more inductive symbols

Amber Davis
Amber Davis Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited December 2024 in English Forum

I would like to suggest that you add these highlighting symbols and inductive symbols to the application.  

I would like to suggest a few highlights to be added to the marking portion - can you put in a clock to denote time; multiple colors of clouds and circles, and different colored boxes (the outline); believe is highlighted in green and outlined with book (similar to law) this would be extremely helpful


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,765

    Welcome to the forums. Are you aware that you can make your own palettes with whatever additional symbols you would like? This could tide you over until Faithlife updates the Inductive symbols.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Amber Davis
    Amber Davis Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thank you.  are you referring to the multiple options for combining highlights boxes, symbols, etc?  I do alot of combinations for my inductive studies but still feel limited in what I can do with that.  I do alot of inductive studies so I use alot of them.  There are alot for the average user but for those of us that do inductive studies we love these features and the ability to help with Bible study.  

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,765

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Amber Davis
    Amber Davis Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Ok, how would I do that on my phone or do I need to do that on my computer?  I have not figured out how to use the highlights on the computer.....

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,765

    I don't use a phone - only a computer - so I can't answer your question.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,132

    Ok, how would I do that on my phone or do I need to do that on my computer?  I have not figured out how to use the highlights on the computer.....

    You can't do this in the mobile apps on the phone

    Try working through the information in the link MJ provided.

  • Angelia Ulrich
    Angelia Ulrich Member Posts: 84 ✭✭

    This was not a helpful to me link. I just want to find the new Inductive/Precept Palette that supposedly was added this past summer. My Logos has not been updated. Then I would like to add my own markup symbols. I have been searching the web/posts/forums/blog for help for over an hour. Please help. :) Thanks!

  • Angelia Ulrich
    Angelia Ulrich Member Posts: 84 ✭✭

    I've been over & over the link MJ gave & it does not address adding new markup symbols. I also want to resize the symbols. My Logos has not updated my Inductive Palette to the Inductive/Precept Palette where perhaps there are more symbols. I used to be able to find symbols online & import them into Logos. Is that no longer possible? Thank you.

  • My Logos has not updated my Inductive Palette to the Inductive/Precept Palette where perhaps there are more symbols.

    Logos has four palettes that cannot be modified: e.g. INDUCTIVE/PRECEPT

    INDUCTIVE/PRECEPT palette can be duplicated:

    INDUCTIVE/PRECEPT (2) palette can be renamed (as desired). Also styles can be added, edited or moved.

    Personally renamed INDUCTIVE/PRECEPT (2) to INDUCTIVE - PRECEPT followed by adding a new style

    Choose Alarm Clock image file (transparent gif icon) plus changed location to Left Margin, color, and size

    Highlighted clock with new "Clock Left Margin" style:

    Faithlife group Logos Visual Filters => has ICONIC SYMBOLS - TRANSLUCENT palette that can be copied, which includes Alarm Clock image.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Angelia Ulrich
    Angelia Ulrich Member Posts: 84 ✭✭

    Thank you SO much! I now have more to work with & customize. Appreciate your quick help.

  • Personally customized my INDUCTIVE - PRECEPT styles to be images before (without text modification) so can use them with my other visual filters.

    Logos wiki => Examples of visual filters has Logos Greek Morphology so can "see" range of Greek verbal expression.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Personally customized my INDUCTIVE - PRECEPT styles to be images before (without text modification) so can use them with my other visual filters.

    Follow-up to this thread is progress on a set of Inductive precept visual filters that can be used with Logos Greek Morphology filters or a filter with intertextual relationships in blue text:

    Since use single green underline for preposition, changed double underline for locations: brown for land and blue for water.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Follow-up to this thread is progress on a set of Inductive precept visual filters that can be used with Logos Greek Morphology filters or a filter with intertextual relationships in blue text:

    Published to Faithlife Group Logos Visual Filters =>

    Highlighting Palette "Inductive - Precept" is used by visual filters that begin with "Inductive - Precept"

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Pat Brown
    Pat Brown Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    When I go to the Faithlife visual filter/documents link, I am told there are no documents. I'm just clicking on the link you provided so it's not a problem with me typing the address properly. Have you been there recently? I don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions?

  • When I go to the Faithlife visual filter/documents link, I am told there are no documents.

