Thoughts on the Scroll Bar Sliders in V4

Clinton Thomas
Clinton Thomas Member Posts: 465 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


This has been said before, but the faint stuff is too faint. Things that are meant to be lighter are too light and often invisible. They need to be darker.

Looking at the firefox interface for scroll bars I figured out why I find the logos v4 scroll bars so hard to use.


  1. the slider on the scroll bar on the right is visible. When I want to move my mouse over the scroll bar slider, I know when I start where I am going and I can move my mouse immediately in the direction of the slider
  2. When I get my mouse over the slider, it changes color. I have instant feedback that my mouse is in the right place.
  3. When I left click on the slider it changes to a darker color. I have instant feedback that I clicked and hit the slider and have correctly grabbed it.

Comparing this to v4 scroll bars

  1. The slider on the right is invisible unless it is at the top of my screen and even then it is easily missed. When I want to move my mouse over the slider, I first have to move the mouse to the scroll bar and after a delay the slider becomes visible, I then have to find the slider which is still very faint and is often quite small. Once I have located it, I can finally move my mouse towards the slider. The non-faded V4 slider is as dark as the faded firefox slider.
  2. When I get my mouse over the slider nothing happens. I have no feedback that I have the mouse in the right place.
  3. When I left click on the slider, nothing happens to the appearance of the slider. I have no feedback that I have completed either step 2 and now step 3 correctly.


  1. The stuff that is faded is too faint, it needs to be darker.
  2. The user needs feedback that they have succeeded in what they are trying to do.
  3. The user needs visual clues on the screen to do things. Having to guess which direction to move your mouse is inefficient and annoying. To me this is a bad design/solution. The sliders should be visible all the time.
  4. The faded stuff needs to be darker.

Thanks for listening.


PS Make the faded stuff darker.


