iPad Pro
For the record, I'm not a defender of Microsoft or Apple platforms. Like you, I use both Apple and Microsoft products. (I used my SP4 to open OneNote and Logos 6, I jotted down a quick note, then I double clicked the pen to capture the screen in OneNote... then I opened OneNote on my Macbook Pro and uploaded the picture to these forums.) I don't agree that it's a mistake to compare the iPad Pro and the SP4 though. It's pretty obvious that they are aimed at the same market. The main benefits of both of these products are the use of a digitizer pen and the bigger screen sizes. The main difference, besides one being an Apple produce and the other a Microsoft product, is that one runs a tablet OS and the other runs a full desktop-like OS. If you are a heavy tablet/mobile app user then go with iPad Pro. Clearly Apple has the app market locked down. But if you want more functionality for things like Logos (or any program you use on your desktop/laptop: e.g., Audio Notetaker, Photoshop, etc.) then go with SP4.
Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.
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J. Remington Bowling said:
It's pretty obvious that they are aimed at the same market.
Not even close.
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Not that this is really worth even arguing over but apparently Apple's CEO apparently didn't get the marketing memo from you: "Yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop for many, many people. They will start using it and conclude they no longer need to use anything else, other than their phones." That's almost exactly how the Surface has been marketed.
If these guys are trying to reach audiences that are "not even close" then someone should fire their marketing teams... not to mention their design teams.
Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.
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J. Remington Bowling said:
"Yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop for many, many people. They will start using it and conclude they no longer need to use anything else, other than their phones."
A bicycle can be a replacement for a car. That does not mean that they are marketed to the same people. [;)]
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Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.
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J. Remington Bowling said:
That's a fine excuse when the differences between a bicycle and a car are so obvious that a three year old could list them.
The differences between an iPad Pro and a Surface Pro are also obvious. You have already mentioned one of the biggest! The surface pro is a "computer" in a tablet form factor. The iPad Pro is a true tablet, running a mobile OS.
My bicycle/car illustration is a bit absurd... It was obviously tongue in cheek. The iPad Pro and Surface Pro are significantly different. Anyone who is debating between the two probably doesn't know what they really need, or doesn't understand the difference between the two devices. There is obviously some overlap between the two, but so is there overlap between an iPad Pro and a MacBook Pro... which is much closer to being "the same market" (but it's not).
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PL said:
Could some of you post a screen shot of the iPad Pro with Logos/Verbum and another app open in split mode?
Hi Peter,
Here are a couple of examples.
I only picked up the Pro yesterday and hope to use it as a notebook replacement (for work when travelling) in addition to a tablet for reading, web-browsing and entertainment. I am still waiting for the keyboard to arrive (it should arrive tomorrow), but so far I am very impressed. In contrast to some reviewers, I find the tablet to be light and comfortable when held or perched on the lap. The screen is crisp and vibrant (as one would expect) and the speakers a real upgrade on both my iPad Air and MacBook Air. The tablet is responsive and a joy to use. And the Apple Pencil is awesome
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Andy's pic reminded me of something that buyers should be aware of if they are looking at the SP4 for similar functionality: there is no touch-screen optimized app for Logos on Windows. So you will need to interact with the device in different ways if you're using it as a tablet. Personally, I don't find this to be a problem. My finger scrolls the page fine, the pen works to select text fine, and having the highlighter pane open fulfills that function just fine too. This is possible in split-screen mode as well, since the highlighter pane doesn't take up much space, it's like having three window panes open.
Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.
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Thanks for the screen shots and the feedback!
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J. Remington Bowling said:PL said:
Could some of you post a screen shot of the iPad Pro with Logos/Verbum and another app open in split mode?
Here you go:
Oops, that's a Surface Pro 4, running a full version of Logos 6...
Seriously though, not trying to troll you guys
But if some of you are so concerned about split screen and a full version of Logos 6 just try the Surface Pro 4. You can get it for about the same price as the iPad Pro (and in some cases cheaper) with the pen.
Of all the great features of the Surface Pro, Logos has not released a Proclaim Remote App for it. That is a deal breaker for me!
The Windows App store has been such a disaster I doubt that Logos will ever properly support Windows 10. I need a tablet for reading and for running Proclaim as I preach and teach. IF I could do it ALL with a Surface Book that is what I would purchase, that one device would replace everything. But I just don't see Logos supporting the tablet function of Window 10, so my best solution is continue using my Windows desktop and purchase an iPad Pro.
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You could easily set up the computer running Proclaim with some remote control software and then install it on the surface and control the other computer wirelessly. Look at Splashtop or LogMeIn or Teamviewer (I think it has windows).
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
I tried to send photo but can't seem to do it. Split screen on my iPad pro with Logos and Pages worked fine. I will try to figure out how to send the screen shot.
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Rob said:
I tried to send photo but can't seem to do it. Split screen on my iPad pro with Logos and Pages worked fine. I will try to figure out how to send the screen shot.
To post a screenshot, use the paperclip icon to attach the image to your post.
As an aside: are you replying to a particular user? If so, please use the quote feature to reference part or all of someone's post.
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