    Faithlife group Logos Visual Filters documents => 

    If no documents appear, then click Follow OR Join

    After clicking Join (OR Follow), page changes focus to About so click Logos Documents

    Filter Documents to show "Inductive - Precept" Highlighting Palette and Visual Filters

    Click Action followed by clicking Copy

    Switch to your Logos OR Verbum, then click sync arrows to download copy of document(s) for your use:

    Open a Bible. If "Inductive - Precept" visual filter(s) have search results, then they appear in Visual Filter menu:

    Screen shot has one more visual filter enabled: "SGNTSyntacticForce = Subject" with yellow background for subject.

    Visual filter "Label Intertext + Quotation: Blue Letter" highlights OT and NT references in Blue with Bold Quotations

    Thankful for printed Jesus-Centered Bible by Group Publishing that has Blue letters in OT with boxes telling about forward pointing reference(s) in NT.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Pat Brown
    Pat Brown Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    You were right. I had not joined that group. Now that I have, all the documents show up. However, I don't know how to read or copy them.

    The action button has a copy feature but I don't know where the copy goes (I don't even know if it really does copy). So I'm now on the page and the documents are there but what are the steps I need in order to access the content of the documents?

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,765

    Click copy. It will be copied into your documents and be visible as if you had created the document yourself.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Pat Brown
    Pat Brown Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    I had tried that but had no results. Then I was told to copy the document and then synchronize on my Logos home page. That one showed up. But we have several others on our Group Page. They all have the same name and they are all about highlighting. I haven't been able to get any of them copied. 

  • But we have several others on our Group Page. They all have the same name and they are all about highlighting.

    Faithlife group "Precept Philippians Study" => currently has six "Inductive Bible Study (Precept)" highlighting palettes. Currently three people from Precept Ministries have participated, who are different than the ones who published their highlighting palettes. Can copy one at a time; learning the "same name" has some different style sets (with the other styles duplicated from standard Inductive/Precept palette)

    • confidence in flesh
    • circumstances
    • green underline
    • imprisonment

    Oldest " Inductive Bible Study (Precept)" highlighting palette has the four additional styles plus many duplicated from "Inductive/Precept"

    The "Getting Started | A quick orientation" discussion includes video link => includes using the standard "Inductive/Precept" highlighting palette already in Logos for manually marking key words.

    Faithlife group "Logos Visual Filters" => has one "Inductive - Precept" highlighting palette that is used by five visual filters whose names begin with "Inductive - Precept" with screen shots earlier in this thread =>

    Currently have found seven personal pronouns in NASB 95 added by translation committee (italics) that lack <Person Paul> tagging so have manually highlighted them:

    Note file shows Person from Highlighting Style label.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Follow-up to Faithlife Precept Philippians Study post and replies => 

    I discovered that I had 2 new Visual Filters when I had many of my Bibles open. One is "Inductive-Precept: Morph" and the other is "Inductive-Precept: Person." If either or both of these are turned on, I have Precept markings all thru that Bible (like the bear or the star of David, etc). It seems to me that the term "pre-marked" was a good one to use for what I was seeing. They aren't marked with the highlighting choices I would have used and someone else decided what to mark, instead of leaving that up to me.

    Concur with "pre-marked" to describe initial copy. The "Inductive - Precept" highlighting palette and visual filters can be edited in your installation to reflect your desires. For example, the "Bear (witness)" style could be changed to remove bear image plus change text background to blue.

    The visual filters are a collection of searches with highlighting styles for results. To reduce highlighting results, used INTERSECTS operand in visual filters with key word(s). Noticing English words added by translators tend not to be found by searches. For example, Philippians has eight personal pronouns for Paul that were not found so choose to manually highlight them.

    Highlighting palettes and Visual Filters can be customized as desired with many colors, shapes, images, .... while other features are "pre-marked" that can only be displayed or hidden.

    Pat Browne said:

    I had liked the idea of being able to mark your Bible but then being able to turn the markings off when you just wanted to read. I haven't don't any experimenting with this yet (at the moment I'm doing all markings in the OWS) but I'm hoping I can turn off the Precept Visual Filters, mark the Bible the way I want and then turn my markings off when I want to.

    Your markings can be turned on OR off as desired using Visual Filters (three dots) menu. Manually highlighted words are in Note Documents. Visual Filters are in the bottom section. Personally experimenting with pre-marked and customizable while learning inductive study.

