TIP of the day: Logos tagging #1 - speaker and addressee

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,549
edited November 2024 in English Forum

1. Some of the tagging is shown by Visual Filters: three lens icon (Visual Filters), Resource Section, two separate elements "Addressee labels" and "Speaker labels". This option appears only in original language and reverse interlinear links to the original language.

2. The labels for speaker and addressee appear on all Reported Speech as defined in the Lexham Discourse Hebrew (or Greek) Bible Glossary.

3. In the Visual Filter, the Speaker is identified by a microphone, the Addressee by sound waves and a head. Note that a Bible without a reverse interlinear will not show these icons.

Note: for this series of posts I am using a multiview panel with the LEB, LES, NRSV and HCSB. The logic is that the LEB is the one where Faithlife had control both of the original language text and the translation so any tagging should be a "perfect" fit here. the LES is included to ensure that the broader canon is supported. The NRSV is used as an example with a broad canon and a reverse interlinear. The HCSB is used as an example of a Bible without a reverse interlinear.

4. On hover, the icon will open a small description box of the Factbook item in the speaker (or addressee) label.

Clicking on the icons will open the Factbook to the relevant entry.

5.Right clicking on (some of) the text tagged as direct speech will show the Speaker and the Addressee in the Context menu - right hand side.

5. If you select either Speaker or Addressee in the Context menu, you primary options are Factbook and Search.

6. Selecting a Search will build a search argument in the form of {Speaker <a Factbook item>} e.g. {Speaker <Person John the Baptist>} In announcing the feature New Search: {Speaker} , Bradley offered the following examples:


7. Note that even if you search your entire library only a few resources will show any results. This is because the search depends entirely on Logos tagging not directly on the resource text.

8. The search can be mixed with other elements. For example I ran a search on addressee of Jerusalem, then I ran one of addressee of Zion which led me tor realize that in Factbook Zion and Jerusalem are a single entry. To verify my theory, I looked for an addressee of Jerusalem on the word Zion a got 56 results.

I think you want " {Addressee <Person Moses>} WITHIN {Speaker <Person Aaron>}" to find cases where Moses is being spoken to and Aaron is speaking.

Regarding the tagging of Exodus 12:3-6:

This was not tagged by mistake. This is a case of an embedded speech. God is speaking to Moses and Aaron starting in 12:1-20, but in 12:3 God tells Moses and Aaron that they are to speak to the congregation of Israel. The mistake was stopping the speech of Moses and Aaron at 12:6. It continues all the way through 12:20. So, the speech event where Moses and Aaron are the agents/speakers is couched within the speech event where God is the agent/speaker.

The linguistic features that present 12:3 as an embedded speech are two fold. First, God issues a command to Moses and Aaron that they are to speak. Second, what follows the command to speak is the content introduced by לֵאמֹ֔ר. This infinitive construct introduces reported speech in Hebrew. It is an edge case though. The person of the verbs within the embedded speech does not switch to second person (you) immediately, which is a prototypical indicator of reported speech. It is add to see a reported speech with third person verb forms (they). However, it does switch to second person further down in 12:9. 

I hope that is helpful as an explanation of our tagging. 

Is there any way to limit the results to a specific individual. For instance, a search for {Addressee <Person Peter>} not only yields speech addressed directly to Peter, but also when Peter is part of a group. Placing an = anywhere within the equation does not change the result.

This gets you pretty much what you are asking for, although not in the way you were hoping for:

{Addressee <Person Peter>} ANDNOT {Addressee <Person John (son of Zebedee)>} ANDNOT {Addressee <Person Andrew>} ANDNOT {Addressee <Person Disciples>}

can we limit this to addresses: disciples Speaker jesus and commands on my duty to self duty to God and duty to my neighbor?

There is no specific tag for "duty" or "obligation." But this might get you close to something you're looking for:

Use the Morph search and use this search query:

@{Addressee <Person Disciples>} {Speaker <Person Jesus>}  @V??M

The purpose of the label "audience of scripture" was to fit the broad usage of OT quotation found in the NT. None of the authors are consistent in their introduction of quotations, or their attribution of them.

We can look at Matt 2:15 to see some of the problems that come up when trying to annotate the OT quotations.  

The people who will read this quotation are not the same people who Hosea spoke to when he was prophesying. The audience is also not the people to whom the book was originally written. The people who will read this quotation are those who read Matthew's Gospel, but this does not make the audience of the speech the audience of the book of Matthew. The difference in audience is made clear by the introduction of the quotation. The author of Matthew introduces this reported speech as a quotation from an outside source (it has a speaker which is not the author of the book). Because this comes from a source outside of the discourse in which it is found, there is necessarily an outside audience. I understand that audience to be the group of people who continue to read the writings of the prophet Hosea. So, I could have tagged the audience of this quotation as something like "the readers of the book of Hosea," or something like that, but I wanted to create a label that would account for all of the OT quotations. The quotations of the OT are not uniformly introduced through the NT. In Matt. 2:15 the speaker is explicitly named as Hosea, but there are other places where "scripture" is the explicit speaker (Rom 4:3). Also, there are places where quotations from several OT sources are woven together as though they are from one. In order to account for all of these instances I broadened the label so that it could account for each usage while still retaining the linguistic accuracy needed in this type of data.  

There was a lot of thought that went into the annotation of this data. We wanted it to be accurate and consistent so that it would be useful to our users. We also wanted the labeling to be consistent so that accurate searches could be run. The finer points of the methodology will be listed in the documentation for the data-set, which should be available soon. 

I hope that this explanation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any further questions about the methodology used for this data. 

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
