TIP of the day: Introduction to Sermon Starter Guide based on scripture passage Part 1

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,038
edited November 2024 in English Forum

1. If one runs the Sermon Starter Guide on Genesis-Revelation, you can see all the Themes available. The results are:

Creation — All the things God has made; the natural world and the universe.
Holy Spirit — The third person of the Trinity.
God: Trinity — God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Image of God — Having God's likeness.
Responsibility — Liable to be called to account for one's actions.
Men — Male human beings.
Women — Female human beings.
Sex — Sexual intercourse.
Blessing and Cursing — Spiritual and material benefits given by God to be enjoyed. Cursing is the lack of those benefits.
Sabbath and Rest — Day of rest laid down for God's people.
Stewardship — Responsible use of wealth, land or possessions.
Work — Labor or occupation, whether it is a person's primary means of livelihood or not.
Death and Dying — The end of life, or awareness of its approach.
Law — Instruction; rules of conduct.
Family: Wives — Married women.
Loneliness — Feeling alone and not wanting to be.
Marriage — The state of being united to another person as husband or wife.
Satan — The one who opposes God and accuses his people; the devil.
Honesty and Dishonesty — Telling the truth; sincerity.
Sin — Transgression of God's will, either by doing what he forbids or failing to do what he requires.
Guilt — Remorse over having committed some offense.
Fear — An unpleasant emotion caused by the awareness of danger.
Prophecy: Jesus — Prophecies about Jesus - his coming and events in his life.
Suffering — The endurance of pain or affliction.
Family: Husbands — Married men.
Clothing — Anything used as a garment or piece of jewelry.
Envy — Desire to possess another person's gifts, possessions, position or achievements.
Killing — Any death of one person at the hands of another.
Sacrifice — An offering of something to God.
Anger — A strong feeling of displeasure aroused by a wrong, whether real or perceived.
Music — Ordering tones or sounds in succession, whether with an instrument or singing.
Evil — Corruption, malevolence or depravity in the world.
Violence — A use of physical force so as to injure or abuse.
Sanctity of Life — The inherent worth of human beings; includes references to abortion and euthanasia.
Covenant — God's commitment to his people, and formal commitments between people.
Holidays: Memorial Day — Any day set aside to honor veterans or the military.
Creativity — The ability to bring something new into being. Though only God can create something out of nothing, human creativity involves inventive combinations of existing material.
Mission — The continuation of Jesus' mission through his followers. This normally includes evangelism as well as humanitarian service.
Faith — A constant outlook of trust and dependence toward God.
Righteousness — What is right and pleasing to God.
Circumcision — A physical sign of membership in the people of God.
Homosexuality — Erotic activity with someone of the same sex.
Substitution — Putting one person or thing in place of another; replacement.
Courtship, Dating and Romantic Relationships — Romantic love.
Vision — A visual form of revelation through which God communicates.
Character — The moral and ethical features that a person possesses.
Economics — Broadly, anything to do with buying and selling.
Miracles — An unusual event that manifests God's direct intervention on the world.
Redemption — To buy back; release from bondage.
Cults and Non-Christian Religions — Non-Christian belief systems that deal with supra-normal forces.
Guidance — The act of seeking God's purposes and plans for people.
God: Providence — God's activity of providing his creatures with what they need. It is a function of God's sovereignty.
Counseling — Guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems.
Law: Ten Commandments — The particular laws known as the Ten Commandments or Decalogue.
Freedom — The state of liberty that results from not being oppressed or in bondage.
Idolatry — Trusting, serving or giving worship to something that is not God.
Jealousy — A strong feeling of possessiveness; intolerance of rivals.
Blasphemy — Cursing God, or showing contempt or irreverence toward God.
Family: Children — Sons or daughters; includes teenagers and adult children.
Family: Parents — Collective term for a father and mother.
Adultery — Unfaithfulness to another person. It could be used of marital infidelity as well as unfaithfulness to God.
Stealing — Wrongfully taking the property of another; theft.
Revenge — Retaliation for some injury, whether real or perceived.
Money — Something accepted as a medium of exchange.
Holidays — Any day set aside for a particular celebration.
Glory — Greatness, splendor, majesty.