    Found a web page with Precept class handouts => that includes Orientation to Inductive Bible Study (page 2 has marking symbols with individual images) and Precept Ministries’ Inductive Study Overview with nine inductive study steps for Observation and Inductive Marking Approach:

    Combined "Inductive - Precept" visual filters (customizable) with Logos Greek Morphology visual filters (customizable) plus Propositional Outlines ("pre-marked") with Discourse features Greek ("pre-marked") and Discourse Analysis visual filter (customizable) for comparison and contrast of 1 Peter 5.

    • 1 Peter 5:1 Inductive Study has different colors for author and recipients. Precept customization inserts a bear and church graphic. Noticed visual filter search does not find words added by translators.
    • 1 Peter 5:2-3 Inductive Study numbers a list. Pre-marked Propositional Outline shows list items on individual lines.
    • 1 Peter 5:5 Inductive Study has one contrast marked. Pre-marked Propositional Outline includes Comparison and Contrast.
    • 1 Peter 5:6 Inductive Study marks terms of conclusion. "Inductive - Precept: Morph" and "Logos Greek Morphology - Conjunctions" visual filters have inserted therefore images.
    • 1 Peter 5:8 Inductive Study marks comparisons. Pre-marked Propositional Outline has Topic and Action (on separate lines)
    • 1 Peter 5:10 Inductive Study marks expressions of time. "Louw-Nida Time and Location" and "Louw-Nida Discourse Markers & Comparison" visual filters add a vertical line (with various shapes) to beginning of word plus superscript description. Learned "After" was added by translators for smooth English in NASB 95 without being italicized.
    • 1 Peter 5:13 Inductive Study marks locations with green double underline. "Inductive - Precept: Place" visual filter uses custom style with two brown underlines. Personally was already using single green underline for prepositions so customized location underlining to be a bit different.
    • Inductive Study makes lists of key words in margins. In Logos and Verbum, Note document(s) can have list(s) with attachment to verse(s).
    • Inductive Study focuses only on English words. Greek has a more expressive verbal system than English that tends to lack in English translations. 1 Peter 5 has eight verbs with imperative expression (verses 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14). Greek spelling reflects grammatical usage so word(s) can be moved for emphasis. Pre-marked Discourse Features Greek uses bold for emphasis.and gray for circumstantial (background) information.  "Discourse Analysis" visual filter adds wavy orange underline for emphasis plus light gray lines above and below for background.
    • Inductive Study places markings over words. Printed observation worksheets and Inductive Study Bibles have text double spaced for marking room. Disadvantage of marking over words is readability since the shape of the word can be changed by marking. Digital text can appropriately add space for pre-marked and customizable items. Digital can be turned on OR off as desired.

    My use of visual filters to "see" range of Greek verbal expression in English includes ongoing questions: What's Highlighted ? Why ? Thankful can add Precept images, which has been helpful for me:

    My ongoing questions of "What's Highlighted ? Why ?" can also be used with pre-marked items for observation. Thankful for Lexham Discourse Bible (8 vols.) that includes pre-marked emphasis.

    For repeated inductive study readings, am alternating between three English Bible translations with different visual filter settings (and translation styles).

    Thankful can freely share "Inductive - Precept" highlighting palette and visual filters so others can copy and personalize. Currently they are a work in progress.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Published update of "Inductive - Precept" highlighting palette with a few more images:

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Pat Brown
    Pat Brown Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    For those of us who can't do this easily or as completely, let me say THANKS!

  • Pat Brown
    Pat Brown Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    Because these were in the document section of our Group Page, I thought they went into the documents in Logos. I didn't understand how that was suppose to work but that's what I thought. But it appears to me that copying the documents in the Group Page adds another set of markings for Precept. Sorry to be so slow.

    And I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this. 

  • Because these were in the document section of our Group Page, I thought they went into the documents in Logos. I didn't understand how that was suppose to work but that's what I thought.

    Concur "LogosDocuments" has a bit of confusion. Many document types appear in Documents menu, but some types appear in other places: e.g. highlighting palettes, collections, copy bible verse styles.

    Sorry to be so slow.

    Logos and Verbum have a learning curve to becoming proficient. Thankful for many friendly forum discussions: have learned a lot plus have a lot to learn.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Pat Brown
    Pat Brown Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    After something you said in a previous post, this was the assumption I went to. Thanks for confirming.  It's nice to know I jumped to the correct conclusion! You are, as usual, most helpful.