How to see Strong's number and definitions offline

I have an old, simple Bible app that links KJV words to Strong's numbers and definitions without going online. I would like the same functionality in the Logos Android app.
Is this possible right now, and if so, how?
P.S. I don't know if this is related to existing user requests re. offline interlinear
As far as I know, this is not currently possible.
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I seriously hope I am wrong, but I have heard nothing to indicate this type of functionality is coming to the mobile APPs. We know more cool server dependant features are coming but we have yet to hear about more offline features coming. The lack of this was a major reason I bought the New International Dictionaries of theology and exegesis in OT... I can utilize them quicker there and offline.
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Thanks for your input guys - thought I might have missed something in the app settings. It is nice to be able to do a word study in the app, as long as you've got a connection.
Dan, perhaps you could spell out in more detail how you use your NIDT tool as a substitute for lexical (e.g., Strong's) links. That's not something I've played with on the phone/tablet app.
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You missed one important thing... OT is short for Olivetree.... I am using alternative software for my word studies works great as long as I am not trying to study in Apocrypha as only Logos has that tagged.
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tm19 said:
Is this possible right now, and if so, how?
It is not possible right now, but please see and for previous threads on this issue.
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Both the links Kevin shared had this link. Giving users a voice to vote for this feature... it is not a given that it will happen but the more asking for it the more likely it is to be done. The prayer list feature was voted for nearly double this feature and it is on the verge of being released. So faithife does take note... It is just a slow process.
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You misunderstanding of what I meant lead me to think about ways to accomplish what you want to do and while I can think of no satisfactory answer. using an englished based work like "Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words" will allow you to look up the English word and often find the Greek Hebrew and its strongs number.