Tabernacle — A physical space that serves as God's dwelling place; refers to both the tabernacle and the temple.
God: Presence — God's presence with people as well as his omnipresence.
Apostasy — Denial of faith by those who once held it or professed to hold it.
Gluttony — Excessive desire for food and drink.
God: Wrath — God's anger.
Repentance — A change of mind leading to a change of action.
Friendship — Feeling of affection or personal regard for someone.
Compromise — To make a concession one ought not to make, especially regarding one's morals or relationship to God.
Purity — Having the characteristic of being spotless; clean; innocent.
Confession — To acknowledge one's sins, whether to God or another person.
Fasting and Abstinence — Abstaining from something, usually food, because of religious commitment or as an expression of repentance.
Atonement — Reconciliation between God and humanity, specifically through Jesus' death.
Sexual Immorality — Sexual activity contrary to biblical commands; fornication.
Profanity — Foul language. Biblically, the concept is very close to blasphemy. In the modern world, they are separate.
Disability — Physical incapacities resulting from physical or spiritual causes.
Prejudice — Preconceived judgment or opinion, whether positive (favoritism) or negative (discrimination).
Slander — Idle talk or rumor about others.
Hospitality — Showing generosity or a welcoming attitude toward guests.
Holiness — Separation from what is unclean; sanctified or consecrated.
Debt — Something that is owed, whether money or an obligation more generally.
Slavery — The state in which one person legally owns another or one person is excessively dependent on another person or thing.
Sickness — Poor health; disease.
Complaining — To express ingratitude or discontent in an unjustified way.
Conflict — Division, confrontation or argument between persons.
Angels — Messenger of God or supernatural being with superhuman powers.
God: Faithfulness — God's faithfulness to his people, including his actions on their behalf.
Leadership — The capacity to guide, mentor or lead others.
Promises — A declaration that one will do something.
God: Power — The power that God possesses, and displays of that power.
God: Mercy — God's compassion on people.
Baby Dedication — The act of dedicating a baby to God.
Education — Imparting of spiritual, intellectual, moral and social instruction.
Election — God's act of choosing people for any purpose.
Power — Authority and influence, as well as strength or ability.
Wealth — Abundance of material possessions; prosperity.
Commitment — Devotion or faithfulness to some cause or person.
Service — Helping or assisting others.
Reverence — To show awe or respect.
Borrowing and Lending — Asking for or offering money or goods for temporary use.
Poverty — Lack of money or resources.
Prophecy — Communication of a divine message through a human. Used, for example, when a person says, "Thus says the LORD."
Victory and Defeat — The overcoming of an enemy; success.
War — Armed hostile conflict between groups of people.
Divorce — Legally dissolving a marriage.
Obedience and Disobedience — Compliance with the demands of another.
Graduation — The announcement of the successful completion of a course of study.
Courage — Boldness or bravery.
Scripture — The writings collected in the Bible.
Family — People who are linked by marriage or physical descent. Not limited to nuclear family.
Weakness — Lack of strength.
Suicide — Killing oneself.
Holidays: Mother’s Day — A day set aside to honor mothers.
Superstition — A belief or practice that results from belief in magic or chance; a false understanding of causation.
God: Father — God represented as a father.
Parables — A story that is intended to illustrate an attitude or principle.
Beauty — The state of being attractive or pleasing to the senses.
Depression — Sense of despondency, hopelessness, loss of meaning in life.
Encouragement — Giving someone confidence or boldness to do something.
Prophecy: Fulfillment — Prophecies that have been fulfilled in the biblical text.
Holidays: Thanksgiving — A day set aside to show thankfulness.
Wisdom — Insight, knowledge and good judgment.
Forgiveness — Freeing a person from guilt and its consequences.
Prayer — Addressing God directly.
Discouragement — Being deprived of confidence.
Submission — An attitude of yielding or surrender.
Hope — An expectation of the fulfillment of something desired or promised.
Eschatology: Resurrection — The act of rising from the dead.
Injustice — Lack of justice.
Lust — Passionate, inordinate desire for something, usually sexual in nature.
Comfort — To ease the grief or trouble of someone; console.
Peace — A state of tranquility or wholeness; shalom.
Judgment — The particular acts of bringing about justice.
Atheism — Disbelief in God.
