Bible discussions in Faithlife groups

I'm working toward getting Internet Bible studies going in our church, where there are many people who can't physically attend a weekly in-home group. To me that seems like an exciting opportunity. I have a question about a feature, but it's not a huge problem--there's a workaround but it could be better.
We have a Faithlife group set up for our church. I create Bible reading plans in Logos, then invite my church group to study along in Faithlife. But if they comment on the day's passage it goes straight to the newsfeed. I'd rather keep the newsfeed for more general church discussion or announcements--and if we have several different reading groups going at a time, something I envision, all the comments will be mixed in together.
The obvious workaround is that people go to the daily reading, then withhold their comments until they click on a created "discussion" (in the discussion area elsewhere) for that study group. It's an extra step, nothing to complain about, but wouldn't it be nice if we could have a pane right on the page with the reading so we could compose our comments while looking at the verses? That would seem to make more sense. Is this something possible in the future?