Possible issue with app after latest upgrade

Chris White
Chris White Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I own an iPad2, and early this week I upgraded to the 5.0.1 (5.0.10869) version of the app from the app store.  Since that upgrade I have noticed two issues that are causing slight problems:

1.  My prefereed Bible is NASB95.  Before the upgrade when I hovered over a link to a Bible verse or passage the words allowed me to select them and bring them up in an appropriate concordance or lexicon (the words of Jesus were red; all others were blue).  Since the upgrade this feature seems to have disappeared.  

2.  When I try to link to any apocryphal text the app shuts down.  For example, on P. 1640 of Keener's commentary on Acts when I try to link to Tobit 2:10-11 the app shuts down.  Before the upgrade it would open the verse/passage in a dialogue box since I own the KJV that links to the text.

I'm not sure if this is teh appropriate forum to post these concerns but wanted to bring them to someone's attention.  I was on IOS 8.4, but upgraded to 9.1 this morning.  The same problems occurred in 8 and 9.





  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309


    Version 5.0.10869 was released five months ago; the current version is  Please update to the current version from the Apple Store and respond back here if the issue still occurs.