Jesus: Resurrection and Ascension — Anything to do with Jesus' resurrection from the dead and its celebration on Easter.
Revelation — God's act of revealing something to humans.
God: Sovereignty — The fact that God is free and able to do what he wants.
God: Grace — Unmerited favor from God.
Stress — Feeling physical or mental pressure; worry.
Grief — Sadness or sorrow.
Jesus: Epiphany — Anything that refers to Jesus's manifestation of himself to the world, especially regarding the holiday celebrated in January.
Government, Politics and National Identity — The political exertion of authority, as well as the concept of national identity.
Doubt — Uncertainty about the truth and reality of spiritual things.
Revival — Making something alive again; renew.
Truth — Something which is in accordance with fact or reality.
Thankfulness — Conscious of benefit received; gratitude.
Worship — Praise, adoration and reverence of God, both in public and in private.
Joy — An attitude of pleasure and well-being.
Family: Fathers — Men who have children.
Family: Mothers — Women who have children.
Holidays: Father’s Day — A day set aside to honor fathers.
Humility — Absence of pride or arrogance.
God: Knowledge — The knowledge that God possesses.
Honor and Shame — Having a good name or public esteem.
Discipline — Training or punishment, whether it is exercised on people by others or themselves.
Pride — Inordinate self-esteem; arrogance.
Laziness and Apathy — Idle; apathetic; slothful.
Foolishness — Lack of wisdom or discretion.
Neighbors — Anyone encountered in life.
Speech — The communication of thoughts using spoken words.
Patience — The ability to wait without becoming hasty or impetuous.
Alcohol — Intoxicating drink, such as wine or beer.
Hypocrisy — Pretending to be what one is not, particularly regarding false virtue or nominal religion.
Greed — Excessive desire for more of something, especially wealth or possessions.
Holidays: New Year’s Day — A day set aside to celebrate the coming of a new year.
Eternity — Infinite time.
Contentment — Acceptance, satisfaction with one's situation.
Philosophy — An understanding of reality; worldview.
Justice — What is morally right.
Eschatology: Millennium — The thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20.
Calling — God's summoning of people to himself as well as to particular tasks.
Jesus: Birth — Anything that has to do with Jesus's birth, whether its theological meaning as the Incarnation or its celebration at Christmas.
Kingdom of God — The kingly rule of God in the lives of people and nations.
Eschatology — Doctrines that have to do with the last days of the world.
Watchfulness — Being carefully observant, attentive or aware.
Tongues — A spiritual gift that involves ecstatic utterances.
Legalism — Having a strict outward conformity to moral and religious practices and an expectation that others have the same.
Salvation — Deliverance from the power and effects of sin.
Evangelism — The act of preaching the gospel.
Health and Healing — Physical or emotional well-being and recovery from illness.
Jesus: Death — Anything that has to do with Jesus's crucifixion on the cross.
Prayer: Intercession — Prayer on behalf of another person or group of people.
Creation: Renewal — The new heavens and the new earth. Also, the new creation of the believer (2 Co 5:17).
Singleness — Not being married.
Restoration — Returning something or someone to its original state.
God: Love — The love that God shows.
Baptism — The act of using water to admit a person into the Christian community, whether as an adult or infant.
Conversion — The act of turning to God; new birth.
Eschatology: Last Judgment — The final judgment which occurs after Jesus' return.
Eschatology: Second Coming — The return of Jesus to the earth.
Eschatology: Antichrist — A person who opposes Christ. Can refer to a particular person who appears as Christ's principal antagonist.
Adoption — Legal transfer from one family or situation into another family, used in the NT to describe believers' relationship to God.
Holy Spirit: Gifts — The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers.
Mercy and Compassion — Human pity or kindness.
Giving — To make a present of something or to behave generously and unselfishly.
Family: Husbands — Married men.
Jesus: Birth — Anything that has to do with Jesus's birth, whether its theological meaning as the Incarnation or its celebration at Christmas.
Jesus: Epiphany — Anything that refers to Jesus's manifestation of himself to the world, especially regarding the holiday celebrated in January.
Repentance — A change of mind leading to a change of action.
Baptism — The act of using water to admit a person into the Christian community, whether as an adult or infant.
God: Trinity — God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Guidance — The act of seeking God's purposes and plans for people.
