New Feature: Syntactic Force Dataset (dataset)

John Pierceson
John Pierceson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 72
edited November 2024 in English Forum

What is it?

Identifying the syntactic force, or use, of a Greek word is a task that many Greek students find difficult and often view as subjective. For instance, the Greek genitive, often translated with "of" in English, can carry a large range of meaning. When Paul states that the "love of Christ controls us," does he mean that our love for Christ controls us? Or that Christ's love for us controls us? Or that the love that controls us has a Christ-like quality? These are difficult questions that aren't easily answered. The Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament: SBL Edition's Expansions and Annotations has been around for several years now helping Logos users by suggesting possibilities, but before the existence of this dataset feature, your searches were limited to the actual Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament. With this dataset, you can search any interlinear version of the Bible for the syntactic force of a word. Looking for places other than Matthew 28:20 where the word "teach" is considered an instrumental participle? With the Lexham SGNT Syntactic Force Dataset, you can easily find them.

How does it work?

Right-click on any word in an interlinear New Testament to see its syntactic force in the context menu (some words may not have a syntactic force attribution because there was nothing to label). You can find further discussion about the syntactic force by selecting the Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament Glossary from the menu or you can search the New Testament for other instances.

  • <SGNTSyntacticForce = gen. absol.> searches the Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament
  • {Section <SGNTSyntacticForce = gen. absol.>} searches interlinear resources

Where can I learn more?