now work again (at least they do for me on IE), but now the search field is no longer functional - this has been reported in the German subforum first: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/118458.aspx
Have joy in the Lord!
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If I click on Dustins Name, I can search and open the Commentary Group but if I click on Join, Comes an Error
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Thanks for the report. It looks like you ran into a different problem. We'll get that fixed.
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Dustin it must have something to do with the IE 11. I downloadet Google Chrome and anything works well. I join the Groups and have now acsess also in IE 11
Hope this helps
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can't copy the Collections
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Everything works Now THanks Sascha
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Still having intermittent notification issues. Can't figure out a rhyme or reason to it.