Fasting and Abstinence — Abstaining from something, usually food, because of religious commitment or as an expression of repentance.
Satan — The one who opposes God and accuses his people; the devil.
Temptation — To test or to entice to do wrong.
Discipleship — The process of becoming a committed follower of Jesus Christ.
Health and Healing — Physical or emotional well-being and recovery from illness.
Jesus: Miracles — Miracles performed by Jesus.
Grief — Sadness or sorrow.
Mercy and Compassion — Human pity or kindness.
Reconciliation — Restoration of friendship; resolution of conflict.
Persecution — To be singled out for harrassment, including violence and martyrdom.
Law — Instruction; rules of conduct.
Scripture — The writings collected in the Bible.
Killing — Any death of one person at the hands of another.
Law: Ten Commandments — The particular laws known as the Ten Commandments or Decalogue.
Anger — A strong feeling of displeasure aroused by a wrong, whether real or perceived.
Adultery — Unfaithfulness to another person. It could be used of marital infidelity as well as unfaithfulness to God.
Lust — Passionate, inordinate desire for something, usually sexual in nature.
Divorce — Legally dissolving a marriage.
Profanity — Foul language. Biblically, the concept is very close to blasphemy. In the modern world, they are separate.
Revenge — Retaliation for some injury, whether real or perceived.
Borrowing and Lending — Asking for or offering money or goods for temporary use.
Love — Strong affection for another.
Prayer: Intercession — Prayer on behalf of another person or group of people.
Prejudice — Preconceived judgment or opinion, whether positive (favoritism) or negative (discrimination).
Giving — To make a present of something or to behave generously and unselfishly.
Prayer — Addressing God directly.
Stealing — Wrongfully taking the property of another; theft.
Heaven — God's realm.
Compromise — To make a concession one ought not to make, especially regarding one's morals or relationship to God.
Money — Something accepted as a medium of exchange.
Sanctity of Life — The inherent worth of human beings; includes references to abortion and euthanasia.
Clothing — Anything used as a garment or piece of jewelry.
God: Knowledge — The knowledge that God possesses.
God: Father — God represented as a father.
Prayer: Petition — Prayer that makes a request of God.
False Teaching — Heresy and false teaching within the church.
Sickness — Poor health; disease.
Jesus: Humanity — Anything that refers to Jesus's humanity.
Jesus: Divinity — Anything that refers to Jesus's divinity.
Mission — The continuation of Jesus' mission through his followers. This normally includes evangelism as well as humanitarian service.
Fear — An unpleasant emotion caused by the awareness of danger.
God: Sovereignty — The fact that God is free and able to do what he wants.
Union With Christ — The state of believers being "in Christ."
Calling — God's summoning of people to himself as well as to particular tasks.
Humility — Absence of pride or arrogance.
Blasphemy — Cursing God, or showing contempt or irreverence toward God.
Speech — The communication of thoughts using spoken words.
Responsibility — Liable to be called to account for one's actions.
Jesus: Resurrection and Ascension — Anything to do with Jesus' resurrection from the dead and its celebration on Easter.
Parables — A story that is intended to illustrate an attitude or principle.
Apostasy — Denial of faith by those who once held it or professed to hold it.
Stress — Feeling physical or mental pressure; worry.
Wealth — Abundance of material possessions; prosperity.
Hell — Final dwelling place of the wicked.
God: Providence — God's activity of providing his creatures with what they need. It is a function of God's sovereignty.
Doubt — Uncertainty about the truth and reality of spiritual things.
Hypocrisy — Pretending to be what one is not, particularly regarding false virtue or nominal religion.
Purity — Having the characteristic of being spotless; clean; innocent.
Sexual Immorality — Sexual activity contrary to biblical commands; fornication.
Disability — Physical incapacities resulting from physical or spiritual causes.
Jesus: Death — Anything that has to do with Jesus's crucifixion on the cross.
Family: Children — Sons or daughters; includes teenagers and adult children.
God: Presence — God's presence with people as well as his omnipresence.
God: Mercy — God's compassion on people.
Debt — Something that is owed, whether money or an obligation more generally.
Singleness — Not being married.
Baby Dedication — The act of dedicating a baby to God.
Family: Mothers — Women who have children.
Faith — A constant outlook of trust and dependence toward God.
Government, Politics and National Identity — The political exertion of authority, as well as the concept of national identity.
Eschatology: Resurrection — The act of rising from the dead.
Marriage — The state of being united to another person as husband or wife.
Neighbors — Anyone encountered in life.
Commitment — Devotion or faithfulness to some cause or person.
Church: Leadership — Leadership as exercised in the church.
Service — Helping or assisting others.
Pride — Inordinate self-esteem; arrogance.
Justice — What is morally right.
Legalism — Having a strict outward conformity to moral and religious practices and an expectation that others have the same.
War — Armed hostile conflict between groups of people.
Kingdom of God — The kingly rule of God in the lives of people and nations.
Eschatology: Antichrist — A person who opposes Christ. Can refer to a particular person who appears as Christ's principal antagonist.
Miracles — An unusual event that manifests God's direct intervention on the world.
Eschatology: Second Coming — The return of Jesus to the earth.
Watchfulness — Being carefully observant, attentive or aware.
Laziness and Apathy — Idle; apathetic; slothful.
Stewardship — Responsible use of wealth, land or possessions.
Eschatology: Last Judgment — The final judgment which occurs after Jesus' return.
Good Works — Good deeds, sometimes connected or contrasted with faith.
Jesus: Passion — This theme includes events from Holy Week from Palm Sunday through the Last Supper up to the crucifixion.
Atonement — Reconciliation between God and humanity, specifically through Jesus' death.
Lord’s Supper — An act that commemorates Jesus's last supper with his disciples and his death on the cross; eucharist.
Covenant — God's commitment to his people, and formal commitments between people.
Sacrifice — An offering of something to God.
Obedience and Disobedience — Compliance with the demands of another.
Submission — An attitude of yielding or surrender.
Weakness — Lack of strength.
Angels — Messenger of God or supernatural being with superhuman powers.
Prophecy: Fulfillment — Prophecies that have been fulfilled in the biblical text.
Depression — Sense of despondency, hopelessness, loss of meaning in life.
Guilt — Remorse over having committed some offense.
Suicide — Killing oneself.
Loneliness — Feeling alone and not wanting to be.
Worship — Praise, adoration and reverence of God, both in public and in private.
Graduation — The announcement of the successful completion of a course of study.
Evangelism — The act of preaching the gospel.
Gospel — The message of Christ, the kingdom of God and salvation.
Forgiveness — Freeing a person from guilt and its consequences.
Sabbath and Rest — Day of rest laid down for God's people.
God: Wrath — God's anger.
Family — People who are linked by marriage or physical descent. Not limited to nuclear family.
Holidays: Father’s Day — A day set aside to honor fathers.
Family: Parents — Collective term for a father and mother.
Evil — Corruption, malevolence or depravity in the world.
Prophecy: Jesus — Prophecies about Jesus - his coming and events in his life.
Conflict — Division, confrontation or argument between persons.
God: Power — The power that God possesses, and displays of that power.
Redemption — To buy back; release from bondage.
Tongues — A spiritual gift that involves ecstatic utterances.
God: Faithfulness — God's faithfulness to his people, including his actions on their behalf.
Peace — A state of tranquility or wholeness; shalom.
Wisdom — Insight, knowledge and good judgment.
Contentment — Acceptance, satisfaction with one's situation.
Holy Spirit — The third person of the Trinity.
Poverty — Lack of money or resources.
Alcohol — Intoxicating drink, such as wine or beer.
Women — Female human beings.
Spiritual Warfare — The struggle against forces of evil, including personal forces like demons.
Reverence — To show awe or respect.
Death and Dying — The end of life, or awareness of its approach.
Suffering — The endurance of pain or affliction.
Hospitality — Showing generosity or a welcoming attitude toward guests.
Confession — To acknowledge one's sins, whether to God or another person.
Perseverance — Persisting or enduring in spite of opposition.
Violence — A use of physical force so as to injure or abuse.
Injustice — Lack of justice.
Creation — All the things God has made; the natural world and the universe.
Adoption — Legal transfer from one family or situation into another family, used in the NT to describe believers' relationship to God.
Revelation — God's act of revealing something to humans.
God: Grace — Unmerited favor from God.
Tabernacle — A physical space that serves as God's dwelling place; refers to both the tabernacle and the temple.
Conversion — The act of turning to God; new birth.
Assurance — A sense of confidence, security or certainty, especially concerning one's salvation.
Eternity — Infinite time.
God: Love — The love that God shows.
Honor and Shame — Having a good name or public esteem.
Thankfulness — Conscious of benefit received; gratitude.
Complaining — To express ingratitude or discontent in an unjustified way.
Holiness — Separation from what is unclean; sanctified or consecrated.
Freedom — The state of liberty that results from not being oppressed or in bondage.
Addiction — Being enslaved to a habit, practice or substance such that withdrawal causes trauma.
Honesty and Dishonesty — Telling the truth; sincerity.
Substitution — Putting one person or thing in place of another; replacement.
Truth — Something which is in accordance with fact or reality.
Comfort — To ease the grief or trouble of someone; console.
Holy Spirit: Fruit — The fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in a believer's life.
Friendship — Feeling of affection or personal regard for someone.
Election — God's act of choosing people for any purpose.
Joy — An attitude of pleasure and well-being.
Victory and Defeat — The overcoming of an enemy; success.
Church: Fellowship and Unity — How the members of the church relate to one another.
Power — Authority and influence, as well as strength or ability.
Holidays — Any day set aside for a particular celebration.
Vision — A visual form of revelation through which God communicates.
Prophecy — Communication of a divine message through a human. Used, for example, when a person says, "Thus says the LORD."
Promises — A declaration that one will do something.
Restoration — Returning something or someone to its original state.
Blessing and Cursing — Spiritual and material benefits given by God to be enjoyed. Cursing is the lack of those benefits.
Courage — Boldness or bravery.
Economics — Broadly, anything to do with buying and selling.
Encouragement — Giving someone confidence or boldness to do something.
Cults and Non-Christian Religions — Non-Christian belief systems that deal with supra-normal forces.
Superstition — A belief or practice that results from belief in magic or chance; a false understanding of causation.
Judgment — The particular acts of bringing about justice.
Circumcision — A physical sign of membership in the people of God.
Salvation — Deliverance from the power and effects of sin.
Philosophy — An understanding of reality; worldview.
Idolatry — Trusting, serving or giving worship to something that is not God.
Creativity — The ability to bring something new into being. Though only God can create something out of nothing, human creativity involves inventive combinations of existing material.
Righteousness — What is right and pleasing to God.
Atheism — Disbelief in God.
Homosexuality — Erotic activity with someone of the same sex.
Slander — Idle talk or rumor about others.
Patience — The ability to wait without becoming hasty or impetuous.
Glory — Greatness, splendor, majesty.
Character — The moral and ethical features that a person possesses.
Sin — Transgression of God's will, either by doing what he forbids or failing to do what he requires.
Creation: Renewal — The new heavens and the new earth. Also, the new creation of the believer (2 Co 5:17).
Church: Nature — What the church is; ecclesiology.
Holy Spirit: Gifts — The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers.
Jealousy — A strong feeling of possessiveness; intolerance of rivals.
Hope — An expectation of the fulfillment of something desired or promised.
Foolishness — Lack of wisdom or discretion.
Discipline — Training or punishment, whether it is exercised on people by others or themselves.
Sex — Sexual intercourse.
Slavery — The state in which one person legally owns another or one person is excessively dependent on another person or thing.
Counseling — Guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems.
Courtship, Dating and Romantic Relationships — Romantic love.
Image of God — Having God's likeness.
Men — Male human beings.
Holidays: New Year’s Day — A day set aside to celebrate the coming of a new year.
Holidays: Thanksgiving — A day set aside to show thankfulness.
Envy — Desire to possess another person's gifts, possessions, position or achievements.
Revival — Making something alive again; renew.
Greed — Excessive desire for more of something, especially wealth or possessions.
Music — Ordering tones or sounds in succession, whether with an instrument or singing.
Family: Wives — Married women.
Family: Fathers — Men who have children.
Education — Imparting of spiritual, intellectual, moral and social instruction.
Discouragement — Being deprived of confidence.
Work — Labor or occupation, whether it is a person's primary means of livelihood or not.
Eschatology — Doctrines that have to do with the last days of the world.
Holidays: Mother’s Day — A day set aside to honor mothers.
Gluttony — Excessive desire for food and drink.
Beauty — The state of being attractive or pleasing to the senses.
Eschatology: Millennium — The thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20.
Justification, Happiness, Justification, Happiness

2. If you click on a Theme it will open another Sermon Starter Guide that is theme based

3. Topics on the other hand is a much, much longer list being based on the Logos Control Vocabulary

Note the topics come from your resources including:

  • New Nave's Topical Bible
  • New Topical Textbook
  • Personal Book of Sermons
  • major Bible Dictionaries ....

Note that links to the Topic Guide or the Sermon Starter Guide are given only for Topics where the Guide will give meaningful results.

One may also view the top entries in tag format where clicking on a tag will open that particular topic:

An even more restricted set is available in Cloud format, again clicking on a topic will open that entry:

4. The new Interactives Section should be a quick way to determine which interactives have been indexed to appear in the Guides. However, with 150 psalm entries .... in short, one needs a realistic pericope for the interactives Section to provide useful information.  Clicking on an interactive will open it in a new tab.

5. The is a case where Verbum will offer a Bookstore section, however, I get no results to share.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."


  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033

    God bless:

    Amazing MJ, this is really good. As far as:

    Note the topics come from your resources including:

    • New Nave's Topical Bible
    • New Topical Textbook
    • Personal Book of Sermons
    • major Bible Dictionaries ....

    Do you know of the existence of a collection of such type resources, if so, would it be dynamic rule based?

    The one in the example collections page is:


    • Library Size: 6,461  edition:Logos
    • Collection Size: 91
    • Rule: (Subject:(Bible—Index,illustration,Quotation), Title:(Barbed,Quotable,Topical),MyTag:Topical) ANDNOT Title:”Greek Dictionaries”
    • Manually Included Items: {IVP Reference Collection}
    • Manually Excluded Items: none

    But did not find a similar one in:  http://www.morethancake.org/archives/4864

    Thanks ahead of time for any input. Blessings.